Bitmap Index

    • bitmap index: a fast data structure that speeds up queries

    Basic Principles

    Creating and dropping index is essentially a schema change job. For details, please refer to .

    There are two forms of index creation and modification related syntax, one is integrated with alter table statement, and the other is using separate create/drop index syntax

    1. Show Index

      Please refer to SHOW INDEX

    2. Drop Index

    Create Job

    Please refer to Schema Change

    Please refer to

    Cancel Job

    Please refer to

    • Currently only index of bitmap type is supported.
    • The bitmap index is only created on a single column.
    • Bitmap indexes can be applied to all columns of the data model and key columns of the Aggregate and Uniq models.
    • The data types supported by bitmap indexes are as follows:
      • TINYINT
      • SMALLINT
      • BIGINT
      • CHAR
      • VARCHAR
      • DATETIME
      • LARGEINT
      • DECIMAL
    • The bitmap index takes effect only in segmentV2. The table’s storage format will be converted to V2 automatically when creating index.