Native batch ingestion

    Apache Druid supports the following types of native batch indexing tasks:

    • Parallel task indexing (index_parallel) that can run multiple indexing tasks concurrently. Parallel task works well for production ingestion tasks.
    • Simple task indexing (index) that run a single indexing task at a time. Simple task indexing is suitable for development and test environments.

    This topic covers the configuration for index_parallel ingestion specs.

    For related information on batch indexing, see:

    To run either kind of native batch indexing task you can:

    • Use the Load Data UI in the web console to define and submit an ingestion spec.
    • Define an ingestion spec in JSON based upon the examples and reference topics for batch indexing. Then POST the ingestion spec to the , /druid/indexer/v1/task, the Overlord service. Alternatively you can use the indexing script included with Druid at bin/post-index-task.

    Parallel task indexing

    The parallel task type index_parallel is a task for multi-threaded batch indexing. Parallel task indexing only relies on Druid resources. It does not depend on other external systems like Hadoop.

    The index_parallel task is a supervisor task that orchestrates the whole indexing process. The supervisor task splits the input data and creates worker tasks to process the individual portions of data.

    Druid issues the worker tasks to the Overlord. The overlord schedules and runs the workers on MiddleManagers or Indexers. After a worker task successfully processes the assigned input portion, it reports the resulting segment list to the supervisor task.

    The supervisor task periodically checks the status of worker tasks. If a task fails, the supervisor retries the task until the number of retries reaches the configured limit. If all worker tasks succeed, it publishes the reported segments at once and finalizes ingestion.

    The detailed behavior of the parallel task is different depending on the partitionsSpec. See for more details.

    Parallel tasks require:

    • a splittable inputSource in the ioConfig. For a list of supported splittable input formats, see .
    • the maxNumConcurrentSubTasks greater than 1 in the tuningConfig. Otherwise tasks run sequentially. The index_parallel task reads each input file one by one and creates segments by itself.

    Native batch ingestion supports the following compression formats:

    • bz2
    • gz
    • xz
    • zip
    • sz (Snappy)
    • zst (ZSTD).

    Implementation considerations

    This section covers implementation details to consider when you implement parallel task ingestion.

    Volume control for worker tasks

    You can control the amount of input data each worker task processes using different configurations depending on the phase in parallel ingestion.

    • See for details about how partitioning affects data volume for tasks.
    • For the tasks that read data from the inputSource, you can set the Split hint spec in the tuningConfig.
    • For the task that merge shuffled segments, you can set the totalNumMergeTasks in the tuningConfig.

    Number of running tasks

    The maxNumConcurrentSubTasks in the tuningConfig determines the number of concurrent worker tasks that run in parallel. The supervisor task checks the number of current running worker tasks and creates more if it’s smaller than maxNumConcurrentSubTasks regardless of the number of available task slots. This may affect to other ingestion performance. See Capacity planning section for more details.

    Replacing or appending data

    By default, batch ingestion replaces all data in the intervals in your granularitySpec‘ for any segment that it writes to. If you want to add to the segment instead, set the appendToExisting flag in the ioConfig. Batch ingestion only replaces data in segments where it actively adds data. If there are segments in the intervals for your granularitySpec that have do not have data from a task, they remain unchanged. If any existing segments partially overlap with the intervals in the granularitySpec, the portion of those segments outside the interval for the new spec remain visible.

    Fully replacing existing segments using tombstones

    You can set dropExisting flag in the ioConfig to true if you want the ingestion task to replace all existing segments that start and end within the intervals for your granularitySpec. This applies whether or not the new data covers all existing segments. dropExisting only applies when appendToExisting is false and the granularitySpec contains an interval. WARNING: this functionality is still in beta.

    The following examples demonstrate when to set the dropExisting property to true in the ioConfig:

    Consider an existing segment with an interval of 2020-01-01 to 2021-01-01 and YEAR segmentGranularity. You want to overwrite the whole interval of 2020-01-01 to 2021-01-01 with new data using the finer segmentGranularity of MONTH. If the replacement data does not have a record within every months from 2020-01-01 to 2021-01-01 Druid cannot drop the original YEAR segment even if it does include all the replacement data. Set dropExisting to true in this case to replace the original segment at YEAR segmentGranularity since you no longer need it.

    Imagine you want to re-ingest or overwrite a datasource and the new data does not contain some time intervals that exist in the datasource. For example, a datasource contains the following data at MONTH segmentGranularity:

    • January: 1 record
    • February: 10 records
    • March: 10 records

    You want to re-ingest and overwrite with new data as follows:

    • January: 0 records
    • February: 10 records
    • March: 9 records

    Unless you set dropExisting to true, the result after ingestion with overwrite using the same MONTH segmentGranularity would be:

    • January: 1 record
    • February: 10 records
    • March: 9 records

    This may not be what it is expected since the new data has 0 records for January. Set dropExisting to true to replace the unneeded January segment with a tombstone.

    The following example illustrates the configuration for a parallel indexing task:

    Parallel indexing configuration

    This field is required. In general, it defines the way that Druid will store your data: the primary timestamp column, the dimensions, metrics, and any transformations. For an overview, see Ingestion Spec DataSchema.

    When defining the granularitySpec for index parallel, consider the defining intervals explicitly if you know the time range of the data. This way locking failure happens faster and Druid won’t accidentally replace data outside the interval range some rows contain unexpected timestamps. The reasoning is as follows:

    • If you explicitly define intervals, batch ingestion locks all intervals specified when it starts up. Problems with locking become evident quickly when multiple ingestion or indexing tasks try to obtain a lock on the same interval. For example, if a Kafka ingestion task tries to obtain a lock on a locked interval causing the ingestion task fail. Furthermore, if there are rows outside the specified intervals, Druid drops them, avoiding conflict with unexpected intervals.
    • If you do not define intervals, batch ingestion locks each interval when the interval is discovered. In this case if the task overlaps with a higher-priority task, issues with conflicting locks occur later in the ingestion process. Also if the source data includes rows with unexpected timestamps, they may caused unexpected locking of intervals.


    typeThe task type. Set to the value to index_parallel.noneyes
    inputFormatinputFormat to specify how to parse input data.noneyes
    appendToExistingCreates segments as additional shards of the latest version, effectively appending to the segment set instead of replacing it. This means that you can append new segments to any datasource regardless of its original partitioning scheme. You must use the dynamic partitioning type for the appended segments. If you specify a different partitioning type, the task fails with an error.falseno
    dropExistingIf true and appendToExisting is false and the granularitySpec contains aninterval, then the ingestion task replaces all existing segments fully contained by the specified interval when the task publishes new segments. If ingestion fails, Druid does not change any existing segment. In the case of misconfiguration where either appendToExisting is true or interval is not specified in granularitySpec, Druid does not replace any segments even if dropExisting is true. WARNING: this functionality is still in beta.falseno

    The tuningConfig is optional and default parameters will be used if no tuningConfig is specified. See below for more details.

    typeThe task type. Set the value toindex_parallel.noneyes
    maxRowsInMemoryDetermines when Druid should perform intermediate persists to disk. Normally you do not need to set this. Depending on the nature of your data, if rows are short in terms of bytes. For example, you may not want to store a million rows in memory. In this case, set this value.1000000no
    maxBytesInMemoryUse to determine when Druid should perform intermediate persists to disk. Normally Druid computes this internally and you do not need to set it. This value represents number of bytes to aggregate in heap memory before persisting. This is based on a rough estimate of memory usage and not actual usage. The maximum heap memory usage for indexing is maxBytesInMemory (2 + maxPendingPersists). Note that maxBytesInMemory also includes heap usage of artifacts created from intermediary persists. This means that after every persist, the amount of maxBytesInMemory until next persist will decrease. Tasks fail when the sum of bytes of all intermediary persisted artifacts exceeds maxBytesInMemory.1/6 of max JVM memoryno
    maxColumnsToMergeLimit of the number of segments to merge in a single phase when merging segments for publishing. This limit affects the total number of columns present in a set of segments to merge. If the limit is exceeded, segment merging occurs in multiple phases. Druid merges at least 2 segments per phase, regardless of this setting.-1 (unlimited)no
    maxTotalRowsDeprecated. Use partitionsSpec instead. Total number of rows in segments waiting to be pushed. Used to determine when intermediate pushing should occur.20000000no
    numShardsDeprecated. Use partitionsSpec instead. Directly specify the number of shards to create when using a hashed partitionsSpec. If this is specified and is specified in the granularitySpec, the index task can skip the determine intervals/partitions pass through the data.nullno
    splitHintSpecHint to control the amount of data that each first phase task reads. Druid may ignore the hint depending on the implementation of the input source. See Split hint spec for more details.size-based split hint specno
    partitionsSpecDefines how to partition data in each timeChunk, see dynamic if forceGuaranteedRollup = false, hashed or single_dim if forceGuaranteedRollup = trueno
    indexSpecDefines segment storage format options to be used at indexing time, see IndexSpecnullno
    indexSpecForIntermediatePersistsDefines segment storage format options to use at indexing time for intermediate persisted temporary segments. You can use this configuration to disable dimension/metric compression on intermediate segments to reduce memory required for final merging. However, if you disable compression on intermediate segments, page cache use my increase while intermediate segments are used before Druid merges them to the final published segment published. See for possible values.same as indexSpecno
    maxPendingPersistsMaximum number of pending persists that remain not started. If a new intermediate persist exceeds this limit, ingestion blocks until the currently-running persist finishes. Maximum heap memory usage for indexing scales with maxRowsInMemory (2 + maxPendingPersists).0 (meaning one persist can be running concurrently with ingestion, and none can be queued up)no
    forceGuaranteedRollupForces perfect rollup. The perfect rollup optimizes the total size of generated segments and querying time but increases indexing time. If true, specify intervals in the granularitySpec and use either hashed or single_dim for the partitionsSpec. You cannot use this flag in conjunction with appendToExisting of IOConfig. For more details, see .falseno
    reportParseExceptionsIf true, Druid throws exceptions encountered during parsing and halts ingestion. If false, Druid skips unparseable rows and fields.falseno
    pushTimeoutMilliseconds to wait to push segments. Must be >= 0, where 0 means to wait forever.0no
    segmentWriteOutMediumFactorySegment write-out medium to use when creating segments. See SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory.If not specified, uses the value from druid.peon.defaultSegmentWriteOutMediumFactory.typeno
    maxNumConcurrentSubTasksMaximum number of worker tasks that can be run in parallel at the same time. The supervisor task spawns worker tasks up to maxNumConcurrentSubTasks regardless of the current available task slots. If this value is 1, the supervisor task processes data ingestion on its own instead of spawning worker tasks. If this value is set to too large, the supervisor may create too many worker tasks that block other ingestion tasks. See for more details.1no
    maxRetryMaximum number of retries on task failures.3no
    maxNumSegmentsToMergeMax limit for the number of segments that a single task can merge at the same time in the second phase. Used only when forceGuaranteedRollup is true.100no
    totalNumMergeTasksTotal number of tasks that merge segments in the merge phase when partitionsSpec is set to hashed or single_dim.10no
    taskStatusCheckPeriodMsPolling period in milliseconds to check running task statuses.1000no
    chatHandlerTimeoutTimeout for reporting the pushed segments in worker tasks.PT10Sno
    chatHandlerNumRetriesRetries for reporting the pushed segments in worker tasks.5no
    awaitSegmentAvailabilityTimeoutMillisLongMilliseconds to wait for the newly indexed segments to become available for query after ingestion completes. If <= 0, no wait occurs. If > 0, the task waits for the Coordinator to indicate that the new segments are available for querying. If the timeout expires, the task exits as successful, but the segments are not confirmed as available for (default = 0)

    Split Hint Spec

    The split hint spec is used to help the supervisor task divide input sources. Each worker task processes a single input division. You can control the amount of data each worker task reads during the first phase.

    Size-based Split Hint Spec

    The size-based split hint spec affects all splittable input sources except for the HTTP input source and SQL input source.

    typeSet the value to maxSize.noneyes
    maxSplitSizeMaximum number of bytes of input files to process in a single subtask. If a single file is larger than the limit, Druid processes the file alone in a single subtask. Druid does not split files across tasks. One subtask will not process more files than maxNumFiles even when their total size is smaller than maxSplitSize. Human-readable format is supported.1GiBno
    maxNumFilesMaximum number of input files to process in a single subtask. This limit avoids task failures when the ingestion spec is too long. There are two known limits on the max size of serialized ingestion spec: the max ZNode size in ZooKeeper (jute.maxbuffer) and the max packet size in MySQL (max_allowed_packet). These limits can cause ingestion tasks fail if the serialized ingestion spec size hits one of them. One subtask will not process more data than maxSplitSize even when the total number of files is smaller than maxNumFiles.1000no

    Segments Split Hint Spec

    The segments split hint spec is used only for DruidInputSource and legacy IngestSegmentFirehose.

    The primary partition for Druid is time. You can define a secondary partitioning method in the partitions spec. Use the partitionsSpec type that applies for your rollup method. For perfect rollup, you can use:

    • hashed partitioning based on the hash value of specified dimensions for each row
    • single_dim based on ranges of values for a single dimension
    • range based on ranges of values of multiple dimensions.

    For best-effort rollup, use dynamic.

    For an overview, see .

    The partitionsSpec types have different characteristics.

    PartitionsSpecIngestion speedPartitioning methodSupported rollup modeSecondary partition pruning at query time
    dynamicFastestDynamic partitioning based on the number of rows in a segment.Best-effort rollupN/A
    hashedModerateMultiple dimension may reduce both your datasource size and query latency by improving data locality. See Partitioning for more details.Perfect rollupThe broker can use the partition information to prune segments early to speed up queries. Since the broker knows how to hash partitionDimensions values to locate a segment, given a query including a filter on all the partitionDimensions, the broker can pick up only the segments holding the rows satisfying the filter on partitionDimensions for query processing.

    Note that partitionDimensions must be set at ingestion time to enable secondary partition pruning at query time.
    single_dimSlowerSingle dimension may reduce your datasource size and query latency by improving data locality. See Partitioning for more details.Perfect rollupThe broker can use the partition information to prune segments early to speed up queries. Since the broker knows the range of partitionDimension values in each segment, given a query including a filter on the partitionDimension, the broker can pick up only the segments holding the rows satisfying the filter on partitionDimension for query processing.
    rangeSlowestMultiple dimension may reduce your datasource size and query latency by improving data locality. See Partitioning for more details.Perfect rollupThe broker can use the partition information to prune segments early to speed up queries. Since the broker knows the range of partitionDimensions values within each segment, given a query including a filter on the first of the partitionDimensions, the broker can pick up only the segments holding the rows satisfying the filter on the first partition dimension for query processing.

    Dynamic partitioning

    typeSet the value to dynamic.noneyes
    maxRowsPerSegmentUsed in sharding. Determines how many rows are in each segment.5000000no
    maxTotalRowsTotal number of rows across all segments waiting for being pushed. Used in determining when intermediate segment push should occur.20000000no

    With the Dynamic partitioning, the parallel index task runs in a single phase: it spawns multiple worker tasks (type single_phase_sub_task), each of which creates segments. How the worker task creates segments:

    • When the total number of rows in all segments across all time chunks reaches to maxTotalRows. At this point the task pushes all segments created so far to the deep storage and creates new ones.

    Hash-based partitioning

    typeSet the value to hashed.noneyes
    numShardsDirectly specify the number of shards to create. If this is specified and intervals is specified in the granularitySpec, the index task can skip the determine intervals/partitions pass through the data. This property and targetRowsPerSegment cannot both be set.noneno
    targetRowsPerSegmentA target row count for each partition. If numShards is left unspecified, the Parallel task will determine a partition count automatically such that each partition has a row count close to the target, assuming evenly distributed keys in the input data. A target per-segment row count of 5 million is used if both numShards and targetRowsPerSegment are null.null (or 5,000,000 if both numShards and targetRowsPerSegment are null)no
    partitionDimensionsThe dimensions to partition on. Leave blank to select all dimensions.nullno
    partitionFunctionA function to compute hash of partition dimensions. See murmur3_32_absno

    The Parallel task with hash-based partitioning is similar to MapReduce. The task runs in up to 3 phases: partial dimension cardinality, partial segment generation and partial segment merge.

    • The partial dimension cardinality phase is an optional phase that only runs if numShards is not specified. The Parallel task splits the input data and assigns them to worker tasks based on the split hint spec. Each worker task (type partial_dimension_cardinality) gathers estimates of partitioning dimensions cardinality for each time chunk. The Parallel task will aggregate these estimates from the worker tasks and determine the highest cardinality across all of the time chunks in the input data, dividing this cardinality by targetRowsPerSegment to automatically determine numShards.
    • In the partial segment generation phase, just like the Map phase in MapReduce, the Parallel task splits the input data based on the split hint spec and assigns each split to a worker task. Each worker task (type partial_index_generate) reads the assigned split, and partitions rows by the time chunk from segmentGranularity (primary partition key) in the granularitySpec and then by the hash value of partitionDimensions (secondary partition key) in the partitionsSpec. The partitioned data is stored in local storage of the or the indexer.
    • The phase is similar to the Reduce phase in MapReduce. The Parallel task spawns a new set of worker tasks (type partial_index_generic_merge) to merge the partitioned data created in the previous phase. Here, the partitioned data is shuffled based on the time chunk and the hash value of partitionDimensions to be merged; each worker task reads the data falling in the same time chunk and the same hash value from multiple MiddleManager/Indexer processes and merges them to create the final segments. Finally, they push the final segments to the deep storage at once.
    Hash partition function

    In hash partitioning, the partition function is used to compute hash of partition dimensions. The partition dimension values are first serialized into a byte array as a whole, and then the partition function is applied to compute hash of the byte array. Druid currently supports only one partition function.

    Single-dimension range partitioning

    Range partitioning has related to storage footprint and query performance.

    The Parallel task will use one subtask when you set maxNumConcurrentSubTasks to 1.

    When you use this technique to partition your data, segment sizes may be unequally distributed if the data in your partitionDimension is also unequally distributed. Therefore, to avoid imbalance in data layout, review the distribution of values in your source data before deciding on a partitioning strategy.

    Range partitioning is not possible on multi-value dimensions. If the provided partitionDimension is multi-value, your ingestion job will report an error.

    typeSet the value to single_dim.noneyes
    partitionDimensionThe dimension to partition on. Only rows with a single dimension value are allowed.noneyes
    targetRowsPerSegmentTarget number of rows to include in a partition, should be a number that targets segments of 500MB~1GB.noneeither this or maxRowsPerSegment
    maxRowsPerSegmentSoft max for the number of rows to include in a partition.noneeither this or targetRowsPerSegment
    assumeGroupedAssume that input data has already been grouped on time and dimensions. Ingestion will run faster, but may choose sub-optimal partitions if this assumption is violated.falseno

    With single-dim partitioning, the Parallel task runs in 3 phases, i.e., partial dimension distribution, partial segment generation, and partial segment merge. The first phase is to collect some statistics to find the best partitioning and the other 2 phases are to create partial segments and to merge them, respectively, as in hash-based partitioning.

    • In the partial dimension distribution phase, the Parallel task splits the input data and assigns them to worker tasks based on the split hint spec. Each worker task (type partial_dimension_distribution) reads the assigned split and builds a histogram for partitionDimension. The Parallel task collects those histograms from worker tasks and finds the best range partitioning based on partitionDimension to evenly distribute rows across partitions. Note that either targetRowsPerSegment or maxRowsPerSegment will be used to find the best partitioning.
    • In the partial segment generation phase, the Parallel task spawns new worker tasks (type partial_range_index_generate) to create partitioned data. Each worker task reads a split created as in the previous phase, partitions rows by the time chunk from the segmentGranularity (primary partition key) in the granularitySpec and then by the range partitioning found in the previous phase. The partitioned data is stored in local storage of the middleManager or the .
    • In the partial segment merge phase, the parallel index task spawns a new set of worker tasks (type partial_index_generic_merge) to merge the partitioned data created in the previous phase. Here, the partitioned data is shuffled based on the time chunk and the value of partitionDimension; each worker task reads the segments falling in the same partition of the same range from multiple MiddleManager/Indexer processes and merges them to create the final segments. Finally, they push the final segments to the deep storage.

    Multi-dimension range partitioning

    Range partitioning has related to storage footprint and query performance. Multi-dimension range partitioning improves over single-dimension range partitioning by allowing Druid to distribute segment sizes more evenly, and to prune on more dimensions.

    Range partitioning is not possible on multi-value dimensions. If one of the provided partitionDimensions is multi-value, your ingestion job will report an error.

    typeSet the value to range.noneyes
    partitionDimensionsAn array of dimensions to partition on. Order the dimensions from most frequently queried to least frequently queried. For best results, limit your number of dimensions to between three and five dimensions.noneyes
    targetRowsPerSegmentTarget number of rows to include in a partition, should be a number that targets segments of 500MB~1GB.noneeither this or maxRowsPerSegment
    maxRowsPerSegmentSoft max for the number of rows to include in a partition.noneeither this or targetRowsPerSegment
    assumeGroupedAssume that input data has already been grouped on time and dimensions. Ingestion will run faster, but may choose sub-optimal partitions if this assumption is violated.falseno

    Benefits of range partitioning

    1. Lower storage footprint due to combining similar data into the same segments, which improves compressibility.
    2. Better query performance due to Broker-level segment pruning, which removes segments from consideration when they cannot possibly contain data matching the query filter.

    For Broker-level segment pruning to be effective, you must include partition dimensions in the WHERE clause. Each partition dimension can participate in pruning if the prior partition dimensions (those to its left) are also participating, and if the query uses filters that support pruning.

    Filters that support pruning include:

    • Equality on string literals, like x = 'foo' and x IN ('foo', 'bar') where x is a string.
    • Comparison between string columns and string literals, like x < 'foo' or other comparisons involving <, >, <=, or >=.

    For example, if you configure the following range partitioning during ingestion:

    Then, filters like WHERE countryName = 'United States' or WHERE countryName = 'United States' AND cityName = 'New York' can make use of pruning. However, WHERE cityName = 'New York' cannot make use of pruning, because countryName is not involved. The clause WHERE cityName LIKE 'New%' cannot make use of pruning either, because LIKE filters do not support pruning.

    The supervisor task provides some HTTP endpoints to get running status.

    • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/mode

    Returns ‘parallel’ if the indexing task is running in parallel. Otherwise, it returns ‘sequential’.

    • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/phase

    Returns the name of the current phase if the task running in the parallel mode.

    • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/progress

    Returns the estimated progress of the current phase if the supervisor task is running in the parallel mode.

    An example of the result is

    • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/subtasks/running

    Returns the task IDs of running worker tasks, or an empty list if the supervisor task is running in the sequential mode.

    • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/subtaskspecs

    Returns all worker task specs, or an empty list if the supervisor task is running in the sequential mode.

    • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/subtaskspecs/running

    Returns running worker task specs, or an empty list if the supervisor task is running in the sequential mode.

    • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/subtaskspecs/complete

    Returns complete worker task specs, or an empty list if the supervisor task is running in the sequential mode.

    • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/subtaskspec/{SUB_TASK_SPEC_ID}

    Returns the worker task spec of the given id, or HTTP 404 Not Found error if the supervisor task is running in the sequential mode.

    • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/subtaskspec/{SUB_TASK_SPEC_ID}/state

    Returns the state of the worker task spec of the given id, or HTTP 404 Not Found error if the supervisor task is running in the sequential mode. The returned result contains the worker task spec, a current task status if exists, and task attempt history.

    An example of the result is

    • http://{PEON_IP}:{PEON_PORT}/druid/worker/v1/chat/{SUPERVISOR_TASK_ID}/subtaskspec/{SUB_TASK_SPEC_ID}/history

    Returns the task attempt history of the worker task spec of the given id, or HTTP 404 Not Found error if the supervisor task is running in the sequential mode.

    Segment pushing modes

    While ingesting data using the parallel task indexing, Druid creates segments from the input data and pushes them. For segment pushing, the parallel task index supports the following segment pushing modes based upon your type of :

    • Bulk pushing mode: Used for perfect rollup. Druid pushes every segment at the very end of the index task. Until then, Druid stores created segments in memory and local storage of the service running the index task. This mode can cause problems if you have limited storage capacity, and is not recommended to use in production. To enable bulk pushing mode, set forceGuaranteedRollup in your TuningConfig. You cannot use bulk pushing with appendToExisting in your IOConfig.
    • Incremental pushing mode: Used for best-effort rollup. Druid pushes segments are incrementally during the course of the indexing task. The index task collects data and stores created segments in the memory and disks of the services running the task until the total number of collected rows exceeds maxTotalRows. At that point the index task immediately pushes all segments created up until that moment, cleans up pushed segments, and continues to ingest the remaining data.

    The supervisor task can create up to maxNumConcurrentSubTasks worker tasks no matter how many task slots are currently available. As a result, total number of tasks which can be run at the same time is (maxNumConcurrentSubTasks + 1) (including the supervisor task). Please note that this can be even larger than total number of task slots (sum of the capacity of all workers). If maxNumConcurrentSubTasks is larger than n (available task slots), then maxNumConcurrentSubTasks tasks are created by the supervisor task, but only n tasks would be started. Others will wait in the pending state until any running task is finished.

    If you are using the Parallel Index Task with stream ingestion together, we would recommend to limit the max capacity for batch ingestion to prevent stream ingestion from being blocked by batch ingestion. Suppose you have t Parallel Index Tasks to run at the same time, but want to limit the max number of tasks for batch ingestion to b. Then, (sum of maxNumConcurrentSubTasks of all Parallel Index Tasks + t (for supervisor tasks)) must be smaller than b.

    If you have some tasks of a higher priority than others, you may set their maxNumConcurrentSubTasks to a higher value than lower priority tasks. This may help the higher priority tasks to finish earlier than lower priority tasks by assigning more task slots to them.

    Splittable input sources

    Use the inputSource object to define the location where your index can read data. Only the native parallel task and simple task support the input source.

    For details on available input sources see:

    • S3 input source (s3) reads data from AWS S3 storage.
    • (gs) reads data from Google Cloud Storage.
    • Azure input source (azure) reads data from Azure Blob Storage and Azure Data Lake.
    • (hdfs) reads data from HDFS storage.
    • HTTP input Source (http) reads data from HTTP servers.
    • reads data you paste into the web console.
    • Local input Source (local) reads data from local storage.
    • () reads data from a RDBMS source.


    typeStringSee for explanation and available options.yes