Querying Data

    • About Greenplum Query Processing
      This topic provides an overview of how Greenplum Database processes queries. Understanding this process can be useful when writing and tuning queries.

    • In Greenplum Database, the default GPORCA optimizer co-exists with the Postgres Planner.
    • WITH Queries (Common Table Expressions)
      The WITH clause of the command provides a way to write subqueries for use in a larger SELECT query.

    • Description of user-defined and built-in functions and operators in Greenplum Database.
    • Working with XML Data
      Greenplum Database supports the xml data type that stores XML data.

    • Greenplum Database dynamically eliminates irrelevant partitions in a table and optimally allocates memory for different operators in a query.
    • Query Profiling
      Examine the query plans of poorly performing queries to identify possible performance tuning opportunities.