
    Process: Main

    • modulePath string - Path to the script that should run as entrypoint in the child process.
    • args string[] (optional) - List of string arguments that will be available as process.argv in the child process.
    • options Object (optional)
      • env Object (optional) - Environment key-value pairs. Default is process.env.
      • execArgv string[] (optional) - List of string arguments passed to the executable.
      • cwd string (optional) - Current working directory of the child process.
      • stdio (string[] | string) (optional) - Allows configuring the mode for stdout and stderr of the child process. Default is inherit. String value can be one of pipe, ignore, inherit, for more details on these values you can refer to documentation from Node.js. Currently this option only supports configuring and stderr to either pipe, inherit or ignore. Configuring stdin is not supported; stdin will always be ignored. For example, the supported values will be processed as following:
        • pipe: equivalent to [‘ignore’, ‘pipe’, ‘pipe’] (the default)
        • ignore: equivalent to ‘ignore’, ‘ignore’, ‘ignore’]
      • serviceName string (optional) - Name of the process that will appear in name property of child-process-gone event of app. Default is node.mojom.NodeService.
      • allowLoadingUnsignedLibraries boolean (optional) macOS - With this flag, the utility process will be launched via the Electron Helper (Plugin).app helper executable on macOS, which can be codesigned with com.apple.security.cs.disable-library-validation and com.apple.security.cs.allow-unsigned-executable-memory entitlements. This will allow the utility process to load unsigned libraries. Unless you specifically need this capability, it is best to leave this disabled. Default is false.


    Class: UtilityProcess

    UtilityProcess is an .

    child.postMessage(message, [transfer])

    • message any
    • transfer MessagePortMain[] (optional)

    For example:

    Returns boolean

    Terminates the process gracefully. On POSIX, it uses SIGTERM but will ensure the process is reaped on exit. This function returns true if the kill is successful, and false otherwise.


    A Integer | undefined representing the process identifier (PID) of the child process. If the child process fails to spawn due to errors, then the value is undefined. When the child process exits, then the value is undefined after the exit event is emitted.


    1. // Main process
    2. const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannelMain()
    3. const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'test.js'))
    4. child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
    5. console.log(`Received chunk ${data}`)
    6. })


    A NodeJS.ReadableStream | null that represents the child process’s stderr. If the child was spawned with options.stdio[2] set to anything other than ‘pipe’, then this will be null. When the child process exits, then the value is null after the exit event is emitted.

    Event: ‘spawn’

    Emitted once the child process has spawned successfully.

    Event: ‘exit’


    • number - Contains the exit code for the process obtained from waitpid on posix, or GetExitCodeProcess on windows.

    Emitted after the child process ends.

    Event: ‘message’

    Emitted when the child process sends a message using .