Add SSL certificates to either projects, namespaces, or both. A project scoped certificate will be available in all its namespaces.

    1. From the Global view, select the project where you want to deploy your ingress.

    2. From the main menu, select Resources > Secrets > Certificates. Click Add Certificate.

    3. Note: Kubernetes classifies SSL certificates as , and no two secrets in a project or namespace can have duplicate names. Therefore, to prevent conflicts, your SSL certificate must have a unique name among the other certificates, registries, and secrets within your project/workspace.

    4. Private key files end with an extension of .

    Result: Your certificate is added to the project or namespace. You can now add it to deployments.

    • If you added an SSL certificate to the project, the certificate is available for deployments created in any project namespace.
    • If you added an SSL certificate to a namespace, the certificate is available only for deployments in that namespace.
    • Your certificate is added to the Resources > Secrets > Certificates view.