- If db_name is not specified, use the current default DB
- If you use LABEL LIKE, the label that matches the import task contains the import task of label_matcher
- If STATE is specified, the LOAD state is matched
- Arbitrary column combinations can be sorted using ORDER BY
- If LIMIT is specified, the limit bar matching record is displayed. Otherwise, all of them will be displayed.
- If OFFSET is specified, the query results are displayed from offset. By default, the offset is 0.
- If broker/mini load is used, the connection in the URL column can be viewed using the following command:
Show the import task of the specified db. The label contains the string “2014_01_02”, showing the oldest 10 SHOW LOAD FROM example_db WHERE LABEL LIKE “2014_01_02” LIMIT 10;
Show the import task of the specified db, specify label as “load_example_db_20140102” and sort it in descending order by LoadStartTime SHOW LOAD FROM example_db WHERE LABEL = “load_example_db_20140102” ORDER BY LoadStartTime DESC;
Show the import task of the specified dB and sort it in descending order by LoadStartTime, and display 10 query results starting with offset 5 SHOW LOAD FROM example_db ORDER BY LoadStartTime DESC limit 5,10; SHOW LOAD FROM example_db ORDER BY LoadStartTime DESC limit 10 offset 5;
Small batch import is a command to view the import status curl —location-trusted -u {user}:{passwd} http://{hostname}:{port}/api/{database}/\_load\_info?label={labelname}