


    从 TiDB 4.0 开始,TiUP 作为软件包管理器,帮助你轻松管理 TiDB 生态系统中的不同集群组件。现在你可以只用一个 TiUP 命令行来管理任何组件。



    1. Available components:
    2. Name Owner Description
    3. bench pingcap Benchmark database with different workloads
    4. br pingcap TiDB/TiKV cluster backup restore tool
    5. client pingcap Client to connect playground
    6. cluster pingcap Deploy a TiDB cluster for production
    7. ctl pingcap TiDB controller suite
    8. dm pingcap Data Migration Platform manager
    9. dmctl pingcap dmctl component of Data Migration Platform
    10. pd-recover pingcap PD Recover is a disaster recovery tool of PD, used to recover the PD cluster which cannot start or provide services normally
    11. playground pingcap Bootstrap a local TiDB cluster for fun
    12. tidb pingcap TiDB is an open source distributed HTAP database compatible with the MySQL protocol
    13. tidb-lightning pingcap TiDB Lightning is a tool used for fast full import of large amounts of data into a TiDB cluster
    14. tiup pingcap TiUP is a command-line component management tool that can help to download and install TiDB platform components to the local system


    1. tiup update --self && tiup update dm
