Adding Features

    This is part 4 of the Electron tutorial.

    1. Building your First App
    2. Adding Features

    If you have been following along, you should have a functional Electron application with a static user interface. From this starting point, you can generally progress in developing your app in two broad directions:

    1. Adding complexity to your renderer process’ web app code
    2. Deeper integrations with the operating system and Node.js

    On the other hand, Electron also provides a rich set of tools that allow you to integrate with the desktop environment, from creating tray icons to adding global shortcuts to displaying native menus. It also gives you all the power of a Node.js environment in the main process. This set of capabilities separates Electron applications from running a website in a browser tab, and are the focus of Electron’s documentation.

    Electron’s documentation has many tutorials to help you with more advanced topics and deeper operating system integrations. To get started, check out the How-To Examples doc.

    If you can’t find what you are looking for, please let us know on or in our Discord server!

    For the rest of the tutorial, we will be shifting away from application code and giving you a look at how you can get your app from your developer machine into end users’ hands.