Configuration reference

A recommended way of organizing Druid configuration files can be seen in the conf directory in the Druid package root, shown below:

Each directory has a file containing configuration properties for the specific Druid process corresponding to the directory (e.g., historical).

The jvm.config files contain JVM flags such as heap sizing properties for each service.

Common properties shared by all services are placed in _common/

Common Configurations

The properties under this section are common configurations that should be shared across all Druid services in a cluster.

There are four JVM parameters that we set on all of our processes:

  • -Duser.timezone=UTC: This sets the default timezone of the JVM to UTC. We always set this and do not test with other default timezones, so local timezones might work, but they also might uncover weird and interesting bugs. To issue queries in a non-UTC timezone, see

  • -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 This is similar to timezone, we test assuming UTF-8. Local encodings might work, but they also might result in weird and interesting bugs.

  •<a path> Various parts of Druid use temporary files to interact with the file system. These files can become quite large. This means that systems that have small /tmp directories can cause problems for Druid. Therefore, set the JVM tmp directory to a location with ample space.

    Also consider the following when configuring the JVM tmp directory:

    • The temp directory should not be volatile tmpfs.
    • This directory should also have good read and write speed.
    • Avoid NFS mount.
    • The requires execute privileges on files in If you are using the system monitor, do not set to noexec.
  • -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager This allows log4j2 to handle logs for non-log4j2 components (like jetty) which use standard java logging.


Many of Druid’s external dependencies can be plugged in as modules. Extensions can be provided using the following configs:


druid.modules.excludeListA JSON array of canonical class names (e.g., “org.apache.druid.somepackage.SomeModule”) of module classes which shouldn’t be loaded, even if they are found in extensions specified by druid.extensions.loadList, or in the list of core modules specified to be loaded on a particular Druid process type. Useful when some useful extension contains some module, which shouldn’t be loaded on some Druid process type because some dependencies of that module couldn’t be satisfied.[]


We recommend just setting the base ZK path and the ZK service host, but all ZK paths that Druid uses can be overwritten to absolute paths.

druid.zk.paths.baseBase ZooKeeper path./druid
druid.zk.service.hostThe ZooKeeper hosts to connect to. This is a REQUIRED property and therefore a host address must be supplied.none
druid.zk.service.userThe username to authenticate with ZooKeeper. This is an optional property.none
druid.zk.service.pwdThe or the string password to authenticate with ZooKeeper. This is an optional property.none
druid.zk.service.authSchemedigest is the only authentication scheme supported.digest

ZooKeeper Behavior

druid.zk.service.sessionTimeoutMsZooKeeper session timeout, in milliseconds.30000
druid.zk.service.connectionTimeoutMsZooKeeper connection timeout, in milliseconds.15000
druid.zk.service.compressBoolean flag for whether or not created Znodes should be compressed.true
druid.zk.service.aclBoolean flag for whether or not to enable ACL security for ZooKeeper. If ACL is enabled, zNode creators will have all permissions.false

Path Configuration

Druid interacts with ZK through a set of standard path configurations. We recommend just setting the base ZK path, but all ZK paths that Druid uses can be overwritten to absolute paths.

druid.zk.paths.baseBase ZooKeeper path./druid
druid.zk.paths.propertiesPathZooKeeper properties path.${druid.zk.paths.base}/properties
druid.zk.paths.announcementsPathDruid process announcement path.${druid.zk.paths.base}/announcements
druid.zk.paths.liveSegmentsPathCurrent path for where Druid processes announce their segments.${druid.zk.paths.base}/segments
druid.zk.paths.loadQueuePathEntries here cause Historical processes to load and drop segments.${druid.zk.paths.base}/loadQueue
druid.zk.paths.coordinatorPathUsed by the Coordinator for leader election.${druid.zk.paths.base}/coordinator
druid.zk.paths.servedSegmentsPathDeprecated. Legacy path for where Druid processes announce their segments.${druid.zk.paths.base}/servedSegments

The indexing service also uses its own set of paths. These configs can be included in the common configuration.

druid.zk.paths.indexer.baseBase ZooKeeper path for${druid.zk.paths.base}/indexer
druid.zk.paths.indexer.announcementsPathMiddle managers announce themselves here.${druid.zk.paths.indexer.base}/announcements
druid.zk.paths.indexer.tasksPathUsed to assign tasks to MiddleManagers.${druid.zk.paths.indexer.base}/tasks
druid.zk.paths.indexer.statusPathParent path for announcement of task statuses.${druid.zk.paths.indexer.base}/status

If druid.zk.paths.base and druid.zk.paths.indexer.base are both set, and none of the other druid.zk.paths.* or druid.zk.paths.indexer.* values are set, then the other properties will be evaluated relative to their respective base. For example, if druid.zk.paths.base is set to /druid1 and druid.zk.paths.indexer.base is set to /druid2 then druid.zk.paths.announcementsPath will default to /druid1/announcements while druid.zk.paths.indexer.announcementsPath will default to /druid2/announcements.

The following path is used for service discovery. It is not affected by druid.zk.paths.base and must be specified separately.

druid.discovery.curator.pathServices announce themselves under this ZooKeeper path./druid/discovery


is a supervisor system for ZooKeeper. Exhibitor can dynamically scale-up/down the cluster of ZooKeeper servers. Druid can update self-owned list of ZooKeeper servers through Exhibitor without restarting. That is, it allows Druid to keep the connections of Exhibitor-supervised ZooKeeper servers.

druid.exhibitor.service.hostsA JSON array which contains the hostnames of Exhibitor instances. Please specify this property if you want to use Exhibitor-supervised cluster.none
druid.exhibitor.service.portThe REST port used to connect to Exhibitor.8080
druid.exhibitor.service.restUriPathThe path of the REST call used to get the server set./exhibitor/v1/cluster/list
druid.exhibitor.service.useSslBoolean flag for whether or not to use https protocol.false
druid.exhibitor.service.pollingMsHow often to poll the exhibitors for the list10000

Note that is used as a backup in case an Exhibitor instance can’t be contacted and therefore should still be set.


General Configuration

druid.enablePlaintextPortEnable/Disable HTTP connector.true
druid.enableTlsPortEnable/Disable HTTPS connector.false

Although not recommended but both HTTP and HTTPS connectors can be enabled at a time and respective ports are configurable using druid.plaintextPort and druid.tlsPort properties on each process. Please see Configuration section of individual processes to check the valid and default values for these ports.

Jetty Server TLS Configuration

Druid uses Jetty as an embedded web server. To learn more about TLS/SSL, certificates, and related concepts in Jetty, including explanations of the configuration settings below, see “Configuring SSL/TLS KeyStores” in the .

For information about TLS/SSL support in Java in general, see the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Reference Guide. The lists all possible values for the following properties, among others provided by the Java implementation.

druid.server.https.keyStorePathThe file path or URL of the TLS/SSL Key store.noneyes
druid.server.https.keyStoreTypeThe type of the key store.noneyes
druid.server.https.certAliasAlias of TLS/SSL certificate for the connector.noneyes
druid.server.https.keyStorePasswordThe Password Provider or String password for the Key Store.noneyes

Following table contains non-mandatory advanced configuration options, use caution.

druid.server.https.keyManagerFactoryAlgorithmAlgorithm to use for creating KeyManager, more details
druid.server.https.keyManagerPasswordThe Password Provider or String password for the Key Manager.noneno
druid.server.https.includeCipherSuitesList of cipher suite names to include. You can either use the exact cipher suite name or a regular expression.Jetty’s default include cipher listno
druid.server.https.excludeCipherSuitesList of cipher suite names to exclude. You can either use the exact cipher suite name or a regular expression.Jetty’s default exclude cipher listno
druid.server.https.includeProtocolsList of exact protocols names to include.Jetty’s default include protocol listno
druid.server.https.excludeProtocolsList of exact protocols names to exclude.Jetty’s default exclude protocol listno

Internal Client TLS Configuration (requires simple-client-sslcontext extension)

These properties apply to the SSLContext that will be provided to the internal HTTP client that Druid services use to communicate with each other. These properties require the simple-client-sslcontext extension to be loaded. Without it, Druid services will be unable to communicate with each other when TLS is enabled.

druid.client.https.protocolSSL protocol to use.TLSv1.2no
druid.client.https.trustStoreTypeThe type of the key store where trusted root certificates are
druid.client.https.trustStorePathThe file path or URL of the TLS/SSL Key store where trusted root certificates are stored.noneyes
druid.client.https.trustStoreAlgorithmAlgorithm to be used by TrustManager to validate certificate
druid.client.https.trustStorePasswordThe Password Provider or String password for the Trust Store.noneyes

This lists all the possible values for the above mentioned configs among others provided by Java implementation.

Authentication and Authorization

druid.auth.authenticatorChainJSON List of StringsList of Authenticator type names[“allowAll”]no
druid.escalator.typeStringType of the Escalator that should be used for internal Druid communications. This Escalator must use an authentication scheme that is supported by an Authenticator in druid.auth.authenticatorChain.“noop”no
druid.auth.authorizersJSON List of StringsList of Authorizer type names[“allowAll”]no
druid.auth.unsecuredPathsList of StringsList of paths for which security checks will not be performed. All requests to these paths will be allowed.[]no
druid.auth.allowUnauthenticatedHttpOptionsBooleanIf true, skip authentication checks for HTTP OPTIONS requests. This is needed for certain use cases, such as supporting CORS pre-flight requests. Note that disabling authentication checks for OPTIONS requests will allow unauthenticated users to determine what Druid endpoints are valid (by checking if the OPTIONS request returns a 200 instead of 404), so enabling this option may reveal information about server configuration, including information about what extensions are loaded (if those extensions add endpoints).falseno

For more information, please see .

For configuration options for specific auth extensions, please refer to the extension documentation.

Startup Logging

All processes can log debugging information on startup.

druid.startup.logging.logPropertiesLog all properties on startup (from,, and the JVM command line).false
druid.startup.logging.maskPropertiesMasks sensitive properties (passwords, for example) containing theses words.[“password”]

Note that some sensitive information may be logged if these settings are enabled.

Request Logging

All processes that can serve queries can also log the query requests they see. Broker processes can additionally log the SQL requests (both from HTTP and JDBC) they see. For an example of setting up request logging, see Request logging.

druid.request.logging.typeHow to log every query request. Choices: noop, , emitter, , filtered, , switchingnoop (request logging disabled by default)

Note that you can enable sending all the HTTP requests to log by setting org.apache.druid.jetty.RequestLog to the DEBUG level. See for more information.

File request logging

The file request logger stores daily request logs on disk.

druid.request.logging.dirHistorical, Realtime and Broker processes maintain request logs of all of the requests they get (interaction is via POST, so normal request logs don’t generally capture information about the actual query), this specifies the directory to store the request logs innone
druid.request.logging.filePattern for each file“yyyy-MM-dd’.log’”
druid.request.logging.durationToRetainPeriod to retain the request logs on disk. The period should be at least longer than P1D.none

The format of request logs is TSV, one line per requests, with five fields: timestamp, remote_addr, native_query, query_context, sql_query.

For native JSON request, the sql_query field is empty. Example

  1. 2019-01-14T10:00:00.000Z {"queryType":"topN","dataSource":{"type":"table","name":"wikiticker"},"virtualColumns":[],"dimension":{"type":"LegacyDimensionSpec","dimension":"page","outputName":"page","outputType":"STRING"},"metric":{"type":"LegacyTopNMetricSpec","metric":"count"},"threshold":10,"intervals":{"type":"LegacySegmentSpec","intervals":["2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z/2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z"]},"filter":null,"granularity":{"type":"all"},"aggregations":[{"type":"count","name":"count"}],"postAggregations":[],"context":{"queryId":"74c2d540-d700-4ebd-b4a9-3d02397976aa"},"descending":false} {"query/time":100,"query/bytes":800,"success":true,"identity":"user1"}

For SQL query request, the native_query field is empty. Example

  1. 2019-01-14T10:00:00.000Z {"sqlQuery/time":100, "sqlQuery/planningTimeMs":10, "sqlQuery/bytes":600, "success":true, "identity":"user1"} {"query":"SELECT page, COUNT(*) AS Edits FROM wikiticker WHERE TIME_IN_INTERVAL(\"__time\", '2015-09-12/2015-09-13') GROUP BY page ORDER BY Edits DESC LIMIT 10","context":{"sqlQueryId":"c9d035a0-5ffd-4a79-a865-3ffdadbb5fdd","nativeQueryIds":"[490978e4-f5c7-4cf6-b174-346e63cf8863]"}}

Emitter request logging

The emitter request logger emits every request to the external location specified in the configuration.

druid.request.logging.feedFeed name for requests.none

SLF4J request logging

The slf4j request logger logs every request using SLF4J. It serializes native queries into JSON in the log message regardless of the SLF4J format specification. Requests are logged under the class org.apache.druid.server.log.LoggingRequestLogger.

druid.request.logging.setMDCIf you want to set MDC entries within the log entry, set this value to true. Your logging system must be configured to support MDC in order to format this data.false
druid.request.logging.setContextMDCSet to “true” to add the Druid query context to the MDC entries. Only applies when setMDC is true.false

For a native query, the following MDC fields are populated when setMDC is true:

MDC fieldDescription
queryIdThe query ID
sqlQueryIdThe SQL query ID if this query is part of a SQL request
dataSourceThe datasource the query was against
queryTypeThe type of the query
hasFiltersIf the query has any filters
remoteAddrThe remote address of the requesting client
durationThe duration of the query interval
resultOrderingThe ordering of results
descendingIf the query is a descending query

Filtered request logging

The filtered request logger filters requests based on the query type or how long a query takes to complete. For native queries, the logger only logs requests when the query/time metric exceeds the threshold provided in queryTimeThresholdMs. For SQL queries, it only logs requests when the sqlQuery/time metric exceeds threshold provided in sqlQueryTimeThresholdMs. See Metrics for more details on query metrics.

Requests that meet the threshold are logged using the request logger type set in druid.request.logging.delegate.type.

druid.request.logging.queryTimeThresholdMsThreshold value for the query/time metric in milliseconds.0, i.e., no filtering
druid.request.logging.sqlQueryTimeThresholdMsThreshold value for the sqlQuery/time metric in milliseconds.0, i.e., no filtering
druid.request.logging.mutedQueryTypesQuery requests of these types are not logged. Query types are defined as string objects corresponding to the “queryType” value for the specified query in the Druid’s . Misspelled query types will be ignored. Example to ignore scan and timeBoundary queries: [“scan”, “timeBoundary”][]
druid.request.logging.delegate.typeType of delegate request logger to log requests.none

Composing request logging

The composing request logger emits request logs to multiple request loggers.

druid.request.logging.loggerProvidersList of request loggers for emitting request logs.none

Switching request logging

The switching request logger routes native query request logs to one request logger and SQL query request logs to another request logger.

druid.request.logging.nativeQueryLoggerRequest logger for emitting native query request logs.none
druid.request.logging.sqlQueryLoggerRequest logger for emitting SQL query request logs.none

Audit Logging

Coordinator and Overlord log changes to lookups, segment load/drop rules, dynamic configuration changes for auditing

druid.audit.manager.auditHistoryMillisDefault duration for querying audit history.1 week
druid.audit.manager.includePayloadAsDimensionInMetricBoolean flag on whether to add payload column in service metric.false
druid.audit.manager.maxPayloadSizeBytesThe maximum size of audit payload to store in Druid’s metadata store audit table. If the size of audit payload exceeds this value, the audit log would be stored with a message indicating that the payload was omitted instead. Setting maxPayloadSizeBytes to -1 (default value) disables this check, meaning Druid will always store audit payload regardless of it’s size. Setting to any negative number other than -1 is invalid. Human-readable format is supported, see .-1
druid.audit.manager.skipNullFieldIf true, the audit payload stored in metadata store will exclude any field with null value.false

Enabling Metrics

You can configure Druid processes to emit regularly from a number of monitors via .

druid.monitoring.emissionPeriodFrequency that Druid emits metrics.PT1M
druid.monitoring.monitorsSets list of Druid monitors used by a process.none (no monitors)
Setting this value initializes one of the emitter modules.noop (metric emission disabled by default)

Metrics monitors

Metric monitoring is an essential part of Druid operations. The following monitors are available:

org.apache.druid.client.cache.CacheMonitorEmits metrics (to logs) about the segment results cache for Historical and Broker processes. Reports typical cache statistics include hits, misses, rates, and size (bytes and number of entries), as well as timeouts and and errors. on various system activities and statuses using the . Requires execute privileges on files in Do not set to noexec when using SysMonitor. various JVM-related statistics. statistics of CPU consumption by the JVM. consumed CPU as per the cpuacct cgroup. Thread statistics in the JVM, like numbers of total, daemon, started, died threads. CPU shares and quotas as per the cpu cgroup. CPU core/HT and memory node allocations as per the cpuset cgroup. memory statistic as per the memory cgroup.
org.apache.druid.server.metrics.EventReceiverFirehoseMonitorReports how many events have been queued in the EventReceiverFirehose.
org.apache.druid.server.metrics.HistoricalMetricsMonitorReports statistics on Historical processes. Available only on Historical processes.
org.apache.druid.server.metrics.SegmentStatsMonitorEXPERIMENTAL Reports statistics about segments on Historical processes. Available only on Historical processes. Not to be used when lazy loading is configured.
org.apache.druid.server.metrics.QueryCountStatsMonitorReports how many queries have been successful/failed/interrupted.
org.apache.druid.server.emitter.HttpEmittingMonitorReports internal metrics of http or parametrized emitter (see below). Must not be used with another emitter type. See the description of the metrics here:
org.apache.druid.server.metrics.TaskCountStatsMonitorReports how many ingestion tasks are currently running/pending/waiting and also the number of successful/failed tasks per emission period.
org.apache.druid.server.metrics.TaskSlotCountStatsMonitorReports metrics about task slot usage per emission period.
org.apache.druid.server.metrics.WorkerTaskCountStatsMonitorReports how many ingestion tasks are currently running/pending/waiting, the number of successful/failed tasks, and metrics about task slot usage for the reporting worker, per emission period. Only supported by middleManager node types.

For example, you might configure monitors on all processes for system and JVM information within as follows:

  1. druid.monitoring.monitors=["",""]

You can override cluster-wide configuration by amending the of individual processes.

Metrics emitters

There are several emitters available:

  • noop (default) disables metric emission.
  • logging emits logs using Log4j2.
  • sends POST requests of JSON events.
  • parametrized operates like the http emitter but fine-tunes the recipient URL based on the event feed.
  • initializes multiple emitter modules.
  • graphite emits metrics to a Carbon service.
Logging Emitter Module
druid.emitter.logging.loggerClassChoices: HttpPostEmitter, LoggingEmitter, NoopServiceEmitter, ServiceEmitter. The class used for logging.LoggingEmitter
druid.emitter.logging.logLevelChoices: debug, info, warn, error. The log level at which message are
HTTP Emitter Module
druid.emitter.http.flushMillisHow often the internal message buffer is flushed (data is sent).60000
druid.emitter.http.flushCountHow many messages the internal message buffer can hold before flushing (sending).500
druid.emitter.http.basicAuthenticationPassword Provider for providing Login and password for authentication in “login:password” form, e.g., druid.emitter.http.basicAuthentication=admin:adminpassword uses Default Password Provider which allows plain text passwords.not specified = no authentication
druid.emitter.http.flushTimeOutThe timeout after which an event should be sent to the endpoint, even if internal buffers are not filled, in milliseconds.not specified = no timeout
druid.emitter.http.batchingStrategyThe strategy of how the batch is formatted. “ARRAY” means [event1,event2], “NEWLINES” means event1\nevent2, ONLY_EVENTS means event1event2.ARRAY
druid.emitter.http.maxBatchSizeThe maximum batch size, in bytes.the minimum of (10% of JVM heap size divided by 2) or (5242880 (i. e. 5 MiB))
druid.emitter.http.batchQueueSizeLimitThe maximum number of batches in emitter queue, if there are problems with emitting.the maximum of (2) or (10% of the JVM heap size divided by 5MiB)
druid.emitter.http.minHttpTimeoutMillisIf the speed of filling batches imposes timeout smaller than that, not even trying to send batch to endpoint, because it will likely fail, not being able to send the data that fast. Configure this depending based on emitter/successfulSending/minTimeMs metric. Reasonable values are 10ms..100ms.0
druid.emitter.http.recipientBaseUrlThe base URL to emit messages to. Druid will POST JSON to be consumed at the HTTP endpoint specified by this property.none, required config
HTTP Emitter Module TLS Overrides

By default, when sending events to a TLS-enabled receiver, the HTTP Emitter uses an SSLContext obtained from the process described at Druid’s internal communication over TLS, i.e., the same SSLContext that would be used for internal communications between Druid processes.

In some use cases it may be desirable to have the HTTP Emitter use its own separate truststore configuration. For example, there may be organizational policies that prevent the TLS-enabled metrics receiver’s certificate from being added to the same truststore used by Druid’s internal HTTP client.

The following properties allow the HTTP Emitter to use its own truststore configuration when building its SSLContext.

druid.emitter.http.ssl.useDefaultJavaContextIf set to true, the HttpEmitter will use SSLContext.getDefault(), the default Java SSLContext, and all other properties below are ignored.false
druid.emitter.http.ssl.trustStorePathThe file path or URL of the TLS/SSL Key store where trusted root certificates are stored. If this is unspecified, the HTTP Emitter will use the same SSLContext as Druid’s internal HTTP client, as described in the beginning of this section, and all other properties below are ignored.null
druid.emitter.http.ssl.trustStoreTypeThe type of the key store where trusted root certificates are
druid.emitter.http.ssl.trustStoreAlgorithmAlgorithm to be used by TrustManager to validate certificate
druid.emitter.http.ssl.trustStorePasswordThe or String password for the Trust Store.none
druid.emitter.http.ssl.protocolTLS protocol to use.“TLSv1.2”
Parametrized HTTP Emitter Module

The parametrized emitter takes the same configs as the using the prefix druid.emitter.parametrized.httpEmitting.. For example:

  • druid.emitter.parametrized.httpEmitting.flushMillis
  • druid.emitter.parametrized.httpEmitting.ssl.trustStorePath

Do not specify recipientBaseUrl with the parametrized emitter. Instead use recipientBaseUrlPattern described in the table below.

druid.emitter.parametrized.recipientBaseUrlPatternThe URL pattern to send an event to, based on the event’s feed. E.g.,{feed}, that will send event to if the event’s feed is “metrics”.none, required config
Composing Emitter Module
druid.emitter.composing.emittersList of emitter modules to load, e.g., [“logging”,”http”].[]
Graphite Emitter

To use graphite as emitter set druid.emitter=graphite. For configuration details, see Graphite emitter for the Graphite emitter Druid extension.

Metadata storage

These properties specify the JDBC connection and other configuration around the metadata storage. The only processes that connect to the metadata storage with these properties are the Coordinator and .

PropertyDescriptionDefault type of metadata storage to use. Choose from “mysql”, “postgresql”, or “derby”.derby JDBC URI for the database to connect tonone username to connect with.none Password Provider or String password used to connect with.none Druid requires a table and it doesn’t exist, create it?true base name for tables.druid table to use to look for dataSources which created by .druid_dataSource table to use to look for pending segments.druid_pendingSegments table to use to look for segments.druid_segments table to use to look for segment load/drop rules.druid_rules table to use to look for configs.druid_config by the indexing service to store tasks.druid_tasks by the indexing service to store task logs.druid_taskLog by the indexing service to store task locks.druid_taskLock by the indexing service to store supervisor configurations.druid_supervisors table to use for audit history of configuration changes, e.g., Coordinator rules.druid_audit

Deep storage

The configurations concern how to push and pull from deep storage.

PropertyDescriptionDefault, noop, s3, hdfs, c*. The type of deep storage to use.local

Local Deep Storage

Local deep storage uses the local filesystem.

PropertyDescriptionDefault on disk to use as deep storage./tmp/druid/localStorage

Noop Deep Storage

This deep storage doesn’t do anything. There are no configs.

S3 Deep Storage

This deep storage is used to interface with Amazon’s S3. Note that the druid-s3-extensions extension must be loaded. The below table shows some important configurations for S3. See for full configurations.

PropertyDescriptionDefault bucket name.none object key prefix for storage.none flag for ACL. If this is set to false, the full control would be granted to the bucket owner. This may require to set additional permissions. See S3 permissions settings.false bucket name for archiving when running the archive task.none object key prefix for archiving.none encryption type. Should be one of s3, kms, and custom. See the below for more details.None KMS key ID. This is used only when is kms and can be empty to use the default key ID.None key. Should be specified if is custom.None true, use the “s3a” filesystem when using Hadoop-based ingestion. If false, the “s3n” filesystem will be used. Only affects Hadoop-based ingestion.false

HDFS Deep Storage

This deep storage is used to interface with HDFS. Note that the druid-hdfs-storage extension must be loaded.

PropertyDescriptionDefault directory to use as deep storage.none

Cassandra Deep Storage

This deep storage is used to interface with Cassandra. Note that the druid-cassandra-storage extension must be loaded.

PropertyDescriptionDefault host.none key space.none

HDFS input source

You can set the following property to specify permissible protocols for the HDFS input source and the .

PropertyPossible ValuesDescriptionDefault
druid.ingestion.hdfs.allowedProtocolsList of protocolsAllowed protocols for the HDFS input source and HDFS firehose.[“hdfs”]

HTTP input source

You can set the following property to specify permissible protocols for the and the HTTP firehose.

PropertyPossible ValuesDescriptionDefault
druid.ingestion.http.allowedProtocolsList of protocolsAllowed protocols for the HTTP input source and HTTP firehose.[“http”, “https”]

External Data Access Security Configuration

JDBC Connections to External Databases

You can use the following properties to specify permissible JDBC options for:

These properties do not apply to metadata storage connections.

PropertyPossible ValuesDescriptionDefault
druid.access.jdbc.enforceAllowedPropertiesBooleanWhen true, Druid applies druid.access.jdbc.allowedProperties to JDBC connections starting with jdbc:postgresql:, jdbc:mysql:, or jdbc:mariadb:. When false, Druid allows any kind of JDBC connections without JDBC property validation. This config is for backward compatibility especially during upgrades since enforcing allow list can break existing ingestion jobs or lookups based on JDBC. This config is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.true
druid.access.jdbc.allowedPropertiesList of JDBC propertiesDefines a list of allowed JDBC properties. Druid always enforces the list for all JDBC connections starting with jdbc:postgresql:, jdbc:mysql:, and jdbc:mariadb: if druid.access.jdbc.enforceAllowedProperties is set to true.

This option is tested against MySQL connector 5.1.49, MariaDB connector 2.7.4, and PostgreSQL connector 42.2.14. Other connector versions might not work.
[“useSSL”, “requireSSL”, “ssl”, “sslmode”]
druid.access.jdbc.allowUnknownJdbcUrlFormatBooleanWhen false, Druid only accepts JDBC connections starting with jdbc:postgresql: or jdbc:mysql:. When true, Druid allows JDBC connections to any kind of database, but only enforces druid.access.jdbc.allowedProperties for PostgreSQL and MySQL/MariaDB.true

Task Logging

You can use the druid.indexer configuration to set a long-term storage location for task log files, and to set a .

For more information about ingestion tasks and the process of generating logs, see the task reference.

Log Long-term Storage

druid.indexer.logs.typeWhere to store task logs. noop, s3, , google, , filefile
File Task Logs

Store task logs in the local filesystem.

druid.indexer.logs.directoryLocal filesystem path.log
S3 Task Logs

Store task logs in S3. Note that the druid-s3-extensions extension must be loaded.

druid.indexer.logs.s3BucketS3 bucket name.none
druid.indexer.logs.s3PrefixS3 key prefix.none
druid.indexer.logs.disableAclBoolean flag for ACL. If this is set to false, the full control would be granted to the bucket owner. If the task logs bucket is the same as the deep storage (S3) bucket, then the value of this property will need to be set to true if has been set to true.false
Azure Blob Store Task Logs

Store task logs in Azure Blob Store.

Note: The druid-azure-extensions extension must be loaded, and this uses the same storage account as the deep storage module for azure.

druid.indexer.logs.containerThe Azure Blob Store container to write logs tonone
druid.indexer.logs.prefixThe path to prepend to logsnone
Google Cloud Storage Task Logs

Store task logs in Google Cloud Storage.

Note: The druid-google-extensions extension must be loaded, and this uses the same storage settings as the deep storage module for google.

druid.indexer.logs.bucketThe Google Cloud Storage bucket to write logs tonone
druid.indexer.logs.prefixThe path to prepend to logsnone
HDFS Task Logs

Store task logs in HDFS. Note that the druid-hdfs-storage extension must be loaded.

druid.indexer.logs.directoryThe directory to store logs.none

Log Retention Policy

druid.indexer.logs.kill.enabledBoolean value for whether to enable deletion of old task logs. If set to true, Overlord will submit kill tasks periodically based on druid.indexer.logs.kill.delay specified, which will delete task logs from the log directory as well as tasks and tasklogs table entries in metadata storage except for tasks created in the last druid.indexer.logs.kill.durationToRetain period.false
druid.indexer.logs.kill.durationToRetainRequired if kill is enabled. In milliseconds, task logs and entries in task-related metadata storage tables to be retained created in last x milliseconds.None
druid.indexer.logs.kill.initialDelayOptional. Number of milliseconds after Overlord start when first auto kill is run.random value less than 300000 (5 mins)
druid.indexer.logs.kill.delayOptional. Number of milliseconds of delay between successive executions of auto kill run.21600000 (6 hours)

API error response

You can configure Druid API error responses to hide internal information like the Druid class name, stack trace, thread name, servlet name, code, line/column number, host, or IP address.

druid.server.http.showDetailedJettyErrorsWhen set to true, any error from the Jetty layer / Jetty filter includes the following fields in the JSON response: servlet, message, url, status, and cause, if it exists. When set to false, the JSON response only includes message, url, and status. The field values remain unchanged.true
druid.server.http.errorResponseTransform.strategyError response transform strategy. The strategy controls how Druid transforms error responses from Druid services. When unset or set to none, Druid leaves error responses unchanged.none
Error response transform strategy

You can use an error response transform strategy to transform error responses from within Druid services to hide internal information. When you specify an error response transform strategy other than none, Druid transforms the error responses from Druid services as follows:

  • For any query API that fails in the Router service, Druid sets the fields errorClass and host to null. Druid applies the transformation strategy to the errorMessage field.
  • For any SQL query API that fails, for example POST /druid/v2/sql/..., Druid sets the fields errorClass and host to null. Druid applies the transformation strategy to the errorMessage field.
  • For any JDBC related exceptions, Druid will turn all checked exceptions into QueryInterruptedException otherwise druid will attempt to keep the exception as the same type. For example if the original exception isn’t owned by Druid it will become QueryInterruptedException. Druid applies the transformation strategy to the errorMessage field.
No error response transform strategy
Allowed regular expression error response transform strategy

In this mode, Druid validates the error responses from underlying services against a list of regular expressions. Only error messages that match a configured regular expression are returned. To enable this strategy, set druid.server.http.errorResponseTransform.strategy to allowedRegex.

For example, consider the following error response:

  1. {"error":"Plan validation failed","errorMessage":"org.apache.calcite.runtime.CalciteContextException: From line 1, column 15 to line 1, column 38: Object 'nonexistent-datasource' not found","errorClass":"","host":null}

If druid.server.http.errorResponseTransform.allowedRegex is set to [], Druid transforms the query error response to the following:

  1. {"error":"Plan validation failed","errorMessage":null,"errorClass":null,"host":null}

On the other hand, if druid.server.http.errorResponseTransform.allowedRegex is set to [".*CalciteContextException.*"] then Druid transforms the query error response to the following:

Overlord Discovery

This config is used to find the Overlord using Curator service discovery. Only required if you are actually running an Overlord.

druid.selectors.indexing.serviceNameThe druid.service name of the Overlord process. To start the Overlord with a different name, set it with this property.druid/overlord

Coordinator Discovery

This config is used to find the Coordinator using Curator service discovery. This config is used by the realtime indexing processes to get information about the segments loaded in the cluster.

druid.selectors.coordinator.serviceNameThe druid.service name of the Coordinator process. To start the Coordinator with a different name, set it with this property.druid/coordinator

Announcing Segments

You can configure how to announce and unannounce Znodes in ZooKeeper (using Curator). For normal operations you do not need to override any of these configs.

Batch Data Segment Announcer

In current Druid, multiple data segments may be announced under the same Znode.

druid.announcer.segmentsPerNodeEach Znode contains info for up to this many segments.50
druid.announcer.maxBytesPerNodeMax byte size for Znode.524288
druid.announcer.skipDimensionsAndMetricsSkip Dimensions and Metrics list from segment announcements. NOTE: Enabling this will also remove the dimensions and metrics list from Coordinator and Broker endpoints.false
druid.announcer.skipLoadSpecSkip segment LoadSpec from segment announcements. NOTE: Enabling this will also remove the loadspec from Coordinator and Broker endpoints.false

If you want to turn off the batch data segment announcer, you can add a property to skip announcing segments. You do not want to enable this config if you have any services using batch for druid.serverview.type

druid.announcer.skipSegmentAnnouncementOnZkSkip announcing segments to zookeeper. Note that the batch server view will not work if this is set to true.false


Druid supports dynamic runtime extension through JavaScript functions. This functionality can be configured through the following properties.

druid.javascript.enabledSet to “true” to enable JavaScript functionality. This affects the JavaScript parser, filter, extractionFn, aggregator, post-aggregator, router strategy, and worker selection strategy.false

Double Column storage

Prior to version 0.13.0, Druid’s storage layer used a 32-bit float representation to store columns created by the doubleSum, doubleMin, and doubleMax aggregators at indexing time. Starting from version 0.13.0 the default will be 64-bit floats for Double columns. Using 64-bit representation for double column will lead to avoid precision loss at the cost of doubling the storage size of such columns. To keep the old format set the system-wide property druid.indexing.doubleStorage=float. You can also use floatSum, floatMin and floatMax to use 32-bit float representation. Support for 64-bit floating point columns was released in Druid 0.11.0, so if you use this feature then older versions of Druid will not be able to read your data segments.

druid.indexing.doubleStorageSet to “float” to use 32-bit double representation for double columns.double

SQL compatible null handling

Prior to version 0.13.0, Druid string columns treated '' and null values as interchangeable, and numeric columns were unable to represent null values, coercing null to 0. Druid 0.13.0 introduced a mode which enabled SQL compatible null handling, allowing string columns to distinguish empty strings from nulls, and numeric columns to contain null rows.

druid.generic.useDefaultValueForNullWhen set to true, null values will be stored as ‘’ for string columns and 0 for numeric columns. Set to false to store and query data in SQL compatible mode.true
druid.generic.ignoreNullsForStringCardinalityWhen set to true, null values will be ignored for the built-in cardinality aggregator over string columns. Set to false to include null values while estimating cardinality of only string columns using the built-in cardinality aggregator. This setting takes effect only when druid.generic.useDefaultValueForNull is set to true and is ignored in SQL compatibility mode. Additionally, empty strings (equivalent to null) are not counted when this is set to true.false

This mode does have a storage size and query performance cost, see segment documentation for more details.

HTTP Client

All Druid components can communicate with each other over HTTP.

PropertyDescriptionDefault of connection pool per destination URL. If there are more HTTP requests than this number that all need to speak to the same URL, then they will queue up.20 that http connections should be eagerly initialized. If set to true, numConnections connections are created upon initializationtrue codec to communicate with others. May be “gzip” or “identity”.gzip timeout for data reads.PT15M timeout for idle connections in connection pool. The connection in the pool will be closed after this timeout and a new one will be established. This timeout should be less than Set this timeout = ~90% of number of I/O worker threadsmax(10, ((number of cores * 17) / 16 + 2) + 30)

Common endpoints Configuration

This section contains the configuration options for endpoints that are supported by all processes.

druid.server.hiddenPropertiesIf property names or substring of property names (case insensitive) is in this list, responses of the /status/properties endpoint do not show these properties[“druid.s3.accessKey”,”druid.s3.secretKey”,””, “password”, “key”, “token”, “pwd”]

This section contains the configuration options for the processes that reside on Master servers (Coordinators and Overlords) in the suggested three-server configuration.


For general Coordinator Process information, see here.

Static Configuration

These Coordinator static configurations can be defined in the coordinator/ file.

Coordinator Process Config
druid.hostThe host for the current process. This is used to advertise the current processes location as reachable from another process and should generally be specified such that could actually talk to this processInetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName()
druid.bindOnHostIndicating whether the process’s internal jetty server bind on Default is false, which means binding to all interfaces.false
druid.plaintextPortThis is the port to actually listen on; unless port mapping is used, this will be the same port as is on druid.host8081
druid.tlsPortTLS port for HTTPS connector, if druid.enableTlsPort is set then this config will be used. If contains port then that port will be ignored. This should be a non-negative Integer.8281
druid.serviceThe name of the service. This is used as a dimension when emitting metrics and alerts to differentiate between the various servicesdruid/coordinator
Coordinator Operation
druid.coordinator.periodThe run period for the Coordinator. The Coordinator operates by maintaining the current state of the world in memory and periodically looking at the set of “used” segments and segments being served to make decisions about whether any changes need to be made to the data topology. This property sets the delay between each of these runs.PT60S
druid.coordinator.period.indexingPeriodHow often to send compact/merge/conversion tasks to the indexing service. It’s recommended to be longer than druid.manager.segments.pollDurationPT1800S (30 mins)
druid.coordinator.startDelayThe operation of the Coordinator works on the assumption that it has an up-to-date view of the state of the world when it runs, the current ZK interaction code, however, is written in a way that doesn’t allow the Coordinator to know for a fact that it’s done loading the current state of the world. This delay is a hack to give it enough time to believe that it has all the data.PT300S
druid.coordinator.load.timeoutThe timeout duration for when the Coordinator assigns a segment to a Historical process.PT15M
druid.coordinator.kill.pendingSegments.onBoolean flag for whether or not the Coordinator clean up old entries in the pendingSegments table of metadata store. If set to true, Coordinator will check the created time of most recently complete task. If it doesn’t exist, it finds the created time of the earliest running/pending/waiting tasks. Once the created time is found, then for all dataSources not in the killPendingSegmentsSkipList (see Dynamic configuration), Coordinator will ask the Overlord to clean up the entries 1 day or more older than the found created time in the pendingSegments table. This will be done periodically based on druid.coordinator.period.indexingPeriod specified.true
druid.coordinator.kill.onBoolean flag for whether or not the Coordinator should submit kill task for unused segments, that is, permanently delete them from metadata store and deep storage. If set to true, then for all whitelisted dataSources (or optionally all), Coordinator will submit tasks periodically based on period specified. A whitelist can be set via dynamic configuration killDataSourceWhitelist described later.

When druid.coordinator.kill.on is true, segments are eligible for permanent deletion once their data intervals are older than druid.coordinator.kill.durationToRetain relative to the current time. If a segment’s data interval is older than this threshold at the time it is marked unused, it is eligible for permanent deletion immediately after being marked unused.
druid.coordinator.kill.periodHow often to send kill tasks to the indexing service. Value must be greater than druid.coordinator.period.indexingPeriod. Only applies if kill is turned on.P1D (1 Day)
druid.coordinator.kill.durationToRetainOnly applies if you set druid.coordinator.kill.on to true. This value is ignored if druid.coordinator.kill.ignoreDurationToRetain is true. Valid configurations must be a ISO8601 period. Druid will not kill unused segments whose interval end date is beyond now - durationToRetain. durationToRetain can be a negative ISO8601 period, which would result in now - durationToRetain to be in the future.

Note that the durationToRetain parameter applies to the segment interval, not the time that the segment was last marked unused. For example, if durationToRetain is set to P90D, then a segment for a time chunk 90 days in the past is eligible for permanent deletion immediately after being marked unused.
druid.coordinator.kill.ignoreDurationToRetainA way to override druid.coordinator.kill.durationToRetain and tell the coordinator that you do not care about the end date of unused segment intervals when it comes to killing them. If true, the coordinator considers all unused segments as eligible to be killed.false
druid.coordinator.kill.maxSegmentsKill at most n unused segments per kill task submission, must be greater than 0. Only applies and MUST be specified if kill is turned on.100
druid.coordinator.balancer.strategySpecify the type of balancing strategy for the coordinator to use to distribute segments among the historicals. cachingCost is logically equivalent to cost but is more CPU-efficient on large clusters. diskNormalized weights the costs according to the servers’ disk usage ratios - there are known issues with this strategy distributing segments unevenly across the cluster. random distributes segments among services randomly.cost
druid.coordinator.balancer.cachingCost.awaitInitializationWhether to wait for segment view initialization before creating the cachingCost balancing strategy. This property is enabled only when druid.coordinator.balancer.strategy is cachingCost. If set to ‘true’, the Coordinator will not start to assign segments, until the segment view is initialized. If set to ‘false’, the Coordinator will fallback to use the cost balancing strategy only if the segment view is not initialized yet. Notes, it may take much time to wait for the initialization since the cachingCost balancing strategy involves much computing to build itself.false
druid.coordinator.loadqueuepeon.repeatDelayThe start and repeat delay for the loadqueuepeon, which manages the load and drop of segments.PT0.050S (50 ms)
druid.coordinator.asOverlord.enabledBoolean value for whether this Coordinator process should act like an Overlord as well. This configuration allows users to simplify a druid cluster by not having to deploy any standalone Overlord processes. If set to true, then Overlord console is available at and be sure to set druid.coordinator.asOverlord.overlordService also. See next.false
druid.coordinator.asOverlord.overlordServiceRequired, if druid.coordinator.asOverlord.enabled is true. This must be same value as druid.service on standalone Overlord processes and druid.selectors.indexing.serviceName on Middle Managers.NULL
Metadata Management
druid.coordinator.period.metadataStoreManagementPeriodHow often to run metadata management tasks in duration format.NoPT1H
druid.coordinator.kill.supervisor.onBoolean value for whether to enable automatic deletion of terminated supervisors. If set to true, Coordinator will periodically remove terminated supervisors from the supervisor table in metadata storage.NoTrue
druid.coordinator.kill.supervisor.periodHow often to do automatic deletion of terminated supervisor in ISO 8601 duration format. Value must be equal to or greater than druid.coordinator.period.metadataStoreManagementPeriod. Only applies if druid.coordinator.kill.supervisor.on is set to “True”.NoP1D
druid.coordinator.kill.supervisor.durationToRetainDuration of terminated supervisor to be retained from created time in duration format. Only applies if druid.coordinator.kill.supervisor.on is set to “True”.Yes if druid.coordinator.kill.supervisor.on is set to “True”.P90D
druid.coordinator.kill.audit.onBoolean value for whether to enable automatic deletion of audit logs. If set to true, Coordinator will periodically remove audit logs from the audit table entries in metadata storage.NoTrue
druid.coordinator.kill.audit.periodHow often to do automatic deletion of audit logs in ISO 8601 duration format. Value must be equal to or greater than druid.coordinator.period.metadataStoreManagementPeriod. Only applies if druid.coordinator.kill.audit.on is set to “True”.NoP1D
druid.coordinator.kill.audit.durationToRetainDuration of audit logs to be retained from created time in duration format. Only applies if druid.coordinator.kill.audit.on is set to “True”.Yes if druid.coordinator.kill.audit.on is set to “True”.P90D
druid.coordinator.kill.compaction.onBoolean value for whether to enable automatic deletion of compaction configurations. If set to true, Coordinator will periodically remove compaction configuration of inactive datasource (datasource with no used and unused segments) from the config table in metadata storage.NoFalse
druid.coordinator.kill.compaction.periodHow often to do automatic deletion of compaction configurations in ISO 8601 duration format. Value must be equal to or greater than druid.coordinator.period.metadataStoreManagementPeriod. Only applies if druid.coordinator.kill.compaction.on is set to “True”.NoP1D
druid.coordinator.kill.rule.onBoolean value for whether to enable automatic deletion of rules. If set to true, Coordinator will periodically remove rules of inactive datasource (datasource with no used and unused segments) from the rule table in metadata storage.NoTrue
druid.coordinator.kill.rule.periodHow often to do automatic deletion of rules in duration format. Value must be equal to or greater than . Only applies if druid.coordinator.kill.rule.on is set to “True”.NoP1D
druid.coordinator.kill.rule.durationToRetainDuration of rules to be retained from created time in ISO 8601 duration format. Only applies if druid.coordinator.kill.rule.on is set to “True”.Yes if druid.coordinator.kill.rule.on is set to “True”.P90D
druid.coordinator.kill.datasource.onBoolean value for whether to enable automatic deletion of datasource metadata (Note: datasource metadata only exists for datasource created from supervisor). If set to true, Coordinator will periodically remove datasource metadata of terminated supervisor from the datasource table in metadata storage.NoTrue
druid.coordinator.kill.datasource.periodHow often to do automatic deletion of datasource metadata in duration format. Value must be equal to or greater than druid.coordinator.period.metadataStoreManagementPeriod. Only applies if druid.coordinator.kill.datasource.on is set to “True”.NoP1D
druid.coordinator.kill.datasource.durationToRetainDuration of datasource metadata to be retained from created time in ISO 8601 duration format. Only applies if druid.coordinator.kill.datasource.on is set to “True”.Yes if druid.coordinator.kill.datasource.on is set to “True”.P90D
Segment Management
PropertyPossible ValuesDescriptionDefault
druid.serverview.typebatch or httpSegment discovery method to use. “http” enables discovering segments using HTTP instead of ZooKeeper.batch
druid.coordinator.loadqueuepeon.typecurator or httpWhether to use “http” or “curator” implementation to assign segment loads/drops to historicalcurator
druid.coordinator.segment.awaitInitializationOnStarttrue or falseWhether the Coordinator will wait for its view of segments to fully initialize before starting up. If set to ‘true’, the Coordinator’s HTTP server will not start up, and the Coordinator will not announce itself as available, until the server view is initialized.true
Additional config when “http” loadqueuepeon is used
druid.coordinator.loadqueuepeon.http.batchSizeNumber of segment load/drop requests to batch in one HTTP request. Note that it must be smaller than druid.segmentCache.numLoadingThreads config on Historical process.1
Metadata Retrieval
druid.manager.config.pollDurationHow often the manager polls the config table for updates.PT1M
druid.manager.segments.pollDurationThe duration between polls the Coordinator does for updates to the set of active segments. Generally defines the amount of lag time it can take for the Coordinator to notice new segments.PT1M
druid.manager.rules.pollDurationThe duration between polls the Coordinator does for updates to the set of active rules. Generally defines the amount of lag time it can take for the Coordinator to notice rules.PT1M
druid.manager.rules.defaultRuleThe default rule for the cluster_default
druid.manager.rules.alertThresholdThe duration after a failed poll upon which an alert should be emitted.PT10M

Dynamic Configuration

The Coordinator has dynamic configuration to change certain behavior on the fly.

It is recommended that you use the to configure these parameters. However, if you need to do it via HTTP, the JSON object can be submitted to the Coordinator via a POST request at:

  1. http://<COORDINATOR_IP>:<PORT>/druid/coordinator/v1/config

Optional Header Parameters for auditing the config change can also be specified.

Header Param NameDescriptionDefault
X-Druid-Authorauthor making the config change“”
X-Druid-Commentcomment describing the change being done“”

A sample Coordinator dynamic config JSON object is shown below:

  1. {
  2. "millisToWaitBeforeDeleting": 900000,
  3. "mergeBytesLimit": 100000000,
  4. "mergeSegmentsLimit" : 1000,
  5. "maxSegmentsToMove": 5,
  6. "useBatchedSegmentSampler": false,
  7. "percentOfSegmentsToConsiderPerMove": 100,
  8. "replicantLifetime": 15,
  9. "replicationThrottleLimit": 10,
  10. "emitBalancingStats": false,
  11. "killDataSourceWhitelist": ["wikipedia", "testDatasource"],
  12. "decommissioningNodes": ["localhost:8182", "localhost:8282"],
  13. "decommissioningMaxPercentOfMaxSegmentsToMove": 70,
  14. "pauseCoordination": false,
  15. "replicateAfterLoadTimeout": false,
  16. "maxNonPrimaryReplicantsToLoad": 2147483647
  17. }

Issuing a GET request at the same URL will return the spec that is currently in place. A description of the config setup spec is shown below.

millisToWaitBeforeDeletingHow long does the Coordinator need to be a leader before it can start marking overshadowed segments as unused in metadata storage.900000 (15 mins)
mergeBytesLimitThe maximum total uncompressed size in bytes of segments to merge.524288000L
mergeSegmentsLimitThe maximum number of segments that can be in a single append task.100
maxSegmentsToMoveThe maximum number of segments that can be moved at any given time.5
useBatchedSegmentSamplerBoolean flag for whether or not we should use the Reservoir Sampling with a reservoir of size k instead of fixed size 1 to pick segments to move. This option can be enabled to speed up segment balancing process, especially if there are huge number of segments in the cluster or if there are too many segments to move.false
percentOfSegmentsToConsiderPerMoveDeprecated. This will eventually be phased out by the batched segment sampler. You can enable the batched segment sampler now by setting the dynamic Coordinator config, useBatchedSegmentSampler, to true. Note that if you choose to enable the batched segment sampler, percentOfSegmentsToConsiderPerMove will no longer have any effect on balancing. If useBatchedSegmentSampler == false, this config defines the percentage of the total number of segments in the cluster that are considered every time a segment needs to be selected for a move. Druid orders servers by available capacity ascending (the least available capacity first) and then iterates over the servers. For each server, Druid iterates over the segments on the server, considering them for moving. The default config of 100% means that every segment on every server is a candidate to be moved. This should make sense for most small to medium-sized clusters. However, an admin may find it preferable to drop this value lower if they don’t think that it is worthwhile to consider every single segment in the cluster each time it is looking for a segment to move.100
replicantLifetimeThe maximum number of Coordinator runs for a segment to be replicated before we start alerting.15
replicationThrottleLimitThe maximum number of segments that can be replicated at one time.10
balancerComputeThreadsThread pool size for computing moving cost of segments in segment balancing. Consider increasing this if you have a lot of segments and moving segments starts to get stuck.1
emitBalancingStatsBoolean flag for whether or not we should emit balancing stats. This is an expensive operation.false
killDataSourceWhitelistList of specific data sources for which kill tasks are sent if property druid.coordinator.kill.on is true. This can be a list of comma-separated data source names or a JSON array.none
killPendingSegmentsSkipListList of data sources for which pendingSegments are NOT cleaned up if property druid.coordinator.kill.pendingSegments.on is true. This can be a list of comma-separated data sources or a JSON array.none
maxSegmentsInNodeLoadingQueueThe maximum number of segments that could be queued for loading to any given server. This parameter could be used to speed up segments loading process, especially if there are “slow” nodes in the cluster (with low loading speed) or if too much segments scheduled to be replicated to some particular node (faster loading could be preferred to better segments distribution). Desired value depends on segments loading speed, acceptable replication time and number of nodes. Value 1000 could be a start point for a rather big cluster. Default value is 100.100
decommissioningNodesList of historical servers to ‘decommission’. Coordinator will not assign new segments to ‘decommissioning’ servers, and segments will be moved away from them to be placed on non-decommissioning servers at the maximum rate specified by decommissioningMaxPercentOfMaxSegmentsToMove.none
decommissioningMaxPercentOfMaxSegmentsToMoveThe maximum number of segments that may be moved away from ‘decommissioning’ servers to non-decommissioning (that is, active) servers during one Coordinator run. This value is relative to the total maximum segment movements allowed during one run which is determined by maxSegmentsToMove. If decommissioningMaxPercentOfMaxSegmentsToMove is 0, segments will neither be moved from or to ‘decommissioning’ servers, effectively putting them in a sort of “maintenance” mode that will not participate in balancing or assignment by load rules. Decommissioning can also become stalled if there are no available active servers to place the segments. By leveraging the maximum percent of decommissioning segment movements, an operator can prevent active servers from overload by prioritizing balancing, or decrease decommissioning time instead. The value should be between 0 and 100.70
pauseCoordinationBoolean flag for whether or not the coordinator should execute its various duties of coordinating the cluster. Setting this to true essentially pauses all coordination work while allowing the API to remain up. Duties that are paused include all classes that implement the CoordinatorDuty Interface. Such duties include: Segment balancing, Segment compaction, Emission of metrics controlled by the dynamic coordinator config emitBalancingStats, Submitting kill tasks for unused segments (if enabled), Logging of used segments in the cluster, Marking of newly unused or overshadowed segments, Matching and execution of load/drop rules for used segments, Unloading segments that are no longer marked as used from Historical servers. An example of when an admin may want to pause coordination would be if they are doing deep storage maintenance on HDFS Name Nodes with downtime and don’t want the coordinator to be directing Historical Nodes to hit the Name Node with API requests until maintenance is done and the deep store is declared healthy for use again.false
replicateAfterLoadTimeoutBoolean flag for whether or not additional replication is needed for segments that have failed to load due to the expiry of druid.coordinator.load.timeout. If this is set to true, the coordinator will attempt to replicate the failed segment on a different historical server. This helps improve the segment availability if there are a few slow historicals in the cluster. However, the slow historical may still load the segment later and the coordinator may issue drop requests if the segment is over-replicated.false
maxNonPrimaryReplicantsToLoadThis is the maximum number of non-primary segment replicants to load per Coordination run. This number can be set to put a hard upper limit on the number of replicants loaded. It is a tool that can help prevent long delays in new data being available for query after events that require many non-primary replicants to be loaded by the cluster; such as a Historical node disconnecting from the cluster. The default value essentially means there is no limit on the number of replicants loaded per coordination cycle. If you want to use a non-default value for this config, you may want to start with it being ~20% of the number of segments found on your Historical server with the most segments. You can use the Druid metric, coordinator/time with the filter duty=org.apache.druid.server.coordinator.duty.RunRules to see how different values of this config impact your Coordinator execution time.Integer.MAX_VALUE

To view the audit history of Coordinator dynamic config issue a GET request to the URL -

  1. http://<COORDINATOR_IP>:<PORT>/druid/coordinator/v1/config/history?interval=<interval>

default value of interval can be specified by setting druid.audit.manager.auditHistoryMillis (1 week if not configured) in Coordinator

To view last n entries of the audit history of Coordinator dynamic config issue a GET request to the URL -

  1. http://<COORDINATOR_IP>:<PORT>/druid/coordinator/v1/config/history?count=<n>
Lookups Dynamic Configuration

These configuration options control the behavior of the Lookup dynamic configuration described in the lookups page

druid.manager.lookups.hostDeleteTimeoutHow long to wait for a DELETE request to a particular process before considering the DELETE a failurePT1S
druid.manager.lookups.hostUpdateTimeoutHow long to wait for a POST request to a particular process before considering the POST a failurePT10S
druid.manager.lookups.deleteAllTimeoutHow long to wait for all DELETE requests to finish before considering the delete attempt a failurePT10S
druid.manager.lookups.updateAllTimeoutHow long to wait for all POST requests to finish before considering the attempt a failurePT60S
druid.manager.lookups.threadPoolSizeHow many processes can be managed concurrently (concurrent POST and DELETE requests). Requests this limit will wait in a queue until a slot becomes available.10
druid.manager.lookups.periodHow many milliseconds between checks for configuration changes30_000
Automatic compaction dynamic configuration

You can set or update automatic compaction properties dynamically using the without restarting Coordinators.

For details about segment compaction, see Segment size optimization.

You can configure automatic compaction through the following properties:

dataSourcedataSource name to be compacted.yes
taskPriority of compaction (default = 25)
inputSegmentSizeBytesMaximum number of total segment bytes processed per compaction task. Since a time chunk must be processed in its entirety, if the segments for a particular time chunk have a total size in bytes greater than this parameter, compaction will not run for that time chunk. Because each compaction task runs with a single thread, setting this value too far above 1–2GB will result in compaction tasks taking an excessive amount of (default = 100,000,000,000,000 i.e. 100TB)
skipOffsetFromLatestThe offset for searching segments to be compacted in ISO 8601 duration format. Strongly recommended to set for realtime dataSources. See .no (default = “P1D”)
tuningConfigTuning config for compaction tasks. See below Automatic compaction
taskContext for compaction
granularitySpecCustom granularitySpec. See Automatic compaction granularitySpec.No
dimensionsSpecCustom dimensionsSpec. See .No
transformSpecCustom transformSpec. See Automatic compaction transformSpec.No
metricsSpecCustom . The compaction task preserves any existing metrics regardless of whether metricsSpec is specified. If metricsSpec is specified, Druid does not reapply any aggregators matching the metric names specified in metricsSpec to rows that already have the associated metrics. For rows that do not already have the metric specified in metricsSpec, Druid applies the metric aggregator on the source column, then proceeds to combine the metrics across segments as usual. If metricsSpec is not specified, Druid automatically discovers the metrics in the existing segments and combines existing metrics with the same metric name across segments. Aggregators for metrics with the same name are assumed to be compatible for combining across segments, otherwise the compaction task may fail.No
ioConfigIO config for compaction tasks. See Automatic compaction

Automatic compaction config example:

  1. {
  2. "dataSource": "wikiticker",
  3. "granularitySpec" : {
  4. "segmentGranularity" : "none"
  5. }
  6. }

Compaction tasks fail when higher priority tasks cause Druid to revoke their locks. By default, realtime tasks like ingestion have a higher priority than compaction tasks. Frequent conflicts between compaction tasks and realtime tasks can cause the Coordinator’s automatic compaction to hang. You may see this issue with streaming ingestion from Kafka and Kinesis, which ingest late-arriving data.

To mitigate this problem, set skipOffsetFromLatest to a value large enough so that arriving data tends to fall outside the offset value from the current time. This way you can avoid conflicts between compaction tasks and realtime ingestion tasks. For example, if you want to skip over segments from thirty days prior to the end time of the most recent segment, assign "skipOffsetFromLatest": "P30D". For more information, see .

Automatic compaction tuningConfig

Auto-compaction supports a subset of the . The below is a list of the supported configurations for auto-compaction.

typeThe task type, this should always be index_parallel.yes
maxRowsInMemoryUsed in determining when intermediate persists to disk should occur. Normally user does not need to set this, but depending on the nature of data, if rows are short in terms of bytes, user may not want to store a million rows in memory and this value should be (default = 1000000)
maxBytesInMemoryUsed in determining when intermediate persists to disk should occur. Normally this is computed internally and user does not need to set it. This value represents number of bytes to aggregate in heap memory before persisting. This is based on a rough estimate of memory usage and not actual usage. The maximum heap memory usage for indexing is maxBytesInMemory (2 + maxPendingPersists)no (default = 1/6 of max JVM memory)
splitHintSpecUsed to give a hint to control the amount of data that each first phase task reads. This hint could be ignored depending on the implementation of the input source. See Split hint spec for more (default = size-based split hint spec)
partitionsSpecDefines how to partition data in each time chunk, see no (default = dynamic)
indexSpecDefines segment storage format options to be used at indexing time, see IndexSpecno
indexSpecForIntermediatePersistsDefines segment storage format options to be used at indexing time for intermediate persisted temporary segments. this can be used to disable dimension/metric compression on intermediate segments to reduce memory required for final merging. however, disabling compression on intermediate segments might increase page cache use while they are used before getting merged into final segment published, see for possible
maxPendingPersistsMaximum number of persists that can be pending but not started. If this limit would be exceeded by a new intermediate persist, ingestion will block until the currently-running persist finishes. Maximum heap memory usage for indexing scales with maxRowsInMemory (2 + maxPendingPersists).no (default = 0, meaning one persist can be running concurrently with ingestion, and none can be queued up)
pushTimeoutMilliseconds to wait for pushing segments. It must be >= 0, where 0 means to wait (default = 0)
segmentWriteOutMediumFactorySegment write-out medium to use when creating segments. See (default is the value from druid.peon.defaultSegmentWriteOutMediumFactory.type is used)
maxNumConcurrentSubTasksMaximum number of worker tasks which can be run in parallel at the same time. The supervisor task would spawn worker tasks up to maxNumConcurrentSubTasks regardless of the current available task slots. If this value is set to 1, the supervisor task processes data ingestion on its own instead of spawning worker tasks. If this value is set to too large, too many worker tasks can be created which might block other ingestion. Check for more (default = 1)
maxRetryMaximum number of retries on task (default = 3)
maxNumSegmentsToMergeMax limit for the number of segments that a single task can merge at the same time in the second phase. Used only with hashed or single_dim (default = 100)
totalNumMergeTasksTotal number of tasks to merge segments in the merge phase when partitionsSpec is set to hashed or (default = 10)
taskStatusCheckPeriodMsPolling period in milliseconds to check running task (default = 1000)
chatHandlerTimeoutTimeout for reporting the pushed segments in worker (default = PT10S)
chatHandlerNumRetriesRetries for reporting the pushed segments in worker (default = 5)
Automatic compaction granularitySpec
segmentGranularityTime chunking period for the segment granularity. Defaults to ‘null’, which preserves the original segment granularity. Accepts all values.No
queryGranularityThe resolution of timestamp storage within each segment. Defaults to ‘null’, which preserves the original query granularity. Accepts all Query granularity values.No
rollupWhether to enable ingestion-time rollup or not. Defaults to ‘null’, which preserves the original setting. Note that once data is rollup, individual records can no longer be recovered.No
Automatic compaction dimensionsSpec
dimensionsA list of dimension names or objects. Defaults to ‘null’, which preserves the original dimensions. Note that setting this will cause segments manually compacted with dimensionExclusions to be compacted again.No
Automatic compaction transformSpec
filterThe filter conditionally filters input rows during compaction. Only rows that pass the filter will be included in the compacted segments. Any of Druid’s standard can be used. Defaults to ‘null’, which will not filter any row.No
Automatic compaction ioConfig

Auto-compaction supports a subset of the . The below is a list of the supported configurations for auto-compaction.

dropExistingIf true the compaction task replaces all existing segments fully contained by the umbrella interval of the compacted segments when the task publishes new segments and tombstones. If compaction fails, Druid does not publish any segments or tombstones. WARNING: this functionality is still in beta. Note that changing this config does not cause intervals to be compacted again.falseno

For general Overlord Process information, see .

Overlord Static Configuration

These Overlord static configurations can be defined in the overlord/ file.

Overlord Process Configs
druid.hostThe host for the current process. This is used to advertise the current processes location as reachable from another process and should generally be specified such that http://${}/ could actually talk to this processInetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName()
druid.bindOnHostIndicating whether the process’s internal jetty server bind on Default is false, which means binding to all interfaces.false
druid.plaintextPortThis is the port to actually listen on; unless port mapping is used, this will be the same port as is on druid.host8090
druid.tlsPortTLS port for HTTPS connector, if is set then this config will be used. If contains port then that port will be ignored. This should be a non-negative Integer.8290
druid.serviceThe name of the service. This is used as a dimension when emitting metrics and alerts to differentiate between the various servicesdruid/overlord
Overlord Operations
druid.indexer.runner.typeChoices “local” or “remote”. Indicates whether tasks should be run locally or in a distributed environment. Experimental task runner “httpRemote” is also available which is same as “remote” but uses HTTP to interact with Middle Managers instead of ZooKeeper.local are “local” or “metadata”. Indicates whether incoming tasks should be stored locally (in heap) or in metadata storage. “local” is mainly for internal testing while “metadata” is recommended in production because storing incoming tasks in metadata storage allows for tasks to be resumed if the Overlord should fail.local of time to store task results. Default is 24 hours. If you have hundreds of tasks running in a day, consider increasing this threshold.PT24H
druid.indexer.tasklock.forceTimeChunkLockSetting this to false is still experimental
If set, all tasks are enforced to use time chunk lock. If not set, each task automatically chooses a lock type to use. This configuration can be overwritten by setting forceTimeChunkLock in the . See Task Locking & Priority for more details about locking in tasks.
druid.indexer.task.default.contextDefault task context that is applied to all tasks submitted to the Overlord. Any default in this config does not override neither the context values the user provides nor druid.indexer.tasklock.forceTimeChunkLock.empty context
druid.indexer.queue.maxSizeMaximum number of active tasks at one time.Integer.MAX_VALUE
druid.indexer.queue.startDelaySleep this long before starting Overlord queue management. This can be useful to give a cluster time to re-orient itself after e.g. a widespread network issue.PT1M
druid.indexer.queue.restartDelaySleep this long when Overlord queue management throws an exception before trying again.PT30S
druid.indexer.queue.storageSyncRateSync Overlord state this often with an underlying task persistence mechanism.PT1M

The following configs only apply if the Overlord is running in remote mode. For a description of local vs. remote mode, see .

druid.indexer.runner.taskAssignmentTimeoutHow long to wait after a task as been assigned to a MiddleManager before throwing an error.PT5M
druid.indexer.runner.minWorkerVersionThe minimum MiddleManager version to send tasks to. The version number is a string. This affects the expected behavior during certain operations like comparison against druid.worker.version. Specifically, the version comparison follows dictionary order. Use ISO8601 date format for the version to accommodate date comparisons.“0”
druid.indexer.runner.parallelIndexTaskSlotRatioThe ratio of task slots available for parallel indexing supervisor tasks per worker. The specified value must be in the range [0, 1].1
druid.indexer.runner.compressZnodesIndicates whether or not the Overlord should expect MiddleManagers to compress Znodes.true
druid.indexer.runner.maxZnodeBytesThe maximum size Znode in bytes that can be created in ZooKeeper, should be in the range of [10KiB, 2GiB). Human-readable format is supported.512 KiB
druid.indexer.runner.taskCleanupTimeoutHow long to wait before failing a task after a MiddleManager is disconnected from ZooKeeper.PT15M
druid.indexer.runner.taskShutdownLinkTimeoutHow long to wait on a shutdown request to a MiddleManager before timing outPT1M
druid.indexer.runner.pendingTasksRunnerNumThreadsNumber of threads to allocate pending-tasks to workers, must be at least 1.1
druid.indexer.runner.maxRetriesBeforeBlacklistNumber of consecutive times the MiddleManager can fail tasks, before the worker is blacklisted, must be at least 15
druid.indexer.runner.workerBlackListBackoffTimeHow long to wait before a task is whitelisted again. This value should be greater that the value set for taskBlackListCleanupPeriod.PT15M
druid.indexer.runner.workerBlackListCleanupPeriodA duration after which the cleanup thread will startup to clean blacklisted workers.PT5M
druid.indexer.runner.maxPercentageBlacklistWorkersThe maximum percentage of workers to blacklist, this must be between 0 and 100.20

There are additional configs for autoscaling (if it is enabled):

druid.indexer.autoscale.strategyChoices are “noop”, “ec2” or “gce”. Sets the strategy to run when autoscaling is required.noop
druid.indexer.autoscale.doAutoscaleIf set to “true” autoscaling will be enabled.false
druid.indexer.autoscale.provisionPeriodHow often to check whether or not new MiddleManagers should be added.PT1M
druid.indexer.autoscale.terminatePeriodHow often to check when MiddleManagers should be removed.PT5M
druid.indexer.autoscale.originTimeThe starting reference timestamp that the terminate period increments upon.2012-01-01T00:55:00.000Z
druid.indexer.autoscale.workerIdleTimeoutHow long can a worker be idle (not a run task) before it can be considered for termination.PT90M
druid.indexer.autoscale.maxScalingDurationHow long the Overlord will wait around for a MiddleManager to show up before giving up.PT15M
druid.indexer.autoscale.numEventsToTrackThe number of autoscaling related events (node creation and termination) to track.10
druid.indexer.autoscale.pendingTaskTimeoutHow long a task can be in “pending” state before the Overlord tries to scale up.PT30S
druid.indexer.autoscale.workerVersionIf set, will only create nodes of set version during autoscaling. Overrides dynamic configuration.null
druid.indexer.autoscale.workerPortThe port that MiddleManagers will run on.8080
druid.indexer.autoscale.workerCapacityHintAn estimation of the number of task slots available for each worker launched by the auto scaler when there are no workers running. The auto scaler uses the worker capacity hint to launch workers with an adequate capacity to handle pending tasks. When unset or set to a value less than or equal to 0, the auto scaler scales workers equal to the value for minNumWorkers in autoScaler config instead. The auto scaler assumes that each worker, either a middleManager or indexer, has the same amount of task slots. Therefore, when all your workers have the same capacity (homogeneous capacity), set the value for autoscale.workerCapacityHint equal to druid.worker.capacity. If your workers have different capacities (heterogeneous capacity), set the value to the average of druid.worker.capacity across the workers. For example, if two workers have druid.worker.capacity=10, and one has druid.worker.capacity=4, set autoscale.workerCapacityHint=8. Only applies to pendingTaskBased provisioning strategy.-1
druid.supervisor.healthinessThresholdThe number of successful runs before an unhealthy supervisor is again considered healthy.3
druid.supervisor.unhealthinessThresholdThe number of failed runs before the supervisor is considered unhealthy.3
druid.supervisor.taskHealthinessThresholdThe number of consecutive task successes before an unhealthy supervisor is again considered healthy.3
druid.supervisor.taskUnhealthinessThresholdThe number of consecutive task failures before the supervisor is considered unhealthy.3
druid.supervisor.storeStackTraceWhether full stack traces of supervisor exceptions should be stored and returned by the supervisor /status endpoint.false
druid.supervisor.maxStoredExceptionEventsThe maximum number of exception events that can be returned through the supervisor /status endpoint.max(healthinessThreshold, unhealthinessThreshold)

Overlord Dynamic Configuration

The Overlord can dynamically change worker behavior.

The JSON object can be submitted to the Overlord via a POST request at:

Optional Header Parameters for auditing the config change can also be specified.

Header Param NameDescriptionDefault
X-Druid-Authorauthor making the config change“”
X-Druid-Commentcomment describing the change being done“”

A sample worker config spec is shown below:

  1. {
  2. "selectStrategy": {
  3. "type": "fillCapacity",
  4. "affinityConfig": {
  5. "affinity": {
  6. "datasource1": ["host1:port", "host2:port"],
  7. "datasource2": ["host3:port"]
  8. }
  9. }
  10. },
  11. "autoScaler": {
  12. "type": "ec2",
  13. "minNumWorkers": 2,
  14. "maxNumWorkers": 12,
  15. "envConfig": {
  16. "availabilityZone": "us-east-1a",
  17. "nodeData": {
  18. "amiId": "${AMI}",
  19. "instanceType": "c3.8xlarge",
  20. "minInstances": 1,
  21. "maxInstances": 1,
  22. "securityGroupIds": ["${IDs}"],
  23. "keyName": "${KEY_NAME}"
  24. },
  25. "userData": {
  26. "impl": "string",
  27. "data": "${SCRIPT_COMMAND}",
  28. "versionReplacementString": ":VERSION:",
  29. "version": null
  30. }
  31. }
  32. }
  33. }

Issuing a GET request at the same URL will return the current worker config spec that is currently in place. The worker config spec list above is just a sample for EC2 and it is possible to extend the code base for other deployment environments. A description of the worker config spec is shown below.

selectStrategyHow to assign tasks to MiddleManagers. Choices are fillCapacity, equalDistribution, and javascript.equalDistribution
autoScalerOnly used if autoscaling is enabled. See below.null

To view the audit history of worker config issue a GET request to the URL -

  1. http://<OVERLORD_IP>:<port>/druid/indexer/v1/worker/history?interval=<interval>

default value of interval can be specified by setting druid.audit.manager.auditHistoryMillis (1 week if not configured) in Overlord

To view last n entries of the audit history of worker config issue a GET request to the URL -

  1. http://<OVERLORD_IP>:<port>/druid/indexer/v1/worker/history?count=<n>
Worker Select Strategy

Worker select strategies control how Druid assigns tasks to MiddleManagers.

Equal Distribution

Tasks are assigned to the MiddleManager with the most free slots at the time the task begins running. This is useful if you want work evenly distributed across your MiddleManagers.

typeequalDistribution.required; must be equalDistribution
affinityConfig objectnull (no affinity)
Equal Distribution With Category Spec

This strategy is a variant of Equal Distribution, which support workerCategorySpec field rather than affinityConfig. By specifying workerCategorySpec, you can assign tasks to run on different categories of MiddleManagers based on the tasks’ taskType and dataSource name. This strategy can’t work with AutoScaler since the behavior is undefined.

typeequalDistributionWithCategorySpec.required; must be equalDistributionWithCategorySpec
workerCategorySpec objectnull (no worker category spec)

Example: specify tasks default to run on c1 whose task type is “index_kafka”, while dataSource “ds1” run on c2.

  1. {
  2. "selectStrategy": {
  3. "type": "equalDistributionWithCategorySpec",
  4. "workerCategorySpec": {
  5. "strong": false,
  6. "categoryMap": {
  7. "index_kafka": {
  8. "defaultCategory": "c1",
  9. "categoryAffinity": {
  10. "ds1": "c2"
  11. }
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }
Fill Capacity

Tasks are assigned to the worker with the most currently-running tasks at the time the task begins running. This is useful in situations where you are elastically auto-scaling MiddleManagers, since it will tend to pack some full and leave others empty. The empty ones can be safely terminated.

Note that if druid.indexer.runner.pendingTasksRunnerNumThreads is set to N > 1, then this strategy will fill N MiddleManagers up to capacity simultaneously, rather than a single MiddleManager.

typefillCapacity.required; must be fillCapacity
affinityConfig objectnull (no affinity)
Fill Capacity With Category Spec

This strategy is a variant of Fill Capacity, which support workerCategorySpec field rather than affinityConfig. The usage is the same with equalDistributionWithCategorySpec strategy. This strategy can’t work with AutoScaler since the behavior is undefined.

typefillCapacityWithCategorySpec.required; must be fillCapacityWithCategorySpec
workerCategorySpec objectnull (no worker category spec)

Before using the equalDistributionWithCategorySpec and fillCapacityWithCategorySpec strategies, you must upgrade overlord and all MiddleManagers to the version that support this feature.


Allows defining arbitrary logic for selecting workers to run task using a JavaScript function. The function is passed remoteTaskRunnerConfig, map of workerId to available workers and task to be executed and returns the workerId on which the task should be run or null if the task cannot be run. It can be used for rapid development of missing features where the worker selection logic is to be changed or tuned often. If the selection logic is quite complex and cannot be easily tested in JavaScript environment, its better to write a druid extension module with extending current worker selection strategies written in java.

typejavascript.required; must be javascript
functionString representing JavaScript function

Example: a function that sends batch_index_task to workers and and all other tasks to other available workers.

  1. {
  2. "type":"javascript",
  3. "function":"function (config, zkWorkers, task) {\nvar batch_workers = new java.util.ArrayList();\nbatch_workers.add(\"middleManager1_hostname:8091\");\nbatch_workers.add(\"middleManager2_hostname:8091\");\nworkers = zkWorkers.keySet().toArray();\nvar sortedWorkers = new Array()\n;for(var i = 0; i < workers.length; i++){\n sortedWorkers[i] = workers[i];\n}\,function(a, b){return zkWorkers.get(b).getCurrCapacityUsed() - zkWorkers.get(a).getCurrCapacityUsed();});\nvar minWorkerVer = config.getMinWorkerVersion();\nfor (var i = 0; i < sortedWorkers.length; i++) {\n var worker = sortedWorkers[i];\n var zkWorker = zkWorkers.get(worker);\n if(zkWorker.canRunTask(task) && zkWorker.isValidVersion(minWorkerVer)){\n if(task.getType() == 'index_hadoop' && batch_workers.contains(worker)){\n return worker;\n } else {\n if(task.getType() != 'index_hadoop' && !batch_workers.contains(worker)){\n return worker;\n }\n }\n }\n}\nreturn null;\n}"
  4. }

Use the affinityConfig field to pass affinity configuration to the equalDistribution and fillCapacity strategies. If not provided, the default is to not use affinity at all.

affinityJSON object mapping a datasource String name to a list of indexing service MiddleManager host:port String values. Druid doesn’t perform DNS resolution, so the ‘host’ value must match what is configured on the MiddleManager and what the MiddleManager announces itself as (examine the Overlord logs to see what your MiddleManager announces itself as).{}
strongWhen true tasks for a datasource must be assigned to affinity-mapped MiddleManagers. Tasks remain queued until a slot becomes available. When false, Druid may assign tasks for a datasource to other MiddleManagers when affinity-mapped MiddleManagers are unavailable to run queued tasks.false

WorkerCategorySpec can be provided to the equalDistributionWithCategorySpec and fillCapacityWithCategorySpec strategies using the “workerCategorySpec” field. If not provided, the default is to not use it at all.

categoryMapA JSON map object mapping a task type String name to a object, by which you can specify category config for different task type.{}
strongWith weak workerCategorySpec (the default), tasks for a dataSource may be assigned to other MiddleManagers if the MiddleManagers specified in categoryMap are not able to run all pending tasks in the queue for that dataSource. With strong workerCategorySpec, tasks for a dataSource will only ever be assigned to their specified MiddleManagers, and will wait in the pending queue if necessary.false
defaultCategorySpecify default category for a task type.null
categoryAffinityA JSON map object mapping a datasource String name to a category String name of the MiddleManager. If category isn’t specified for a datasource, then using the defaultCategory. If no specified category and the defaultCategory is also null, then tasks can run on any available MiddleManagers.null

Amazon’s EC2 together with Google’s GCE are currently the only supported autoscalers.

EC2’s autoscaler properties are:

minNumWorkersThe minimum number of workers that can be in the cluster at any given time.0
maxNumWorkersThe maximum number of workers that can be in the cluster at any given time.0
availabilityZoneWhat availability zone to run in.none
nodeDataA JSON object that describes how to launch new nodes.none; required
userDataA JSON object that describes how to configure new nodes. If you have set druid.indexer.autoscale.workerVersion, this must have a versionReplacementString. Otherwise, a versionReplacementString is not necessary.none; optional

For GCE’s properties, please refer to the gce-extensions.

Data Server

This section contains the configuration options for the processes that reside on Data servers (MiddleManagers/Peons and Historicals) in the suggested three-server configuration.

Configuration options for the experimental are also provided here.

MiddleManager and Peons

These MiddleManager and Peon configurations can be defined in the middleManager/ file.

MiddleManager Process Config

druid.hostThe host for the current process. This is used to advertise the current processes location as reachable from another process and should generally be specified such that http://${}/ could actually talk to this processInetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName()
druid.bindOnHostIndicating whether the process’s internal jetty server bind on Default is false, which means binding to all interfaces.false
druid.plaintextPortThis is the port to actually listen on; unless port mapping is used, this will be the same port as is on druid.host8091
druid.tlsPortTLS port for HTTPS connector, if is set then this config will be used. If contains port then that port will be ignored. This should be a non-negative Integer.8291
druid.serviceThe name of the service. This is used as a dimension when emitting metrics and alerts to differentiate between the various servicesdruid/middlemanager

MiddleManager Configuration

Middle managers pass their configurations down to their child peons. The MiddleManager requires the following configs:

druid.indexer.runner.allowedPrefixesWhitelist of prefixes for configs that can be passed down to child peons.“com.metamx”, “druid”, “org.apache.druid”, “user.timezone”, “file.encoding”, “”, “hadoop”
druid.indexer.runner.compressZnodesIndicates whether or not the MiddleManagers should compress Znodes.true
druid.indexer.runner.classpathJava classpath for the peon.System.getProperty(“java.class.path”)
druid.indexer.runner.javaCommandCommand required to execute
druid.indexer.runner.javaOptsDEPRECATED A string of -X Java options to pass to the peon’s JVM. Quotable parameters or parameters with spaces are encouraged to use javaOptsArray“”
druid.indexer.runner.javaOptsArrayA JSON array of strings to be passed in as options to the peon’s JVM. This is additive to druid.indexer.runner.javaOpts and is recommended for properly handling arguments which contain quotes or spaces like [“-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -9 %p”][]
druid.indexer.runner.maxZnodeBytesThe maximum size Znode in bytes that can be created in ZooKeeper, should be in the range of [10KiB, 2GiB). is supported.512KiB
druid.indexer.runner.startPortStarting port used for peon processes, should be greater than 1023 and less than 65536.8100
druid.indexer.runner.endPortEnding port used for peon processes, should be greater than or equal to druid.indexer.runner.startPort and less than 65536.65535
druid.indexer.runner.portsA JSON array of integers to specify ports that used for peon processes. If provided and non-empty, ports for peon processes will be chosen from these ports. And druid.indexer.runner.startPort/druid.indexer.runner.endPort will be completely ignored.[]
druid.worker.ipThe IP of the worker.localhost
druid.worker.versionVersion identifier for the MiddleManager. The version number is a string. This affects the expected behavior during certain operations like comparison against druid.indexer.runner.minWorkerVersion. Specifically, the version comparison follows dictionary order. Use ISO8601 date format for the version to accommodate date comparisons.0
druid.worker.capacityMaximum number of tasks the MiddleManager can accept.Number of CPUs on the machine - 1
druid.worker.categoryA string to name the category that the MiddleManager node belongs to._default_worker_category

Peon Processing

Processing properties set on the Middlemanager will be passed through to Peons.

druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytesThis specifies a buffer size (less than 2GiB) for the storage of intermediate results. The computation engine in both the Historical and Realtime processes will use a scratch buffer of this size to do all of their intermediate computations off-heap. Larger values allow for more aggregations in a single pass over the data while smaller values can require more passes depending on the query that is being executed. is (max 1 GiB)
druid.processing.buffer.poolCacheMaxCountprocessing buffer pool caches the buffers for later use, this is the maximum count cache will grow to. note that pool can create more buffers than it can cache if necessary.Integer.MAX_VALUE
druid.processing.formatStringRealtime and Historical processes use this format string to name their processing threads.processing-%s
druid.processing.numMergeBuffersThe number of direct memory buffers available for merging query results. The buffers are sized by druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes. This property is effectively a concurrency limit for queries that require merging buffers. If you are using any queries that require merge buffers (currently, just groupBy v2) then you should have at least two of these.max(2, druid.processing.numThreads / 4)
druid.processing.numThreadsThe number of processing threads to have available for parallel processing of segments. Our rule of thumb is num_cores - 1, which means that even under heavy load there will still be one core available to do background tasks like talking with ZooKeeper and pulling down segments. If only one core is available, this property defaults to the value 1.Number of cores - 1 (or 1)
druid.processing.columnCache.sizeBytesMaximum size in bytes for the dimension value lookup cache. Any value greater than 0 enables the cache. It is currently disabled by default. Enabling the lookup cache can significantly improve the performance of aggregators operating on dimension values, such as the JavaScript aggregator, or cardinality aggregator, but can slow things down if the cache hit rate is low (i.e. dimensions with few repeating values). Enabling it may also require additional garbage collection tuning to avoid long GC pauses.0 (disabled)
druid.processing.fifoIf the processing queue should treat tasks of equal priority in a FIFO mannertrue
druid.processing.tmpDirPath where temporary files created while processing a query should be stored. If specified, this configuration takes priority over the default path.path represented by type for storing intermediary segments of data shuffle between native parallel index tasks. Current choices are “local” which stores segment files in local storage of Middle Managers (or Indexer) or “deepstore” which uses configured deep storage. Note - With “deepstore” type data is stored in shuffle-data directory under the configured deep storage path, auto clean up for this directory is not supported yet. One can setup cloud storage lifecycle rules for auto clean up of data at shuffle-data prefix location.local

The amount of direct memory needed by Druid is at least druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes * (druid.processing.numMergeBuffers + druid.processing.numThreads + 1). You can ensure at least this amount of direct memory is available by providing -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<VALUE> in druid.indexer.runner.javaOptsArray as documented above.

Peon query configuration

See .

Peon Caching

You can optionally configure caching to be enabled on the peons by setting caching configs here.

PropertyPossible ValuesDescriptionDefault
druid.realtime.cache.useCachetrue, falseEnable the cache on the realtime.false
druid.realtime.cache.populateCachetrue, falsePopulate the cache on the realtime.false
druid.realtime.cache.unCacheableAll druid query typesAll query types to not cache.[]
druid.realtime.cache.maxEntrySizepositive integerMaximum cache entry size in bytes.1_000_000

See for how to configure cache settings.

Additional Peon Configuration

Although peons inherit the configurations of their parent MiddleManagers, explicit child peon configs in MiddleManager can be set by prefixing them with:

Additional peon configs include:

druid.peon.modeChoices are “local” and “remote”. Setting this to local means you intend to run the peon as a standalone process (Not recommended).remote
druid.indexer.task.baseDirBase temporary working directory.System.getProperty(“”)
druid.indexer.task.baseTaskDirBase temporary working directory for tasks.${druid.indexer.task.baseDir}/persistent/task
druid.indexer.task.batchProcessingModeBatch ingestion tasks have three operating modes to control construction and tracking for intermediary segments: OPEN_SEGMENTS, CLOSED_SEGMENTS, and CLOSED_SEGMENT_SINKS. OPEN_SEGMENTS uses the streaming ingestion code path and performs a mmap on intermediary segments to build a timeline to make these segments available to realtime queries. Batch ingestion doesn’t require intermediary segments, so the default mode, CLOSED_SEGMENTS, eliminates mmap of intermediary segments. CLOSED_SEGMENTS mode still tracks the entire set of segments in heap. The CLOSED_SEGMENTS_SINKS mode is the most aggressive configuration and should have the smallest memory footprint. It eliminates in-memory tracking and mmap of intermediary segments produced during segment creation. CLOSED_SEGMENTS_SINKS mode isn’t as well tested as other modes so is currently considered experimental. You can use OPEN_SEGMENTS mode if problems occur with the 2 newer modes.CLOSED_SEGMENTS
druid.indexer.task.defaultHadoopCoordinatesHadoop version to use with HadoopIndexTasks that do not request a particular
druid.indexer.task.defaultRowFlushBoundaryHighest row count before persisting to disk. Used for indexing generating tasks.75000
druid.indexer.task.directoryLockTimeoutWait this long for zombie peons to exit before giving up on their replacements.PT10M
druid.indexer.task.gracefulShutdownTimeoutWait this long on middleManager restart for restorable tasks to gracefully exit.PT5M
druid.indexer.task.hadoopWorkingPathTemporary working directory for Hadoop tasks./tmp/druid-indexing
druid.indexer.task.restoreTasksOnRestartIf true, MiddleManagers will attempt to stop tasks gracefully on shutdown and restore them on restart.false
druid.indexer.task.ignoreTimestampSpecForDruidInputSourceIf true, tasks using the will ignore the provided timestampSpec, and will use the __time column of the input datasource. This option is provided for compatibility with ingestion specs written before Druid 0.22.0.false
druid.indexer.task.storeEmptyColumnsBoolean value for whether or not to store empty columns during ingestion. When set to true, Druid stores every column specified in the dimensionsSpec. If you use schemaless ingestion and don’t specify any dimensions to ingest, you must also set for Druid to store empty columns.

If you set storeEmptyColumns to false, Druid SQL queries referencing empty columns will fail. If you intend to leave storeEmptyColumns disabled, you should either ingest dummy data for empty columns or else not query on empty columns.

This configuration can be overwritten by setting storeEmptyColumns in the task context.
druid.indexer.server.maxChatRequestsMaximum number of concurrent requests served by a task’s chat handler. Set to 0 to disable limiting.0
druid.peon.taskActionClient.retry.minWaitThe minimum retry time to communicate with Overlord.PT5S
druid.peon.taskActionClient.retry.maxWaitThe maximum retry time to communicate with Overlord.PT1M
druid.peon.taskActionClient.retry.maxRetryCountThe maximum number of retries to communicate with Overlord.60

When new segments are created, Druid temporarily stores some preprocessed data in some buffers. Currently three types of medium exist for those buffers: temporary files, off-heap memory, and on-heap memory.

Temporary files (tmpFile) are stored under the task working directory (see druid.indexer.task.baseTaskDir configuration above) and thus share it’s mounting properties, e. g. they could be backed by HDD, SSD or memory (tmpfs). This type of medium may do unnecessary disk I/O and requires some disk space to be available.

Off-heap memory medium (offHeapMemory) creates buffers in off-heap memory of a JVM process that is running a task. This type of medium is preferred, but it may require to allow the JVM to have more off-heap memory, by changing -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize configuration. It is not yet understood how does the required off-heap memory size relates to the size of the segments being created. But definitely it doesn’t make sense to add more extra off-heap memory, than the configured maximum heap size (-Xmx) for the same JVM.

On-heap memory medium (onHeapMemory) creates buffers using the allocated heap memory of the JVM process running a task. Using on-heap memory introduces garbage collection overhead and so is not recommended in most cases. This type of medium is most helpful for tasks run on external clusters where it may be difficult to allocate and work with direct memory effectively.

For most types of tasks SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory could be configured per-task (see Tasks page, “TuningConfig” section), but if it’s not specified for a task, or it’s not supported for a particular task type, then the value from the configuration below is used:


Indexer Process Configuration

druid.hostThe host for the current process. This is used to advertise the current processes location as reachable from another process and should generally be specified such that could actually talk to this processInetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName()
druid.bindOnHostIndicating whether the process’s internal jetty server bind on Default is false, which means binding to all interfaces.false
druid.plaintextPortThis is the port to actually listen on; unless port mapping is used, this will be the same port as is on druid.host8091
druid.tlsPortTLS port for HTTPS connector, if druid.enableTlsPort is set then this config will be used. If contains port then that port will be ignored. This should be a non-negative Integer.8283
druid.serviceThe name of the service. This is used as a dimension when emitting metrics and alerts to differentiate between the various servicesdruid/indexer

Indexer General Configuration

druid.worker.versionVersion identifier for the Indexer.0
druid.worker.capacityMaximum number of tasks the Indexer can accept.Number of available processors - 1
druid.worker.globalIngestionHeapLimitBytesTotal amount of heap available for ingestion processing. This is applied by automatically setting the maxBytesInMemory property on tasks.60% of configured JVM heap
druid.worker.numConcurrentMergesMaximum number of segment persist or merge operations that can run concurrently across all tasks.druid.worker.capacity / 2, rounded down
druid.indexer.task.baseDirBase temporary working directory.System.getProperty(“”)
druid.indexer.task.baseTaskDirBase temporary working directory for tasks.${druid.indexer.task.baseDir}/persistent/tasks
druid.indexer.task.defaultHadoopCoordinatesHadoop version to use with HadoopIndexTasks that do not request a particular
druid.indexer.task.gracefulShutdownTimeoutWait this long on Indexer restart for restorable tasks to gracefully exit.PT5M
druid.indexer.task.hadoopWorkingPathTemporary working directory for Hadoop tasks./tmp/druid-indexing
druid.indexer.task.restoreTasksOnRestartIf true, the Indexer will attempt to stop tasks gracefully on shutdown and restore them on restart.false
druid.indexer.task.ignoreTimestampSpecForDruidInputSourceIf true, tasks using the Druid input source will ignore the provided timestampSpec, and will use the __time column of the input datasource. This option is provided for compatibility with ingestion specs written before Druid 0.22.0.false
druid.indexer.task.storeEmptyColumnsBoolean value for whether or not to store empty columns during ingestion. When set to true, Druid stores every column specified in the . If you use schemaless ingestion and don’t specify any dimensions to ingest, you must also set includeAllDimensions for Druid to store empty columns.

If you set storeEmptyColumns to false, Druid SQL queries referencing empty columns will fail. If you intend to leave storeEmptyColumns disabled, you should either ingest dummy data for empty columns or else not query on empty columns.

This configuration can be overwritten by setting storeEmptyColumns in the .
druid.peon.taskActionClient.retry.minWaitThe minimum retry time to communicate with Overlord.PT5S
druid.peon.taskActionClient.retry.maxWaitThe maximum retry time to communicate with Overlord.PT1M
druid.peon.taskActionClient.retry.maxRetryCountThe maximum number of retries to communicate with Overlord.60

Indexer Concurrent Requests

Druid uses Jetty to serve HTTP requests.

druid.server.http.numThreadsNumber of threads for HTTP requests. Please see the documentation for more details on how the Indexer uses this configuration.max(10, (Number of cores 17) / 16 + 2) + 30
druid.server.http.queueSizeSize of the worker queue used by Jetty server to temporarily store incoming client connections. If this value is set and a request is rejected by jetty because queue is full then client would observe request failure with TCP connection being closed immediately with a completely empty response from server.Unbounded
druid.server.http.maxIdleTimeThe Jetty max idle time for a connection.PT5M
druid.server.http.enableRequestLimitIf enabled, no requests would be queued in jetty queue and “HTTP 429 Too Many Requests” error response would be sent.false
druid.server.http.defaultQueryTimeoutQuery timeout in millis, beyond which unfinished queries will be cancelled300000
druid.server.http.gracefulShutdownTimeoutThe maximum amount of time Jetty waits after receiving shutdown signal. After this timeout the threads will be forcefully shutdown. This allows any queries that are executing to complete(Only values greater than zero are valid).PT30S
druid.server.http.unannouncePropagationDelayHow long to wait for ZooKeeper unannouncements to propagate before shutting down Jetty. This is a minimum and druid.server.http.gracefulShutdownTimeout does not start counting down until after this period elapses.PT0S (do not wait)
druid.server.http.maxQueryTimeoutMaximum allowed value (in milliseconds) for timeout parameter. See query-context to know more about timeout. Query is rejected if the query context timeout is greater than this value.Long.MAX_VALUE
druid.server.http.maxRequestHeaderSizeMaximum size of a request header in bytes. Larger headers consume more memory and can make a server more vulnerable to denial of service attacks.8 1024
druid.server.http.enableForwardedRequestCustomizerIf enabled, adds Jetty ForwardedRequestCustomizer which reads X-Forwarded-* request headers to manipulate servlet request object when Druid is used behind a proxy.false
druid.server.http.allowedHttpMethodsList of HTTP methods that should be allowed in addition to the ones required by Druid APIs. Druid APIs require GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE, which are always allowed. This option is not useful unless you have installed an extension that needs these additional HTTP methods or that adds functionality related to CORS. None of Druid’s bundled extensions require these methods.[]
druid.server.http.contentSecurityPolicyContent-Security-Policy header value to set on each non-POST response. Setting this property to an empty string, or omitting it, both result in the default frame-ancestors: none being set.frame-ancestors ‘none’

Indexer Processing Resources

druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytesThis specifies a buffer size (less than 2GiB) for the storage of intermediate results. The computation engine in the Indexer processes will use a scratch buffer of this size to do all of their intermediate computations off-heap. Larger values allow for more aggregations in a single pass over the data while smaller values can require more passes depending on the query that is being executed. Human-readable format is (max 1GiB)
druid.processing.buffer.poolCacheMaxCountprocessing buffer pool caches the buffers for later use, this is the maximum count cache will grow to. note that pool can create more buffers than it can cache if necessary.Integer.MAX_VALUE
druid.processing.formatStringIndexer processes use this format string to name their processing threads.processing-%s
druid.processing.numMergeBuffersThe number of direct memory buffers available for merging query results. The buffers are sized by druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes. This property is effectively a concurrency limit for queries that require merging buffers. If you are using any queries that require merge buffers (currently, just groupBy v2) then you should have at least two of these.max(2, druid.processing.numThreads / 4)
druid.processing.numThreadsThe number of processing threads to have available for parallel processing of segments. Our rule of thumb is num_cores - 1, which means that even under heavy load there will still be one core available to do background tasks like talking with ZooKeeper and pulling down segments. If only one core is available, this property defaults to the value 1.Number of cores - 1 (or 1)
druid.processing.columnCache.sizeBytesMaximum size in bytes for the dimension value lookup cache. Any value greater than 0 enables the cache. It is currently disabled by default. Enabling the lookup cache can significantly improve the performance of aggregators operating on dimension values, such as the JavaScript aggregator, or cardinality aggregator, but can slow things down if the cache hit rate is low (i.e. dimensions with few repeating values). Enabling it may also require additional garbage collection tuning to avoid long GC pauses.0 (disabled)
druid.processing.fifoIf the processing queue should treat tasks of equal priority in a FIFO mannertrue
druid.processing.tmpDirPath where temporary files created while processing a query should be stored. If specified, this configuration takes priority over the default path.path represented by

The amount of direct memory needed by Druid is at least druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes * (druid.processing.numMergeBuffers + druid.processing.numThreads + 1). You can ensure at least this amount of direct memory is available by providing -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<VALUE> at the command line.

Query Configurations

See general query configuration.

Indexer Caching

You can optionally configure caching to be enabled on the Indexer by setting caching configs here.

PropertyPossible ValuesDescriptionDefault
druid.realtime.cache.useCachetrue, falseEnable the cache on the realtime.false
true, falsePopulate the cache on the realtime.false
druid.realtime.cache.unCacheableAll druid query typesAll query types to not cache.[]
druid.realtime.cache.maxEntrySizepositive integerMaximum cache entry size in bytes.1_000_000

See cache configuration for how to configure cache settings.

Note that only local caches such as the local-type cache and caffeine cache are supported. If a remote cache such as memcached is used, it will be ignored.


For general Historical Process information, see here.

These Historical configurations can be defined in the historical/ file.

Historical Process Configuration

druid.hostThe host for the current process. This is used to advertise the current processes location as reachable from another process and should generally be specified such that http://${}/ could actually talk to this processInetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName()
druid.bindOnHostIndicating whether the process’s internal jetty server bind on Default is false, which means binding to all interfaces.false
druid.plaintextPortThis is the port to actually listen on; unless port mapping is used, this will be the same port as is on druid.host8083
druid.tlsPortTLS port for HTTPS connector, if is set then this config will be used. If contains port then that port will be ignored. This should be a non-negative Integer.8283
druid.serviceThe name of the service. This is used as a dimension when emitting metrics and alerts to differentiate between the various servicesdruid/historical

Historical General Configuration

druid.server.maxSizeThe maximum number of bytes-worth of segments that the process wants assigned to it. The Coordinator process will attempt to assign segments to a Historical process only if this property is greater than the total size of segments served by it. Since this property defines the upper limit on the total segment size that can be assigned to a Historical, it is defaulted to the sum of all maxSize values specified within druid.segmentCache.locations property. Human-readable format is supported, see .Sum of maxSize values defined within druid.segmentCache.locations
druid.server.tierA string to name the distribution tier that the storage process belongs to. Many of the rules Coordinator processes use to manage segments can be keyed on tiers._default_tier
druid.server.priorityIn a tiered architecture, the priority of the tier, thus allowing control over which processes are queried. Higher numbers mean higher priority. The default (no priority) works for architecture with no cross replication (tiers that have no data-storage overlap). Data centers typically have equal priority.0

Storing Segments

druid.segmentCache.locationsSegments assigned to a Historical process are first stored on the local file system (in a disk cache) and then served by the Historical process. These locations define where that local cache resides. This value cannot be NULL or EMPTY. Here is an example druid.segmentCache.locations=[{“path”: “/mnt/druidSegments”, “maxSize”: “10k”, “freeSpacePercent”: 1.0}]. “freeSpacePercent” is optional, if provided then enforces that much of free disk partition space while storing segments. But, it depends on File.getTotalSpace() and File.getFreeSpace() methods, so enable if only if they work for your File System.none
druid.segmentCache.locationSelector.strategyThe strategy used to select a location from the configured druid.segmentCache.locations for segment distribution. Possible values are leastBytesUsed, roundRobin, random, or mostAvailableSize.leastBytesUsed
druid.segmentCache.deleteOnRemoveDelete segment files from cache once a process is no longer serving a segment.true
druid.segmentCache.dropSegmentDelayMillisHow long a process delays before completely dropping segment.30000 (30 seconds)
druid.segmentCache.infoDirHistorical processes keep track of the segments they are serving so that when the process is restarted they can reload the same segments without waiting for the Coordinator to reassign. This path defines where this metadata is kept. Directory will be created if needed.${first_location}/info_dir
druid.segmentCache.announceIntervalMillisHow frequently to announce segments while segments are loading from cache. Set this value to zero to wait for all segments to be loaded before announcing.5000 (5 seconds)
druid.segmentCache.numLoadingThreadsHow many segments to drop or load concurrently from deep storage. Note that the work of loading segments involves downloading segments from deep storage, decompressing them and loading them to a memory mapped location. So the work is not all I/O Bound. Depending on CPU and network load, one could possibly increase this config to a higher value.max(1,Number of cores / 6)
druid.segmentCache.numBootstrapThreadsHow many segments to load concurrently during historical startup.druid.segmentCache.numLoadingThreads
druid.segmentCache.lazyLoadOnStartWhether or not to load segment columns metadata lazily during historical startup. When set to true, Historical startup time will be dramatically improved by deferring segment loading until the first time that segment takes part in a query, which will incur this cost instead.false
druid.coordinator.loadqueuepeon.curator.numCallbackThreadsNumber of threads for executing callback actions associated with loading or dropping of segments. One might want to increase this number when noticing clusters are lagging behind w.r.t. balancing segments across historical nodes.2
druid.segmentCache.numThreadsToLoadSegmentsIntoPageCacheOnDownloadNumber of threads to asynchronously read segment index files into null output stream on each new segment download after the historical process finishes bootstrapping. Recommended to set to 1 or 2 or leave unspecified to disable. See also druid.segmentCache.numThreadsToLoadSegmentsIntoPageCacheOnBootstrap0
druid.segmentCache.numThreadsToLoadSegmentsIntoPageCacheOnBootstrapNumber of threads to asynchronously read segment index files into null output stream during historical process bootstrap. This thread pool is terminated after historical process finishes bootstrapping. Recommended to set to half of available cores. If left unspecified, druid.segmentCache.numThreadsToLoadSegmentsIntoPageCacheOnDownload will be used. If both configs are unspecified, this feature is disabled. Preemptively loading segments into page cache helps in the sense that later when a segment is queried, it’s already in page cache and only a minor page fault needs to be triggered instead of a more costly major page fault to make the query latency more consistent. Note that loading segment into page cache just does a blind loading of segment index files and will evict any existing segments from page cache at the discretion of operating system when the total segment size on local disk is larger than the page cache usable in the RAM, which roughly equals to total available RAM in the host - druid process memory including both heap and direct memory allocated - memory used by other non druid processes on the host, so it is the user’s responsibility to ensure the host has enough RAM to host all the segments to avoid random evictions to fully leverage this feature.druid.segmentCache.numThreadsToLoadSegmentsIntoPageCacheOnDownload

In druid.segmentCache.locations, freeSpacePercent was added because maxSize setting is only a theoretical limit and assumes that much space will always be available for storing segments. In case of any druid bug leading to unaccounted segment files left alone on disk or some other process writing stuff to disk, This check can start failing segment loading early before filling up the disk completely and leaving the host usable otherwise.

In druid.segmentCache.locationSelector.strategy, one of leastBytesUsed, roundRobin, random, or mostAvailableSize could be specified to represent the strategy to distribute segments across multiple segment cache locations.

leastBytesUsedselects a location which has least bytes used in absolute terms.
roundRobinselects a location in a round robin fashion oblivious to the bytes used or the capacity.
randomselects a segment cache location randomly each time among the available storage locations.
mostAvailableSizeselects a segment cache location that has most free space among the available storage locations.

Note that if druid.segmentCache.numLoadingThreads > 1, multiple threads can download different segments at the same time. In this case, with the leastBytesUsed strategy or mostAvailableSize strategy, historicals may select a sub-optimal storage location because each decision is based on a snapshot of the storage location status of when a segment is requested to download.

Historical query configs

Concurrent Requests

Druid uses Jetty to serve HTTP requests.

druid.server.http.numThreadsNumber of threads for HTTP requests.max(10, (Number of cores 17) / 16 + 2) + 30
druid.server.http.queueSizeSize of the worker queue used by Jetty server to temporarily store incoming client connections. If this value is set and a request is rejected by jetty because queue is full then client would observe request failure with TCP connection being closed immediately with a completely empty response from server.Unbounded
druid.server.http.maxIdleTimeThe Jetty max idle time for a connection.PT5M
druid.server.http.enableRequestLimitIf enabled, no requests would be queued in jetty queue and “HTTP 429 Too Many Requests” error response would be sent.false
druid.server.http.defaultQueryTimeoutQuery timeout in millis, beyond which unfinished queries will be cancelled300000
druid.server.http.gracefulShutdownTimeoutThe maximum amount of time Jetty waits after receiving shutdown signal. After this timeout the threads will be forcefully shutdown. This allows any queries that are executing to complete(Only values greater than zero are valid).PT30S
druid.server.http.unannouncePropagationDelayHow long to wait for ZooKeeper unannouncements to propagate before shutting down Jetty. This is a minimum and druid.server.http.gracefulShutdownTimeout does not start counting down until after this period elapses.PT0S (do not wait)
druid.server.http.maxQueryTimeoutMaximum allowed value (in milliseconds) for timeout parameter. See query-context to know more about timeout. Query is rejected if the query context timeout is greater than this value.Long.MAX_VALUE
druid.server.http.maxRequestHeaderSizeMaximum size of a request header in bytes. Larger headers consume more memory and can make a server more vulnerable to denial of service attacks.8 1024
druid.server.http.contentSecurityPolicyContent-Security-Policy header value to set on each non-POST response. Setting this property to an empty string, or omitting it, both result in the default frame-ancestors: none being set.frame-ancestors ‘none’
druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytesThis specifies a buffer size (less than 2GiB), for the storage of intermediate results. The computation engine in both the Historical and Realtime processes will use a scratch buffer of this size to do all of their intermediate computations off-heap. Larger values allow for more aggregations in a single pass over the data while smaller values can require more passes depending on the query that is being executed. Human-readable format is (max 1GiB)
druid.processing.buffer.poolCacheMaxCountprocessing buffer pool caches the buffers for later use, this is the maximum count cache will grow to. note that pool can create more buffers than it can cache if necessary.Integer.MAX_VALUE
druid.processing.formatStringRealtime and Historical processes use this format string to name their processing threads.processing-%s
druid.processing.numMergeBuffersThe number of direct memory buffers available for merging query results. The buffers are sized by druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes. This property is effectively a concurrency limit for queries that require merging buffers. If you are using any queries that require merge buffers (currently, just groupBy v2) then you should have at least two of these.max(2, druid.processing.numThreads / 4)
druid.processing.numThreadsThe number of processing threads to have available for parallel processing of segments. Our rule of thumb is num_cores - 1, which means that even under heavy load there will still be one core available to do background tasks like talking with ZooKeeper and pulling down segments. If only one core is available, this property defaults to the value 1.Number of cores - 1 (or 1)
druid.processing.columnCache.sizeBytesMaximum size in bytes for the dimension value lookup cache. Any value greater than 0 enables the cache. It is currently disabled by default. Enabling the lookup cache can significantly improve the performance of aggregators operating on dimension values, such as the JavaScript aggregator, or cardinality aggregator, but can slow things down if the cache hit rate is low (i.e. dimensions with few repeating values). Enabling it may also require additional garbage collection tuning to avoid long GC pauses.0 (disabled)
druid.processing.fifoIf the processing queue should treat tasks of equal priority in a FIFO mannertrue
druid.processing.tmpDirPath where temporary files created while processing a query should be stored. If specified, this configuration takes priority over the default path.path represented by

The amount of direct memory needed by Druid is at least druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes * (druid.processing.numMergeBuffers + druid.processing.numThreads + 1). You can ensure at least this amount of direct memory is available by providing -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<VALUE> at the command line.

Historical query configuration

See general query configuration.

Historical Caching

You can optionally only configure caching to be enabled on the Historical by setting caching configs here.

PropertyPossible ValuesDescriptionDefault
druid.historical.cache.useCachetrue, falseEnable the cache on the Historical.false
druid.historical.cache.populateCachetrue, falsePopulate the cache on the Historical.false
druid.historical.cache.unCacheableAll druid query typesAll query types to not cache.[]
druid.historical.cache.maxEntrySizepositive integerMaximum cache entry size in bytes.1_000_000

See cache configuration for how to configure cache settings.

This section contains the configuration options for the processes that reside on Query servers (Brokers) in the suggested three-server configuration.

Configuration options for the experimental are also provided here.


For general Broker process information, see .

These Broker configurations can be defined in the broker/ file.

Broker Process Configs

druid.hostThe host for the current process. This is used to advertise the current processes location as reachable from another process and should generally be specified such that could actually talk to this processInetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName()
druid.bindOnHostIndicating whether the process’s internal jetty server bind on Default is false, which means binding to all interfaces.false
druid.plaintextPortThis is the port to actually listen on; unless port mapping is used, this will be the same port as is on druid.host8082
druid.tlsPortTLS port for HTTPS connector, if druid.enableTlsPort is set then this config will be used. If contains port then that port will be ignored. This should be a non-negative Integer.8282
druid.serviceThe name of the service. This is used as a dimension when emitting metrics and alerts to differentiate between the various servicesdruid/broker

Query configuration

Query routing
PropertyPossible ValuesDescriptionDefault, connectionCountDetermines how the broker balances connections to Historical processes. random choose randomly, connectionCount picks the process with the fewest number of active connections torandom, lowestPriority, customIf segments are cross-replicated across tiers in a cluster, you can tell the broker to prefer to select segments in a tier with a certain priority.highestPriority array of integer priorities. E.g., [-1, 0, 1, 2]Select servers in tiers with a custom priority list.The config only has effect if is set to custom. If is set to custom but this config is not specified, the effect is the same as set to highestPriority. Any of the integers in this config can be ignored if there’s no corresponding tiers with such priorities. Tiers with priorities explicitly specified in this config always have higher priority than those not and those not specified fall back to use highestPriority strategy among themselves.
Query prioritization and laning

Laning strategies allow you to control capacity utilization for heterogeneous query workloads. With laning, the broker examines and classifies a query for the purpose of assigning it to a ‘lane’. Lanes have capacity limits, enforced by the broker, that can be used to ensure sufficient resources are available for other lanes or for interactive queries (with no lane), or to limit overall throughput for queries within the lane. Requests in excess of the capacity are discarded with an HTTP 429 status code.

druid.query.scheduler.numThreadsMaximum number of HTTP threads to dedicate to query processing. To save HTTP thread capacity, this should be lower than druid.server.http.numThreads, but it is worth noting that like druid.server.http.enableRequestLimit is set that query requests over this limit will be denied instead of waiting in the Jetty HTTP request queue.Unbounded
druid.query.scheduler.laning.strategyQuery laning strategy to use to assign queries to a lane in order to control capacities for certain classes of queries.none
druid.query.scheduler.prioritization.strategyQuery prioritization strategy to automatically assign priorities.manual
Prioritization strategies
Manual prioritization strategy

With this configuration, queries are never assigned a priority automatically, but will preserve a priority manually set on the query context with the priority key. This mode can be explicitly set by setting druid.query.scheduler.prioritization.strategy to manual.

Threshold prioritization strategy

This prioritization strategy lowers the priority of queries that cross any of a configurable set of thresholds, such as how far in the past the data is, how large of an interval a query covers, or the number of segments taking part in a query.

This strategy can be enabled by setting druid.query.scheduler.prioritization.strategy to threshold.

druid.query.scheduler.prioritization.periodThresholdISO duration threshold for how old data can be queried before automatically adjusting query priority.None
druid.query.scheduler.prioritization.durationThresholdISO duration threshold for maximum duration a queries interval can span before the priority is automatically adjusted.None
druid.query.scheduler.prioritization.segmentCountThresholdNumber threshold for maximum number of segments that can take part in a query before its priority is automatically adjusted.None
druid.query.scheduler.prioritization.adjustmentAmount to reduce the priority of queries which cross any threshold.None
Laning strategies
No laning strategy

In this mode, queries are never assigned a lane, and the concurrent query count will only be limited by druid.server.http.numThreads or druid.query.scheduler.numThreads, if set. This is the default Druid query scheduler operating mode. Enable this strategy explicitly by setting druid.query.scheduler.laning.strategy to none.

‘High/Low’ laning strategy

This laning strategy splits queries with a priority below zero into a low query lane, automatically. Queries with priority of zero (the default) or above are considered ‘interactive’. The limit on low queries can be set to some desired percentage of the total capacity (or HTTP thread pool size), reserving capacity for interactive queries. Queries in the low lane are not guaranteed their capacity, which may be consumed by interactive queries, but may use up to this limit if total capacity is available.

If the low lane is specified in the lane parameter, this will override the computed lane.

This strategy can be enabled by setting druid.query.scheduler.laning.strategy=hilo.

druid.query.scheduler.laning.maxLowPercentMaximum percent of the smaller number of druid.server.http.numThreads or druid.query.scheduler.numThreads, defining the number of HTTP threads that can be used by queries with a priority lower than 0. Value must be an integer in the range 1 to 100, and will be rounded upNo default, must be set if using this mode
‘Manual’ laning strategy

This laning strategy is best suited for cases where one or more external applications which query Druid are capable of manually deciding what lane a given query should belong to. Configured with a map of lane names to percent or exact max capacities, queries with a matching lane parameter in the will be subjected to those limits.

druid.query.scheduler.laning.lanes.{name}Maximum percent or exact limit of queries that can concurrently run in the defined lanes. Any number of lanes may be defined like this. The lane names ‘total’ and ‘default’ are reserved for internal use.No default, must define at least one lane with a limit above 0. If druid.query.scheduler.laning.isLimitPercent is set to true, values must be integers in the range of 1 to 100.
druid.query.scheduler.laning.isLimitPercentIf set to true, the values set for druid.query.scheduler.laning.lanes will be treated as a percent of the smaller number of druid.server.http.numThreads or druid.query.scheduler.numThreads. Note that in this mode, these lane values across lanes are not required to add up to, and can exceed, 100%.false
Server Configuration

Druid uses Jetty to serve HTTP requests. Each query being processed consumes a single thread from druid.server.http.numThreads, so consider defining druid.query.scheduler.numThreads to a lower value in order to reserve HTTP threads for responding to health checks, lookup loading, and other non-query, and in most cases comparatively very short lived, HTTP requests.

druid.server.http.numThreadsNumber of threads for HTTP requests.max(10, (Number of cores 17) / 16 + 2) + 30
druid.server.http.queueSizeSize of the worker queue used by Jetty server to temporarily store incoming client connections. If this value is set and a request is rejected by jetty because queue is full then client would observe request failure with TCP connection being closed immediately with a completely empty response from server.Unbounded
druid.server.http.maxIdleTimeThe Jetty max idle time for a connection.PT5M
druid.server.http.enableRequestLimitIf enabled, no requests would be queued in jetty queue and “HTTP 429 Too Many Requests” error response would be sent.false
druid.server.http.defaultQueryTimeoutQuery timeout in millis, beyond which unfinished queries will be cancelled300000
druid.server.http.maxScatterGatherBytesMaximum number of bytes gathered from data processes such as Historicals and realtime processes to execute a query. Queries that exceed this limit will fail. This is an advance configuration that allows to protect in case Broker is under heavy load and not utilizing the data gathered in memory fast enough and leading to OOMs. This limit can be further reduced at query time using maxScatterGatherBytes in the context. Note that having large limit is not necessarily bad if broker is never under heavy concurrent load in which case data gathered is processed quickly and freeing up the memory used. Human-readable format is supported, see .Long.MAX_VALUE
druid.server.http.maxSubqueryRowsMaximum number of rows from all subqueries per query. Druid stores the subquery rows in temporary tables that live in the Java heap. druid.server.http.maxSubqueryRows is a guardrail to prevent the system from exhausting available heap. When a subquery exceeds the row limit, Druid throws a resource limit exceeded exception: “Subquery generated results beyond maximum.”

It is a good practice to avoid large subqueries in Druid. However, if you choose to raise the subquery row limit, you must also increase the heap size of all Brokers, Historicals, and task Peons that process data for the subqueries to accommodate the subquery results.

There is no formula to calculate the correct value. Trial and error is the best approach.
druid.server.http.gracefulShutdownTimeoutThe maximum amount of time Jetty waits after receiving shutdown signal. After this timeout the threads will be forcefully shutdown. This allows any queries that are executing to complete(Only values greater than zero are valid).PT30S
druid.server.http.unannouncePropagationDelayHow long to wait for ZooKeeper unannouncements to propagate before shutting down Jetty. This is a minimum and druid.server.http.gracefulShutdownTimeout does not start counting down until after this period elapses.PT0S (do not wait)
druid.server.http.maxQueryTimeoutMaximum allowed value (in milliseconds) for timeout parameter. See query-context to know more about timeout. Query is rejected if the query context timeout is greater than this value.Long.MAX_VALUE
druid.server.http.maxRequestHeaderSizeMaximum size of a request header in bytes. Larger headers consume more memory and can make a server more vulnerable to denial of service attacks.8 1024
druid.server.http.contentSecurityPolicyContent-Security-Policy header value to set on each non-POST response. Setting this property to an empty string, or omitting it, both result in the default frame-ancestors: none being set.frame-ancestors ‘none’
Client Configuration

Druid Brokers use an HTTP client to communicate with with data servers (Historical servers and real-time tasks). This client has the following configuration options.

PropertyDescriptionDefault of connection pool for the Broker to connect to Historical and real-time processes. If there are more queries than this number that all need to speak to the same process, then they will queue up.20 that http connections from Broker to Historical and Real-time processes should be eagerly initialized. If set to true, numConnections connections are created upon initializationtrue codec the Broker uses to communicate with Historical and real-time processes. May be “gzip” or “identity”.gzip timeout for data reads from Historical servers and real-time tasks.PT15M timeout for idle connections in connection pool. The connection in the pool will be closed after this timeout and a new one will be established. This timeout should be less than Set this timeout = ~90% of number of bytes queued per query before exerting backpressure on channels to the data servers.

Similar to druid.server.http.maxScatterGatherBytes, except unlike that configuration, this one will trigger backpressure rather than query failure. Zero means disabled. Can be overridden by the “maxQueuedBytes” query context parameter. Human-readable format is supported, see .
25MB or 2% of maximum Broker heap size, whichever is greater number of I/O worker threads</td><td>max(10, ((number of cores * 17) / 16 + 2) + 30)
Retry Policy

Druid broker can optionally retry queries internally for transient errors.

PropertyDescriptionDefault of tries.1

The broker uses processing configs for nested groupBy queries.

druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytesThis specifies a buffer size (less than 2GiB) for the storage of intermediate results. The computation engine in both the Historical and Realtime processes will use a scratch buffer of this size to do all of their intermediate computations off-heap. Larger values allow for more aggregations in a single pass over the data while smaller values can require more passes depending on the query that is being executed. Human-readable format is (max 1GiB)
druid.processing.buffer.poolCacheInitialCountinitializes the number of buffers allocated on the intermediate results pool. Note that pool can create more buffers if necessary.0
druid.processing.buffer.poolCacheMaxCountprocessing buffer pool caches the buffers for later use, this is the maximum count cache will grow to. note that pool can create more buffers than it can cache if necessary.Integer.MAX_VALUE
druid.processing.numMergeBuffersThe number of direct memory buffers available for merging query results. The buffers are sized by druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes. This property is effectively a concurrency limit for queries that require merging buffers. If you are using any queries that require merge buffers (currently, just groupBy v2) then you should have at least two of these.max(2, druid.processing.numThreads / 4)
druid.processing.columnCache.sizeBytesMaximum size in bytes for the dimension value lookup cache. Any value greater than 0 enables the cache. It is currently disabled by default. Enabling the lookup cache can significantly improve the performance of aggregators operating on dimension values, such as the JavaScript aggregator, or cardinality aggregator, but can slow things down if the cache hit rate is low (i.e. dimensions with few repeating values). Enabling it may also require additional garbage collection tuning to avoid long GC pauses.0 (disabled)
druid.processing.fifoIf the processing queue should treat tasks of equal priority in a FIFO mannertrue
druid.processing.tmpDirPath where temporary files created while processing a query should be stored. If specified, this configuration takes priority over the default path.path represented by
druid.processing.merge.useParallelMergePoolEnable automatic parallel merging for Brokers on a dedicated async ForkJoinPool. If false, instead merges will be done serially on the HTTP thread pool.true
druid.processing.merge.pool.parallelismSize of ForkJoinPool. Note that the default configuration assumes that the value returned by Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() represents 2 hyper-threads per physical core, and multiplies this value by 0.75 in attempt to size 1.5 times the number of physical cores.Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() 0.75 (rounded up)
druid.processing.merge.pool.defaultMaxQueryParallelismDefault maximum number of parallel merge tasks per query. Note that the default configuration assumes that the value returned by Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() represents 2 hyper-threads per physical core, and multiplies this value by 0.5 in attempt to size to the number of physical cores.Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() 0.5 (rounded up)
druid.processing.merge.pool.awaitShutdownMillisTime to wait for merge ForkJoinPool tasks to complete before ungracefully stopping on process shutdown in milliseconds.60_000
druid.processing.merge.task.targetRunTimeMillisIdeal run-time of each ForkJoinPool merge task, before forking off a new task to continue merging sequences.100
druid.processing.merge.task.initialYieldNumRowsNumber of rows to yield per ForkJoinPool merge task, before forking off a new task to continue merging sequences.16384
druid.processing.merge.task.smallBatchNumRowsSize of result batches to operate on in ForkJoinPool merge tasks.4096

The amount of direct memory needed by Druid is at least druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes * (druid.processing.numMergeBuffers + 1). You can ensure at least this amount of direct memory is available by providing -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<VALUE> at the command line.

Broker query configuration

See general query configuration.

Broker Generated Query Configuration Supplementation

The Broker generates queries internally. This configuration section describes how an operator can augment the configuration of these queries.

As of now the only supported augmentation is overriding the default query context. This allows an operator the flexibility to adjust it as they see fit. A common use of this configuration is to override the query priority of the cluster generated queries in order to avoid running as a default priority of 0.

PropertyDescriptionDefault string formatted key:value map of a query context to add to internally generated broker queries.null


The Druid SQL server is configured through the following properties on the Broker.

druid.sql.enableWhether to enable SQL at all, including background metadata fetching. If false, this overrides all other SQL-related properties and disables SQL metadata, serving, and planning completely.true
druid.sql.avatica.enableWhether to enable JDBC querying at /druid/v2/sql/avatica/.true
druid.sql.avatica.maxConnectionsMaximum number of open connections for the Avatica server. These are not HTTP connections, but are logical client connections that may span multiple HTTP connections.25
druid.sql.avatica.maxRowsPerFrameMaximum acceptable value for the JDBC client Statement.setFetchSize method. This setting determines the maximum number of rows that Druid will populate in a single ‘fetch’ for a JDBC ResultSet. Set this property to -1 to enforce no row limit on the server-side and potentially return the entire set of rows on the initial statement execution. If the JDBC client calls Statement.setFetchSize with a value other than -1, Druid uses the lesser value of the client-provided limit and maxRowsPerFrame. If maxRowsPerFrame is smaller than minRowsPerFrame, then the ResultSet size will be fixed. To handle queries that produce results with a large number of rows, you can increase value of druid.sql.avatica.maxRowsPerFrame to reduce the number of fetches required to completely transfer the result set.5,000
druid.sql.avatica.minRowsPerFrameMinimum acceptable value for the JDBC client Statement.setFetchSize method. The value for this property must greater than 0. If the JDBC client calls Statement.setFetchSize with a lesser value, Druid uses minRowsPerFrame instead. If maxRowsPerFrame is less than minRowsPerFrame, Druid uses the minimum value of the two. For handling queries which produce results with a large number of rows, you can increase this value to reduce the number of fetches required to completely transfer the result set.100
druid.sql.avatica.maxStatementsPerConnectionMaximum number of simultaneous open statements per Avatica client connection.4
druid.sql.avatica.connectionIdleTimeoutAvatica client connection idle timeout.PT5M
druid.sql.http.enableWhether to enable JSON over HTTP querying at /druid/v2/sql/.true
druid.sql.planner.maxTopNLimitMaximum threshold for a . Higher limits will be planned as GroupBy queries instead.100000
druid.sql.planner.metadataRefreshPeriodThrottle for metadata refreshes.PT1M
druid.sql.planner.useApproximateCountDistinctWhether to use an approximate cardinality algorithm for COUNT(DISTINCT foo).true
druid.sql.planner.useGroupingSetForExactDistinctOnly relevant when useApproximateCountDistinct is disabled. If set to true, exact distinct queries are re-written using grouping sets. Otherwise, exact distinct queries are re-written using joins. This should be set to true for group by query with multiple exact distinct aggregations. This flag can be overridden per query.false
druid.sql.planner.useApproximateTopNWhether to use approximate when a SQL query could be expressed as such. If false, exact GroupBy queries will be used instead.true
druid.sql.planner.requireTimeConditionWhether to require SQL to have filter conditions on time column so that all generated native queries will have user specified intervals. If true, all queries without filter condition on time column will failfalse
druid.sql.planner.sqlTimeZoneSets the default time zone for the server, which will affect how time functions and timestamp literals behave. Should be a time zone name like “America/Los_Angeles” or offset like “-08:00”.UTC
druid.sql.planner.metadataSegmentCacheEnableWhether to keep a cache of published segments in broker. If true, broker polls coordinator in background to get segments from metadata store and maintains a local cache. If false, coordinator’s REST API will be invoked when broker needs published segments info.false
druid.sql.planner.metadataSegmentPollPeriodHow often to poll coordinator for published segments list if druid.sql.planner.metadataSegmentCacheEnable is set to true. Poll period is in milliseconds.60000
druid.sql.planner.authorizeSystemTablesDirectlyIf true, Druid authorizes queries against any of the system schema tables (sys in SQL) as SYSTEM_TABLE resources which require READ access, in addition to permissions based content filtering.false
druid.sql.planner.useNativeQueryExplainIf true, EXPLAIN PLAN FOR will return the explain plan as a JSON representation of equivalent native query(s), else it will return the original version of explain plan generated by Calcite. It can be overridden per query with useNativeQueryExplain context key.true
druid.sql.planner.maxNumericInFiltersMax limit for the amount of numeric values that can be compared for a string type dimension when the entire SQL WHERE clause of a query translates to an of Bound filter. By default, Druid does not restrict the amount of numeric Bound Filters on String columns, although this situation may block other queries from running. Set this property to a smaller value to prevent Druid from running queries that have prohibitively long segment processing times. The optimal limit requires some trial and error; we recommend starting with 100. Users who submit a query that exceeds the limit of maxNumericInFilters should instead rewrite their queries to use strings in the WHERE clause instead of numbers. For example, WHERE someString IN (‘123’, ‘456’). If this value is disabled, maxNumericInFilters set through query context is ignored.-1 (disabled)
druid.sql.approxCountDistinct.functionImplementation to use for the . Without extensions loaded, the only valid value is APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_BUILTIN (a HyperLogLog, or HLL, based implementation). If the DataSketches extension is loaded, this can also be APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_DS_HLL (alternative HLL implementation) or APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_DS_THETA.

Theta sketches use significantly more memory than HLL sketches, so you should prefer one of the two HLL implementations.

Previous versions of Druid had properties named druid.sql.planner.maxQueryCount and druid.sql.planner.maxSemiJoinRowsInMemory. These properties are no longer available. Since Druid 0.18.0, you can use druid.server.http.maxSubqueryRows to control the maximum number of rows permitted across all subqueries.

Broker Caching

You can optionally only configure caching to be enabled on the Broker by setting caching configs here.

PropertyPossible ValuesDescriptionDefault, falseEnable the cache on the Broker.false, falsePopulate the cache on the Broker.false, falseEnable result level caching on the Broker.false, falsePopulate the result level cache on the Broker.false integerMaximum size of query response that can be cached.Integer.MAX_VALUE druid query typesAll query types to not cache.[] integer or 0Queries with more segments than this number will not attempt to fetch from cache at the broker level, leaving potential caching fetches (and cache result merging) to the HistoricalsInteger.MAX_VALUE integerMaximum cache entry size in bytes.1_000_000

See cache configuration for how to configure cache settings.

Segment Discovery

PropertyPossible ValuesDescriptionDefault
druid.serverview.typebatch or httpSegment discovery method to use. “http” enables discovering segments using HTTP instead of ZooKeeper.batch of stringsThe Broker watches segment announcements from processes that serve segments to build a cache to relate each process to the segments it serves. This configuration allows the Broker to only consider segments being served from a list of tiers. By default, Broker considers all tiers. This can be used to partition your dataSources in specific Historical tiers and configure brokers in partitions so that they are only queryable for specific dataSources. This config is mutually exclusive from and at most one of these can be configured on a Broker.none of stringsThe Broker watches segment announcements from processes that serve segments to build a cache to relate each process to the segments it serves. This configuration allows the Broker to ignore the segments being served from a list of tiers. By default, Broker considers all tiers. This config is mutually exclusive from and at most one of these can be configured on a Broker.none of stringsBroker watches the segment announcements from processes serving segments to build cache of which process is serving which segments, this configuration allows to only consider segments being served from a whitelist of dataSources. By default, Broker would consider all datasources. This can be used to configure brokers in partitions so that they are only queryable for specific dataSources.none Broker watches segment announcements from processes that serve segments to build a cache to relate each process to the segments it serves. When watchRealtimeTasks is true, the Broker watches for segment announcements from both Historicals and realtime processes. To configure a broker to exclude segments served by realtime processes, set watchRealtimeTasks to false.true the Broker will wait for its view of segments to fully initialize before starting up. If set to ‘true’, the Broker’s HTTP server will not start up, and the Broker will not announce itself as available, until the server view is initialized. See also druid.sql.planner.awaitInitializationOnStart, a related setting.true

Cache Configuration

This section describes caching configuration that is common to Broker, Historical, and MiddleManager/Peon processes.

Caching could optionally be enabled on the Broker, Historical, and MiddleManager/Peon processes. See , Historical, and configuration options for how to enable it for different processes.

Druid uses a local in-memory cache by default, unless a different type of cache is specified. Use the druid.cache.type configuration to set a different kind of cache.

Cache settings are set globally, so the same configuration can be re-used for both Broker and Historical processes, when defined in the common properties file.

Cache Type

PropertyPossible ValuesDescriptionDefault
druid.cache.typelocal, memcached, hybrid, caffeineThe type of cache to use for queries. See below of the configuration options for each cache typecaffeine

Local Cache

DEPRECATED: Use caffeine (default as of v0.12.0) instead

The local cache is deprecated in favor of the Caffeine cache, and may be removed in a future version of Druid. The Caffeine cache affords significantly better performance and control over eviction behavior compared to local cache, and is recommended in any situation where you are using JRE 8u60 or higher.

A simple in-memory LRU cache. Local cache resides in JVM heap memory, so if you enable it, make sure you increase heap size accordingly.

druid.cache.sizeInBytesMaximum cache size in bytes. Zero disables caching.0
druid.cache.initialSizeInitial size of the hashtable backing the cache.500000
druid.cache.logEvictionCountIf non-zero, log cache eviction every logEvictionCount items.0

Caffeine Cache

A highly performant local cache implementation for Druid based on . Requires a JRE8u60 or higher if using COMMON_FJP.


Below are the configuration options known to this module:

druid.cache.typeSet this to caffeine or leave out parametercaffeine
druid.cache.sizeInBytesThe maximum size of the cache in bytes on heap. It can be configured as described in .min(1GiB, Runtime.maxMemory / 10)
druid.cache.expireAfterThe time (in ms) after an access for which a cache entry may be expiredNone (no time limit)
druid.cache.cacheExecutorFactoryThe executor factory to use for Caffeine maintenance. One of COMMON_FJP, SINGLE_THREAD, or SAME_THREADForkJoinPool common pool (COMMON_FJP)
druid.cache.evictOnCloseIf a close of a namespace (ex: removing a segment from a process) should cause an eager eviction of associated cache valuesfalse

Here are the possible values for druid.cache.cacheExecutorFactory, which controls how maintenance tasks are run

  • COMMON_FJP (default) use the common ForkJoinPool. Should use with . Older versions of the JRE may have worse performance than newer JRE versions.
  • SINGLE_THREAD Use a single-threaded executor.

In addition to the normal cache metrics, the caffeine cache implementation also reports the following in both total and delta

MetricDescriptionNormal value
query/cache/caffeine//requestsCount of hits or misseshit + miss
query/cache/caffeine//loadTimeLength of time caffeine spends loading new values (unused feature)0
query/cache/caffeine/*/evictionBytesSize in bytes that have been evicted from the cacheVaries, should tune cache sizeInBytes so that sizeInBytes/evictionBytes is approximately the rate of cache churn you desire

Uses memcached as cache backend. This allows all processes to share the same cache.

druid.cache.expirationMemcached expiration time.2592000 (30 days)
druid.cache.timeoutMaximum time in milliseconds to wait for a response from Memcached.500
druid.cache.hostsComma separated list of Memcached hosts <host:port>.none
druid.cache.maxObjectSizeMaximum object size in bytes for a Memcached object.52428800 (50 MiB)
druid.cache.memcachedPrefixKey prefix for all keys in Memcached.druid
druid.cache.numConnectionsNumber of memcached connections to use.1
druid.cache.protocolMemcached communication protocol. Can be binary or text.binary
druid.cache.locatorMemcached locator. Can be consistent or array_mod.consistent


Uses a combination of any two caches as a two-level L1 / L2 cache. This may be used to combine a local in-memory cache with a remote memcached cache.

Cache requests will first check L1 cache before checking L2. If there is an L1 miss and L2 hit, it will also populate L1.

druid.cache.l1.typetype of cache to use for L1 cache. See druid.cache.type configuration for valid types.caffeine
druid.cache.l2.typetype of cache to use for L2 cache. See druid.cache.type configuration for valid types.caffeine
druid.cache.l1.Any property valid for the given type of L1 cache can be set using this prefix. For instance, if you are using a caffeine L1 cache, specify druid.cache.l1.sizeInBytes to set its size.defaults are the same as for the given cache type.
druid.cache.l2.Prefix for L2 cache settings, see description for L1.defaults are the same as for the given cache type.
druid.cache.useL2A boolean indicating whether to query L2 cache, if it’s a miss in L1. It makes sense to configure this to false on Historical processes, if L2 is a remote cache like memcached, and this cache also used on brokers, because in this case if a query reached Historical it means that a broker didn’t find corresponding results in the same remote cache, so a query to the remote cache from Historical is guaranteed to be a miss.true
druid.cache.populateL2A boolean indicating whether to put results into L2 cache.true

This section describes configurations that control behavior of Druid’s query types, applicable to Broker, Historical, and MiddleManager processes.

Overriding default query context values

Any Query Context General Parameter default value can be overridden by setting runtime property in the format of druid.query.default.context.{query_context_key}. druid.query.default.context.{query_context_key} runtime property prefix applies to all current and future query context keys, the same as how query context parameter passed with the query works. Note that the runtime property value can be overridden if value for the same key is explicitly specify in the query contexts.

The precedence chain for query context values is as follows:

hard-coded default value in Druid code <- runtime property not prefixed with druid.query.default.context <- runtime property prefixed with druid.query.default.context <- context parameter in the query

Note that not all query context key has a runtime property not prefixed with druid.query.default.context that can override the hard-coded default value. For example, maxQueuedBytes has but joinFilterRewriteMaxSize does not. Hence, the only way of overriding joinFilterRewriteMaxSize hard-coded default value is with runtime property druid.query.default.context.joinFilterRewriteMaxSize.

To further elaborate on the previous example:

If neither or druid.query.default.context.maxQueuedBytes is set and the query does not have maxQueuedBytes in the context, then the hard-coded value in Druid code is use. If runtime property only contains and query does not have maxQueuedBytes in the context, then the value of the property, x, is use. However, if query does have maxQueuedBytes in the context, then that value is use instead. If runtime property only contains druid.query.default.context.maxQueuedBytes=y OR runtime property contains both and druid.query.default.context.maxQueuedBytes=y, then the value of druid.query.default.context.maxQueuedBytes, y, is use (given that query does not have maxQueuedBytes in the context). If query does have maxQueuedBytes in the context, then that value is use instead.

TopN query config

druid.query.topN.minTopNThresholdSee TopN Aliasing for details.1000

Search query config

PropertyDescriptionDefault number of search results to return.1000 search query strategy.useIndexes

SegmentMetadata query config

druid.query.segmentMetadata.defaultHistoryWhen no interval is specified in the query, use a default interval of defaultHistory before the end time of the most recent segment, specified in ISO8601 format. This property also controls the duration of the default interval used by GET /druid/v2/datasources/{dataSourceName} interactions for retrieving datasource dimensions/metrics.P1W
druid.query.segmentMetadata.defaultAnalysisTypesThis can be used to set the Default Analysis Types for all segment metadata queries, this can be overridden when making the query[“cardinality”, “interval”, “minmax”]

GroupBy query config

This section describes the configurations for groupBy queries. You can set the runtime properties in the file on Broker, Historical, and MiddleManager processes. You can set the query context parameters through the query context.

Configurations for groupBy v2

Supported runtime properties:

druid.query.groupBy.maxSelectorDictionarySizeMaximum amount of heap space (approximately) to use for per-segment string dictionaries. See groupBy memory tuning and resource limits for details.100000000
druid.query.groupBy.maxMergingDictionarySizeMaximum amount of heap space (approximately) to use for per-query string dictionaries. When the dictionary exceeds this size, a spill to disk will be triggered. See for details.100000000
druid.query.groupBy.maxOnDiskStorageMaximum amount of disk space to use, per-query, for spilling result sets to disk when either the merging buffer or the dictionary fills up. Queries that exceed this limit will fail. Set to zero to disable disk spilling.0 (disabled)
druid.query.groupBy.defaultOnDiskStorageDefault amount of disk space to use, per-query, for spilling the result sets to disk when either the merging buffer or the dictionary fills up. Set to zero to disable disk spilling for queries which don’t override maxOnDiskStorage in their context.druid.query.groupBy.maxOnDiskStorage

Supported query contexts:

maxSelectorDictionarySizeCan be used to lower the value of druid.query.groupBy.maxMergingDictionarySize for this query.
maxMergingDictionarySizeCan be used to lower the value of druid.query.groupBy.maxMergingDictionarySize for this query.
maxOnDiskStorageCan be used to set maxOnDiskStorage to a value between 0 and druid.query.groupBy.maxOnDiskStorage for this query. If this query context override exceeds druid.query.groupBy.maxOnDiskStorage, the query will use druid.query.groupBy.maxOnDiskStorage. Omitting this from the query context will cause the query to use druid.query.groupBy.defaultOnDiskStorage for maxOnDiskStorage

Advanced configurations

Common configurations for all groupBy strategies

Supported runtime properties:

druid.query.groupBy.defaultStrategyDefault groupBy query strategy.v2
druid.query.groupBy.singleThreadedMerge results using a single thread.false

Supported query contexts:

groupByStrategyOverrides the value of druid.query.groupBy.defaultStrategy for this query.
groupByIsSingleThreadedOverrides the value of druid.query.groupBy.singleThreaded for this query.

GroupBy v2 configurations

Supported runtime properties:

druid.query.groupBy.bufferGrouperInitialBucketsInitial number of buckets in the off-heap hash table used for grouping results. Set to 0 to use a reasonable default (1024).0
druid.query.groupBy.bufferGrouperMaxLoadFactorMaximum load factor of the off-heap hash table used for grouping results. When the load factor exceeds this size, the table will be grown or spilled to disk. Set to 0 to use a reasonable default (0.7).0
druid.query.groupBy.forceHashAggregationForce to use hash-based aggregation.false
druid.query.groupBy.intermediateCombineDegreeNumber of intermediate processes combined together in the combining tree. Higher degrees will need less threads which might be helpful to improve the query performance by reducing the overhead of too many threads if the server has sufficiently powerful CPU cores.8
druid.query.groupBy.numParallelCombineThreadsHint for the number of parallel combining threads. This should be larger than 1 to turn on the parallel combining feature. The actual number of threads used for parallel combining is min(druid.query.groupBy.numParallelCombineThreads, druid.processing.numThreads).1 (disabled)

Supported query contexts:

bufferGrouperInitialBucketsOverrides the value of druid.query.groupBy.bufferGrouperInitialBuckets for this query.None
bufferGrouperMaxLoadFactorOverrides the value of druid.query.groupBy.bufferGrouperMaxLoadFactor for this query.None
forceHashAggregationOverrides the value of druid.query.groupBy.forceHashAggregationNone
intermediateCombineDegreeOverrides the value of druid.query.groupBy.intermediateCombineDegreeNone
numParallelCombineThreadsOverrides the value of druid.query.groupBy.numParallelCombineThreadsNone
sortByDimsFirstSort the results first by dimension values and then by timestamp.false
forceLimitPushDownWhen all fields in the orderby are part of the grouping key, the broker will push limit application down to the Historical processes. When the sorting order uses fields that are not in the grouping key, applying this optimization can result in approximate results with unknown accuracy, so this optimization is disabled by default in that case. Enabling this context flag turns on limit push down for limit/orderbys that contain non-grouping key columns.false

GroupBy v1 configurations

druid.query.groupBy.maxIntermediateRowsMaximum number of intermediate rows for the per-segment grouping engine. This is a tuning parameter that does not impose a hard limit; rather, it potentially shifts merging work from the per-segment engine to the overall merging index. Queries that exceed this limit will not fail.50000
druid.query.groupBy.maxResultsMaximum number of results. Queries that exceed this limit will fail.500000

Supported query contexts:

maxIntermediateRowsIgnored by groupBy v2. Can be used to lower the value of druid.query.groupBy.maxIntermediateRows for a groupBy v1 query.None
maxResultsIgnored by groupBy v2. Can be used to lower the value of druid.query.groupBy.maxResults for a groupBy v1 query.None
useOffheapIgnored by groupBy v2, and no longer supported for groupBy v1. Enabling this option with groupBy v1 will result in an error. For off-heap aggregation, switch to groupBy v2, which always operates off-heap.false

Expression processing configurations

druid.expressions.useStrictBooleansControls the behavior of Druid boolean operators and functions, if set to true all boolean values will be either a 1 or 0. See false
druid.expressions.allowNestedArraysIf enabled, Druid array expressions can create nested arrays. This is experimental and should be used with caution.false


Router Process Configs

druid.hostThe host for the current process. This is used to advertise the current processes location as reachable from another process and should generally be specified such that http://${}/ could actually talk to this processInetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName()
druid.bindOnHostIndicating whether the process’s internal jetty server bind on Default is false, which means binding to all interfaces.false
druid.plaintextPortThis is the port to actually listen on; unless port mapping is used, this will be the same port as is on druid.host8888
druid.tlsPortTLS port for HTTPS connector, if is set then this config will be used. If contains port then that port will be ignored. This should be a non-negative Integer.9088
druid.serviceThe name of the service. This is used as a dimension when emitting metrics and alerts to differentiate between the various servicesdruid/router

Runtime Configuration

druid.router.defaultBrokerServiceNameThe default Broker to connect to in case service discovery fails.druid/broker
druid.router.tierToBrokerMapQueries for a certain tier of data are routed to their appropriate Broker. This value should be an ordered JSON map of tiers to Broker names. The priority of Brokers is based on the ordering.{“_default_tier”: “<defaultBrokerServiceName>”}
druid.router.defaultRuleThe default rule for all datasources.“_default”
druid.router.pollPeriodHow often to poll for new rules.PT1M
druid.router.sql.enableEnable routing of SQL queries using strategies. Whentrue, the Router uses the strategies defined in druid.router.strategies to determine the broker service for a given SQL query. When false, the Router uses the defaultBrokerServiceName.false
druid.router.strategiesPlease see for details.[{“type”:”timeBoundary”},{“type”:”priority”}]
druid.router.avatica.balancer.typeClass to use for balancing Avatica queries across Brokers. Please see Avatica Query Balancing.rendezvousHash
druid.router.managementProxy.enabledEnables the Router’s functionality.false
druid.router.http.numConnectionsSize of connection pool for the Router to connect to Broker processes. If there are more queries than this number that all need to speak to the same process, then they will queue up.20
druid.router.http.eagerInitializationIndicates that http connections from Router to Broker should be eagerly initialized. If set to true, numConnections connections are created upon initializationtrue
druid.router.http.readTimeoutThe timeout for data reads from Broker processes.PT15M
druid.router.http.numMaxThreadsMaximum number of worker threads to handle HTTP requests and responsesmax(10, ((number of cores 17) / 16 + 2) + 30)
druid.router.http.numRequestsQueuedMaximum number of requests that may be queued to a destination1024
druid.router.http.requestBuffersizeSize of the content buffer for receiving requests. These buffers are only used for active connections that have requests with bodies that will not fit within the header buffer8 1024