Viewing audit logs

    Audit works at the API server level, logging all requests coming to the server. Each audit log contains the following information:

    Example output for the Kubernetes API server:

    You can view the logs for the OpenShift API server, Kubernetes API server, and OpenShift OAuth API server for each control plane node (also known as the master node).


    To view the audit logs:

    • View the OpenShift API server logs:

      1. List the OpenShift API server logs that are available for each control plane node:

        1. $ oc adm node-logs --role=master --path=openshift-apiserver/

        Example output

        1. ci-ln-m0wpfjb-f76d1-vnb5x-master-0 audit-2021-03-09T00-12-19.834.log
        2. ci-ln-m0wpfjb-f76d1-vnb5x-master-0 audit.log
        3. ci-ln-m0wpfjb-f76d1-vnb5x-master-1 audit-2021-03-09T00-11-49.835.log
        4. ci-ln-m0wpfjb-f76d1-vnb5x-master-1 audit.log
        5. ci-ln-m0wpfjb-f76d1-vnb5x-master-2 audit-2021-03-09T00-13-00.128.log
        6. ci-ln-m0wpfjb-f76d1-vnb5x-master-2 audit.log
      2. View a specific OpenShift API server log by providing the node name and the log name:

        1. $ oc adm node-logs <node_name> --path=openshift-apiserver/<log_name>

        For example:

        1. $ oc adm node-logs ci-ln-m0wpfjb-f76d1-vnb5x-master-0 --path=openshift-apiserver/audit-2021-03-09T00-12-19.834.log

        Example output

        1. {"kind":"Event","apiVersion":"","level":"Metadata","auditID":"381acf6d-5f30-4c7d-8175-c9c317ae5893","stage":"ResponseComplete","requestURI":"/metrics","verb":"get","user":{"username":"system:serviceaccount:openshift-monitoring:prometheus-k8s","uid":"825b60a0-3976-4861-a342-3b2b561e8f82","groups":["system:serviceaccounts","system:serviceaccounts:openshift-monitoring","system:authenticated"]},"sourceIPs":[""],"userAgent":"Prometheus/2.23.0","responseStatus":{"metadata":{},"code":200},"requestReceivedTimestamp":"2021-03-08T18:02:04.086545Z","stageTimestamp":"2021-03-08T18:02:04.107102Z","annotations":{"":"allow","":"RBAC: allowed by ClusterRoleBinding \"prometheus-k8s\" of ClusterRole \"prometheus-k8s\" to ServiceAccount \"prometheus-k8s/openshift-monitoring\""}}
    • View the OpenShift OAuth API server logs:

      1. List the OpenShift OAuth API server logs that are available for each control plane node:

        1. $ oc adm node-logs --role=master --path=oauth-apiserver/

        Example output

      2. View a specific OpenShift OAuth API server log by providing the node name and the log name:

        1. $ oc adm node-logs <node_name> --path=oauth-apiserver/<log_name>

        For example:

        1. $ oc adm node-logs ci-ln-m0wpfjb-f76d1-vnb5x-master-0 --path=oauth-apiserver/audit-2021-03-09T13-06-26.128.log

        Example output

      You can use jq or another JSON parsing tool to filter the API server audit logs.

      The amount of information logged to the API server audit logs is controlled by the audit log policy that is set.

      The following procedure provides examples of using jq to filter audit logs on control plane node See the jq Manual for detailed information on using jq.


      • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.

      • You have installed jq.


      • Filter OpenShift API server audit logs by user:

        1. $ oc adm node-logs \
        2. --path=openshift-apiserver/audit.log \
        3. | jq 'select(.user.username == "myusername")'
      • Filter OpenShift API server audit logs by user agent:

        1. $ oc adm node-logs \
        2. --path=openshift-apiserver/audit.log \
        3. | jq 'select(.userAgent == "cluster-version-operator/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format")'
      • Filter Kubernetes API server audit logs by a certain API version and only output the user agent:

      • Filter OpenShift OAuth API server audit logs by excluding a verb:

        1. $ oc adm node-logs \
        2. --path=oauth-apiserver/audit.log \