

    GRANT privilege_list ON db_name[.tbl_name] TO user_identity [ROLE role_name]

    Privilege_list is a list of permissions that need to be granted, separated by commas. Currently Doris supports the following permissions:

    NODE_PRIV: Operational privileges of cluster nodes, including operation of nodes’ up and down lines. Only root users have this privilege and cannot be given to other users. ADMIN_PRIV: All rights except NODE_PRIV. GRANT_PRIV: Permission to operate permissions. Including the creation and deletion of users, roles, authorization and revocation, password settings and so on. SELECT_PRIV: Read permissions for specified libraries or tables LOAD_PRIV: Import permissions for specified libraries or tables ALTER_PRIV: schema change permissions for specified libraries or tables CREATE_PRIV: Creation permissions for specified libraries or tables DROP_PRIV: Delete permissions for specified libraries or tables

    Db_name [.tbl_name] supports the following three forms:

    1. *. * permissions can be applied to all libraries and all tables in them
    2. db. * permissions can be applied to all tables under the specified library

    The libraries or tables specified here can be non-existent libraries and tables.


    The user_identity syntax here is the same as CREATE USER. And you must create user_identity for the user using CREATE USER. The host in user_identity can be a domain name. If it is a domain name, the validity time of permissions may be delayed by about one minute.

    1. Grant permissions to all libraries and tables to users

    GRANT SELECT_PRIV ON . TO ‘jack’@’%’;

    1. Grant permissions to specified library tables to users

    GRANT SELECT_PRIV,ALTER_PRIV,LOAD_PRIV ON db1.tbl1 TO ‘jack’@’192.8.%’;

    GRANT LOAD_PRIV ON db1.* TO ROLE ‘my_role’;