Handling Load Errors

    The SEGMENT REJECT LIMIT clause allows you to isolate format errors in external table data and to continue loading correctly formatted rows. Use SEGMENT REJECT LIMITto set an error threshold, specifying the reject limit count as number of (the default) or as a PERCENT of total rows (1-100).

    The entire external table operation is aborted, and no rows are processed, if the number of error rows reaches the SEGMENT REJECT LIMIT. The limit of error rows is per-segment, not per entire operation. The operation processes all good rows, and it discards and optionally logs formatting errors for erroneous rows, if the number of error rows does not reach the SEGMENT REJECT LIMIT.

    The LOG ERRORS clause allows you to keep error rows for further examination. For information about the clause, see the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE command in the Greenplum Database Reference Guide.

    Note: When loading data with the COPY command or an external table, the value of the server configuration parameter limits the initial number of rows that are processed that are not formatted properly. The default is to stop processing if the first 1000 rows contain formatting errors. See the Greenplum Database Reference Guide for information about the parameter.

    Parent topic: Loading and Unloading Data