Committer Guide

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    We use Github for managing issues and user contributions (pull requests). As such, you need to link your account with your ASF account using . This way you will get write access to Doris (opens new window) repository and you will be able to manage issues and pull request directly through our Github repository.

    1. Always maintain a high standard of review so that the quality of the entire product can be better guaranteed.

    2. Changes to the architecture or the user interface need to be fully discussed by the community. This can be either in a mail group or in a GitHub issue.

    3. Documentation. Newly added features must be documented, otherwise such code is not allowed.

    4. Try to give a clear conclusion at the end of your comments, “approve” or “change request”. If it’s a minor issue, you can just leave a comment.

    5. Recommend to submit a “+1 Comment” rather than a “+1 Approve” to indicate that it looks good to me but I am not sure whether this part of the function is correct. It needs someone else’s approve.

    6. Respect each other and learn from each other. Maintain a polite tone when commenting, try to give reasons for the suggestions.

    1. During a PR, there are three types of roles. Contributor: the PR submitter; Reviewer: the person who needs to make code-level review on the PR; and Moderator: the person responsible for coordinating the entire PR process. For example, the moderator should assign reviewers, push the author to make changes according to the comments, set different tags for the PR, and merge the PR etc. For a specific PR, a person may act in different roles, such as when a committer submitted one PR, he may himself be both the contributor and the moderator of that PR.

    2. Committers can assign a PR to itself as a moderator. After assigning it to themselves, the other committer will know that this PR has been in charge.

    3. The committer is encouraged to act as a moderator for its own PR.

    4. Once a reviewer has commented on a PR, they need to keep following up on subsequent changes to that PR.

    5. A PR must get at least a +1 approved from committer who is not the author.

    6. After the first +1 to the PR, wait at least one working day before merging. The main purpose is to wait for the rest of the community to come to review.

    7. For architecture or user interface changes, a PR needs to get at least 3 +1’s to merge.

    8. Regression cases should pass before merging.

    9. Moderator needs to make sure all comments are resolved before merging.

    10. When there is a disagreement about a modification, try to discuss the resolution. If the discussion doesn’t work out, it can be resolved by a vote in by the majority rules.