Updating an Appveyor Azure Image

    Occasionally we need to update these images owing to changes in Chromium or other miscellaneous build requirement changes.

    Example Use Case:

    1. Identify the image you wish to modify.

      • In appveyor.yml, the image is identified by the property image.
        • The names used correspond to the “images” defined for a build cloud, eg the .
      • Find the image you wish to modify in the build cloud and make note of the VHD Blob Path for that image, which is the value for that corresponding key.
        • You will need this URI path to copy into a new image.
      • You will also need the storage account name which is labeled in AppVeyor as the Disk Storage Account Name
      • Log into Azure using credentials stored in LastPass (under Azure Enterprise) and then find the storage account corresponding to the name found in AppVeyor.
        • Example, for Disk Storage Account Name you’d look for appveyorlibccbuilds in the list of storage accounts @ Home < Storage Accounts
          • Click into it and look for Access Keys, and then you can use any of the keys present in the list.
    2. Get the full virtual machine image URI from Azure

      • Navigate to Home < Storage Accounts < $ACCT_NAME < Blobs < Images
        • In the following list, look for the VHD path name you got from Appveyor and then click on it.
          • Copy the whole URL from the top of the subsequent window.
    3. Spin up a new VM using the Create Master VM from VHD PowerShell.

      • From PowerShell, execute ps1 file with ./create_master_vm_from_vhd.ps1
      • You will need the credential information available in the AppVeyor build cloud definition.
        • This includes:
          • Client ID
          • Client Secret
          • Tenant ID
          • Resource Group
          • Virtual Network
      • You will also need to specify
        • Master VM name - just a unique name to identify the temporary VM
        • Master VM size - use
        • Master VHD URI - use URI obtained @ end of previous step
        • Location use East US
      • You can download a RDP (Remote Desktop) file to access the VM.
    4. Using Microsoft Remote Desktop, click Connect to connect to the VM.

      • Credentials for logging into the VM are found in LastPass under the credentials.
    5. Modify the VM as required.

    6. Shut down the VM and then delete it in Azure.