1. In Aliyun, activate the following services in their respective consoles.

    2. In Alibaba Cloud, create an .

    3. In Alibaba Cloud, create an SSH key pair. This key is used to access nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.

    Create an ACK Cluster

    1. Choose Alibaba ACK.

    2. Enter a Cluster Name.

    3. Configure Account Access for the ACK cluster. Choose the geographical region in which to build your cluster, and input the access key that was created as part of the prerequisite steps.

    4. Click Next: Configure Cluster, then choose cluster type, the version of Kubernetes and the availability zone.

    5. Click Next: Configure Worker Nodes, then complete the Worker Nodes form.

    6. Review your options to confirm they’re correct. Then click Create.


    Your cluster is created and assigned a state of Provisioning. Rancher is standing up your cluster.

    You can access your cluster after its state is updated to Active.

    • System, containing the , ingress-nginx, , and kube-system namespaces