Globally Cached Lookups

    Globally cached lookups are appropriate for lookups which are not possible to pass at query time due to their size, or are not desired to be passed at query time because the data is to reside in and be handled by the Druid servers, and are small enough to reasonably populate in-memory. This usually means tens to tens of thousands of entries per lookup.

    Globally cached lookups all draw from the same cache pool, allowing each process to have a fixed cache pool that can be used by cached lookups.

    Globally cached lookups can be specified as part of the as a type of cachedNamespace

    1. {
    2. "type": "cachedNamespace",
    3. "extractionNamespace": {
    4. "type": "jdbc",
    5. "connectorConfig": {
    6. "connectURI": "jdbc:mysql:\/\/localhost:3306\/druid",
    7. "user": "druid",
    8. "password": "diurd"
    9. },
    10. "table": "lookupTable",
    11. "keyColumn": "mykeyColumn",
    12. "valueColumn": "myValueColumn",
    13. "filter" : "myFilterSQL (Where clause statement e.g LOOKUPTYPE=1)",
    14. "tsColumn": "timeColumn"
    15. },
    16. "firstCacheTimeout": 120000,
    17. "injective":true
    18. }

    The parameters are as follows

    If firstCacheTimeout is set to a non-zero value, it should be less than druid.manager.lookups.hostUpdateTimeout. If firstCacheTimeout is NOT set, then management is essentially asynchronous and does not know if a lookup succeeded or failed in starting. In such a case logs from the processes using lookups should be monitored for repeated failures.

    Proper functionality of globally cached lookups requires the following extension to be loaded on the Broker, Peon, and Historical processes: druid-lookups-cached-global

    In a simple case where only one exists (realtime_customer2) with one cachedNamespace lookup called country_code, the resulting configuration JSON looks similar to the following:

    1. {
    2. "realtime_customer2": {
    3. "country_code": {
    4. "version": "v0",
    5. "lookupExtractorFactory": {
    6. "type": "cachedNamespace",
    7. "extractionNamespace": {
    8. "type": "jdbc",
    9. "connectorConfig": {
    10. "connectURI": "jdbc:mysql:\/\/localhost:3306\/druid",
    11. "user": "druid",
    12. "password": "diurd"
    13. },
    14. "table": "lookupValues",
    15. "valueColumn": "value_text",
    16. "filter": "value_type='country'",
    17. "tsColumn": "timeColumn"
    18. },
    19. "firstCacheTimeout": 120000,
    20. "injective": true
    21. }
    22. }
    23. }
    24. }

    Where the Coordinator endpoint /druid/coordinator/v1/lookups/realtime_customer2/country_code should return

    1. {
    2. "version": "v0",
    3. "lookupExtractorFactory": {
    4. "type": "cachedNamespace",
    5. "extractionNamespace": {
    6. "type": "jdbc",
    7. "connectorConfig": {
    8. "connectURI": "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/druid",
    9. "user": "druid",
    10. "password": "diurd"
    11. },
    12. "table": "lookupValues",
    13. "keyColumn": "value_id",
    14. "valueColumn": "value_text",
    15. "filter": "value_type='country'",
    16. },
    17. "firstCacheTimeout": 120000,
    18. "injective": true
    19. }
    20. }

    Lookups are cached locally on Historical processes. The following are settings used by the processes which service queries when setting namespaces (Broker, Peon, Historical)

    druid.lookup.namespace.cache.typeSpecifies the type of caching to be used by the namespaces. May be one of [offHeap, onHeap]. offHeap uses a temporary file for off-heap storage of the namespace (memory mapped files). onHeap stores all cache on the heap in standard java map types.onHeap
    druid.lookup.namespace.numExtractionThreadsThe number of threads in the thread pool dedicated for lookup extraction and updates. This number may need to be scaled up, if you have a lot of lookups and they take long time to extract, to avoid timeouts.2
    druid.lookup.namespace.numBufferedEntriesIf using off-heap caching, the number of records to be stored on an on-heap buffer.100,000

    onHeap uses ConcurrentMaps in the java heap, and thus affects garbage collection and heap sizing. offHeap uses an on-heap buffer and MapDB using memory-mapped files in the java temporary directory. So if total number of entries in the cachedNamespace is in excess of the buffer’s configured capacity, the extra will be kept in memory as page cache, and paged in and out by general OS tunings. It’s highly recommended that druid.lookup.namespace.numBufferedEntries is set when using offHeap, the value should be chosen from the range between 10% and 50% of the number of entries in the lookup.

    For additional lookups, please see our extensions list.

    The remapping values for each globally cached lookup can be specified by a JSON object as per the following examples:

    1. {
    2. "type":"uri",
    3. "uri": "s3://bucket/some/key/prefix/renames-0003.gz",
    4. "namespaceParseSpec":{
    5. "format":"csv",
    6. "columns":[
    7. "[\"key\"",
    8. "\"value\"]"
    9. ]
    10. },
    11. "pollPeriod":"PT5M"
    12. }

    One of either uri or uriPrefix must be specified, as either a local file system (file://), HDFS (hdfs://), S3 (s3://) or GCS (gs://) location. HTTP location is not currently supported.

    The pollPeriod value specifies the period in ISO 8601 format between checks for replacement data for the lookup. If the source of the lookup is capable of providing a timestamp, the lookup will only be updated if it has changed since the prior tick of pollPeriod. A value of 0, an absent parameter, or null all mean populate once and do not attempt to look for new data later. Whenever an poll occurs, the updating system will look for a file with the most recent timestamp and assume that one with the most recent data set, replacing the local cache of the lookup data.

    The namespaceParseSpec can be one of a number of values. Each of the examples below would rename foo to bar, baz to bat, and buck to truck. All parseSpec types assumes each input is delimited by a new line. See below for the types of parseSpec supported.

    Only ONE file which matches the search will be used. For most implementations, the discriminator for choosing the URIs is by whichever one reports the most recent timestamp for its modification time.

    csv lookupParseSpec

    columnsThe list of columns in the csv fileno if hasHeaderRow is setnull
    keyColumnThe name of the column containing the keynoThe first column
    valueColumnThe name of the column containing the valuenoThe second column
    hasHeaderRowA flag to indicate that column information can be extracted from the input files’ header rownofalse
    skipHeaderRowsNumber of header rows to be skippedno0

    If both skipHeaderRows and hasHeaderRow options are set, skipHeaderRows is first applied. For example, if you set skipHeaderRows to 2 and hasHeaderRow to true, Druid will skip the first two lines and then extract column information from the third line.

    example input

    1. bat,something2,baz
    2. truck,something3,buck

    example namespaceParseSpec

    1. "namespaceParseSpec": {
    2. "format": "csv",
    3. "columns": ["value","somethingElse","key"],
    4. "keyColumn": "key",
    5. "valueColumn": "value"
    6. }

    tsv lookupParseSpec

    example input

    1. bar|something,1|foo
    2. bat|something,2|baz
    3. truck|something,3|buck

    example namespaceParseSpec

    1. "namespaceParseSpec": {
    2. "format": "tsv",
    3. "columns": ["value","somethingElse","key"],
    4. "keyColumn": "key",
    5. "valueColumn": "value",
    6. "delimiter": "|"
    7. }

    customJson lookupParseSpec

    keyFieldNameThe field name of the keyyesnull
    valueFieldNameThe field name of the valueyesnull

    example input

    example namespaceParseSpec

    1. "namespaceParseSpec": {
    2. "format": "customJson",
    3. "keyFieldName": "key",
    4. "valueFieldName": "value"
    5. }

    With customJson parsing, if the value field for a particular row is missing or null then that line will be skipped, and will not be included in the lookup.

    simpleJson lookupParseSpec

    The simpleJson lookupParseSpec does not take any parameters. It is simply a line delimited JSON file where the field is the key, and the field’s value is the value.

    example input

    1. {"foo": "bar"}
    2. {"baz": "bat"}
    3. {"buck": "truck"}

    example namespaceParseSpec

    1. "namespaceParseSpec":{
    2. "format": "simpleJson"
    3. }

    JDBC lookup

    The JDBC lookups will poll a database to populate its local cache. If the tsColumn is set it must be able to accept comparisons in the format '2015-01-01 00:00:00'. For example, the following must be valid SQL for the table SELECT * FROM some_lookup_table WHERE timestamp_column > '2015-01-01 00:00:00'. If tsColumn is set, the caching service will attempt to only poll values that were written after the last sync. If tsColumn is not set, the entire table is pulled every time.

    1. {
    2. "type":"jdbc",
    3. "connectorConfig":{
    4. "connectURI":"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/druid",
    5. "user":"druid",
    6. "password":"diurd"
    7. },
    8. "table":"some_lookup_table",
    9. "keyColumn":"the_old_dim_value",
    10. "valueColumn":"the_new_dim_value",
    11. "tsColumn":"timestamp_column",
    12. "pollPeriod":600000,
    13. "maxHeapPercentage": 10
    14. }

    If using JDBC, you will need to add your database’s client JAR files to the extension’s directory. For Postgres, the connector JAR is already included. See the MySQL extension documentation for instructions to obtain or MariaDB connector libraries. The connector JAR should reside in the classpath of Druid’s main class loader. To add the connector JAR to the classpath, you can copy the downloaded file to lib/ under the distribution root directory. Alternatively, create a symbolic link to the connector in the lib directory.