Add the cert-manager helm repository:
Create a namespace for cert-manager:
kubectl apply --validate=false -f
And install it with Helm. Note that cert-manager also needs your proxy configured in case it needs to communicate with Let’s Encrypt or other external certificate issuers:
Now you should wait until cert-manager is finished starting up:
kubectl rollout status deployment -n cert-manager cert-manager-webhook
Next you can install Rancher itself. First add the helm repository:
And install Rancher with Helm. Rancher also needs a proxy configuration so that it can communicate with external application catalogs or retrieve Kubernetes version update metadata:
helm upgrade --install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
--namespace cattle-system \
--set noProxy=\\,\\,cattle-system.svc\\,\\,\\,.svc\\,.cluster.local
After waiting for the deployment to finish:
kubectl rollout status deployment -n cattle-system rancher
You can now navigate to
and start using Rancher.
These resources could be helpful when installing Rancher: