You can submit and cancel Druid SQL queries using the Druid SQL API. The Druid SQL API is available at , where ROUTER is the IP address of the Druid Router.

    To use the SQL API to make Druid SQL queries, send your query to the Router using the POST method:

    Submit your query as the value of a “query” field in the JSON object within the request payload. For example:

    1. {"query" : "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data_source WHERE foo = 'bar'"}

    You can use curl to send SQL queries from the command-line:

    1. $ cat query.json
    2. {"query":"SELECT COUNT(*) AS TheCount FROM data_source"}
    3. $ curl -XPOST -H'Content-Type: application/json' http://ROUTER:8888/druid/v2/sql/ -d @query.json
    4. [{"TheCount":24433}]

    There are a variety of you can provide by adding a “context” map, like:

    Parameterized SQL queries are also supported:

    1. {
    2. "query" : "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data_source WHERE foo = ? AND __time > ?",
    3. "parameters": [
    4. { "type": "TIMESTAMP", "value": "2000-01-01 00:00:00" }
    5. ]
    6. }

    Metadata is available over HTTP POST by querying metadata tables.


    Result formats

    1. "query" : "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data_source WHERE foo = 'bar' AND __time > TIMESTAMP '2000-01-01 00:00:00'",
    2. "resultFormat" : "array"
    3. }

    To request a header with information about column names, set header to true in your request. When you set header to true, you can optionally include typesHeader and sqlTypesHeader as well, which gives you information about respectively. You can request all these headers with a request like:

    The following table shows supported result formats:

    FormatDescriptionHeader descriptionContent-Type
    objectThe default, a JSON array of JSON objects. Each object’s field names match the columns returned by the SQL query, and are provided in the same order as the SQL query.If header is true, the first row is an object where the fields are column names. Each field’s value is either null (if typesHeader and sqlTypesHeader are false) or an object that contains the Druid type as type (if typesHeader is true) and the SQL type as sqlType (if sqlTypesHeader is true).application/json
    arrayJSON array of JSON arrays. Each inner array has elements matching the columns returned by the SQL query, in order.If header is true, the first row is an array of column names. If typesHeader is true, the next row is an array of Druid types. If sqlTypesHeader is true, the next row is an array of SQL types.application/json
    objectLinesLike object, but the JSON objects are separated by newlines instead of being wrapped in a JSON array. This can make it easier to parse the entire response set as a stream, if you do not have ready access to a streaming JSON parser. To make it possible to detect a truncated response, this format includes a trailer of one blank line.Same as object.text/plain
    arrayLinesLike array, but the JSON arrays are separated by newlines instead of being wrapped in a JSON array. This can make it easier to parse the entire response set as a stream, if you do not have ready access to a streaming JSON parser. To make it possible to detect a truncated response, this format includes a trailer of one blank line.Same as , except the rows are separated by newlines.text/plain
    csvComma-separated values, with one row per line. Individual field values may be escaped by being surrounded in double quotes. If double quotes appear in a field value, they will be escaped by replacing them with double-double-quotes like “”this””. To make it possible to detect a truncated response, this format includes a trailer of one blank line.Same as array, except the lists are in CSV format.text/csv

    If typesHeader is set to true, Druid type information is included in the response. Complex types, like sketches, will be reported as COMPLEX<typeName> if a particular complex type name is known for that field, or as COMPLEX if the particular type name is unknown or mixed. If sqlTypesHeader is set to true, information is included in the response. It is possible to set both typesHeader and sqlTypesHeader at once. Both parameters require that header is also set.

    To aid in building clients that are compatible with older Druid versions, Druid returns the HTTP header X-Druid-SQL-Header-Included: yes if header was set to true and if the version of Druid the client is connected to understands the typesHeader and sqlTypesHeader parameters. This HTTP response header is present irrespective of whether typesHeader or sqlTypesHeader are set or not.

    Druid returns the SQL query identifier in the X-Druid-SQL-Query-Id HTTP header. This query id will be assigned the value of sqlQueryId from the query context parameters if specified, else Druid will generate a SQL query id for you.


    Errors that occur before the response body is sent will be reported in JSON, with an HTTP 500 status code, in the same format as native Druid query errors. If an error occurs while the response body is being sent, at that point it is too late to change the HTTP status code or report a JSON error, so the response will simply end midstream and an error will be logged by the Druid server that was handling your request.

    As a caller, it is important that you properly handle response truncation. This is easy for the object and array formats, since truncated responses will be invalid JSON. For the line-oriented formats, you should check the trailer they all include: one blank line at the end of the result set. If you detect a truncated response, either through a JSON parsing error or through a missing trailing newline, you should assume the response was not fully delivered due to an error.

    Cancel a query

    Druid SQL’s HTTP DELETE method uses the following syntax:

    1. DELETE https://ROUTER:8888/druid/v2/sql/{sqlQueryId}

    The DELETE method requires the sqlQueryId path parameter. To predict the query id you must set it in the query context. Druid does not enforce unique sqlQueryId in the query context. If you issue a cancel request for a sqlQueryId active in more than one query context, Druid cancels all requests that use the query id.

    For example if you issue the following query:

    1. curl --request POST 'https://ROUTER:8888/druid/v2/sql' \
    2. --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    3. --data-raw '{"query" : "SELECT sleep(CASE WHEN sum_added > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM wikiticker WHERE sum_added > 0 LIMIT 15",
    4. "context" : {"sqlQueryId" : "myQuery01"}}'

    You can cancel the query using the query id as follows:

    Cancellation requests require READ permission on all resources used in the sql query.

    Druid returns an HTTP 202 response for successful deletion requests.

    Druid returns an HTTP 404 response in the following cases:

    • sqlQueryId is incorrect.