Hive External Table of Doris

    1. Support joint queries between Doris and Hive data sources to perform more complex analysis operations
    • FE: Frontend, the front-end node of Doris, responsible for metadata management and request access.
    • BE: Backend, the backend node of Doris, responsible for query execution and data storage

    Parameter Description

    • External Table Columns
      • Column names should correspond to the Hive table
      • The order of the columns should be the same as the Hive table
      • Must contain all the columns in the Hive table
    • ENGINE should be specified as HIVE
    • PROPERTIES attribute.
      • : Hive Metastore service address
      • : the name of the database to which Hive is mounted
      • : the name of the table to which Hive is mounted
    • Hive table Schema changes are not automatically synchronized and require rebuilding the Hive external table in Doris.
    • The current Hive storage format only supports Text, Parquet and ORC types