
    The utility configures mirror segment instances for an existing Greenplum Database system that was initially configured with primary segment instances only. The utility will create the mirror instances and begin the online replication process between the primary and mirror segment instances. Once all mirrors are synchronized with their primaries, your Greenplum Database system is fully data redundant.

    Important: During the online replication process, Greenplum Database should be in a quiescent state, workloads and other queries should not be running.

    By default, the utility will prompt you for the file system location(s) where it will create the mirror segment data directories. If you do not want to be prompted, you can pass in a file containing the file system locations using the -m option.

    The mirror locations and ports must be different than your primary segment data locations and ports. If you have created additional filespaces, you will also be prompted for mirror locations for each of your filespaces.

    The utility creates a unique data directory for each mirror segment instance in the specified location using the predefined naming convention. There must be the same number of file system locations declared for mirror segment instances as for primary segment instances. It is OK to specify the same directory name multiple times if you want your mirror data directories created in the same location, or you can enter a different data location for each mirror. Enter the absolute path. For example:

    1. Enter mirror segment data directory location 1 of 2 > /gpdb/mirror
    2. Enter mirror segment data directory location 2 of 2 > /gpdb/mirror


    1. Enter mirror segment data directory location 1 of 2 > /gpdb/m1
    2. Enter mirror segment data directory location 2 of 2 > /gpdb/m2

    Alternatively, you can run the gpaddmirrors utility and supply a detailed configuration file using the -i option. This is useful if you want your mirror segments on a completely different set of hosts than your primary segments. The format of the mirror configuration file is:

    1. mirror[<content>]=<content>:<address>:<port>:<mir_replication_port>:pri\_replication\_
    2. port:<fselocation>[:<fselocation>:...]

    For example (if you do not have additional filespaces configured besides the default pg_system filespace):

    The gp_segment_configuration, pg_filespace, and pg_filespace_entry system catalog tables can help you determine your current primary segment configuration so that you can plan your mirror segment configuration. For example, run the following query:

    1. =# SELECT dbid, content, address as host_address, port,
    2. replication_port, fselocation as datadir
    3. FROM gp_segment_configuration, pg_filespace_entry
    4. WHERE dbid=fsedbid
    5. ORDER BY dbid;

    If creating your mirrors on alternate mirror hosts, the new mirror segment hosts must be pre-installed with the Greenplum Database software and configured exactly the same as the existing primary segment hosts.

    You must make sure that the user who runs (the gpadmin user) has permissions to write to the data directory locations specified. You may want to create these directories on the segment hosts and chown them to the appropriate user before running gpaddmirrors.

    Note: This utility uses secure shell (SSH) connections between systems to perform its tasks. In large Greenplum Database deployments, cloud deployments, or deployments with a large number of segments per host, this utility may exceed the host’s maximum threshold for unauthenticated connections. Consider updating the SSH MaxStartups and MaxSessions configuration parameters to increase this threshold. For more information about SSH configuration options, refer to the SSH documentation for your Linux distribution.

    -a (do not prompt)

    Run in quiet mode - do not prompt for information. Must supply a configuration file with either -m or -i if this option is used.

    -B parallel_processes

    -d master_data_directory

    The master data directory. If not specified, the value set for $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY will be used.

    -i mirror_config_file

    A configuration file containing one line for each mirror segment you want to create. You must have one mirror segment listed for each primary segment in the system. The format of this file is as follows (as per attributes in the gp_segment_configuration, pg_filespace, and pg_filespace_entry catalog tables):

    1. filespaceOrder=[<filespace1_fsname>[:<filespace2_fsname>:...]
    2. mirror[<content>]=<content>:<address>:<port>:<mir_replication_port>:pri\_replication\_

    : Note that you only need to specify a name for filespaceOrder if your system has multiple filespaces configured. If your system does not have additional filespaces configured besides the default pg_system filespace, this file will only have one location (for the default data directory filespace, pg_system). pg_system does not need to be listed in the line. It will always be the first fselocation listed after replication_port.

    -l logfile_directory

    The directory to write the log file. Defaults to ~/gpAdminLogs.

    -m datadir_config_file

    A configuration file containing a list of file system locations where the mirror data directories will be created. If not supplied, the utility prompts you for locations. Each line in the file specifies a mirror data directory location. For example:

    1. /gpdata/m1
    2. /gpdata/m2
    3. /gpdata/m3
    4. /gpdata/m4

    : If your system has additional filespaces configured in addition to the default pg_system filespace, you must also list file system locations for each filespace as follows:

    -o output_sample_mirror_config

    If you are not sure how to lay out the mirror configuration file used by the -i option, you can run gpaddmirrors with this option to generate a sample mirror configuration file based on your primary segment configuration. The utility will prompt you for your mirror segment data directory locations (unless you provide these in a file using -m). You can then edit this file to change the host names to alternate mirror hosts if necessary.

    -p port_offset

    Optional. This number is used to calculate the database ports and replication ports used for mirror segments. The default offset is 1000. Mirror port assignments are calculated as follows:

    primary port + offset = mirror database port

    primary port + (3 * offset) = primary replication port

    For example, if a primary segment has port 50001, then its mirror will use a database port of 51001, a mirror replication port of 52001, and a primary replication port of 53001 by default.

    -s (spread mirrors)

    Spreads the mirror segments across the available hosts. The default is to group a set of mirror segments together on an alternate host from their primary segment set. Mirror spreading will place each mirror on a different host within the Greenplum Database array. Spreading is only allowed if there is a sufficient number of hosts in the array (number of hosts is greater than the number of segment instances per host).

    -v (verbose)

    Sets logging output to verbose.

    --version (show utility version)

    Displays the version of this utility.

    -? (help)

    Displays the online help.

    Add mirroring to an existing Greenplum Database system using the same set of hosts as your primary data. Calculate the mirror database and replication ports by adding 100 to the current primary segment port numbers:

    1. $ gpaddmirrors -p 100

    Add mirroring to an existing Greenplum Database system using a different set of hosts from your primary data:

    1. $ gpaddmirrors -i mirror_config_file

    Where mirror_config_file looks something like this (if you do not have additional filespaces configured besides the default pg_system filespace):

    1. filespaceOrder=
    2. mirror0=0:sdw1-1:52001:53001:54001:/gpdata/mir1/gp0
    3. mirror1=1:sdw1-2:52002:53002:54002:/gpdata/mir2/gp1
    4. mirror3=3:sdw2-2:52002:53002:54002:/gpdata/mir2/gp3

    Output a sample mirror configuration file to use with :

    , gpinitstandby,