Munin covers the first area, by displaying graphical charts for historical values of a number of parameters (used RAM, occupied disk space, processor load, network traffic, Apache/MySQL load, and so on). Nagios covers the second area, by regularly checking that the services are working and available, and sending alerts through the appropriate channels (e-mails, text messages, and so on). Both have a modular design, which makes it easy to create new plug-ins to monitor specific parameters or services.
替代方案 Zabbix,集成监控工具
Although Munin and Nagios are in very common use, they are not the only players in the monitoring field, and each of them only handles half of the task (graphing on one side, alerting on the other). Zabbix, on the other hand, integrates both parts of monitoring; it also has a web interface for configuring the most common aspects. It has grown by leaps and bounds during the last few years, and can now be considered a viable contender. On the monitoring server, you would install zabbix-server-pgsql (or zabbix-server-mysql), possibly together with zabbix-frontend-php to have a web interface. On the hosts to monitor you would install zabbix-agent feeding data back to the server.
替代方案Nagios 派生出的 Icinga
Spurred by divergences in opinions concerning the development model for Nagios (which is controlled by a company), a number of developers forked Nagios and use Icinga as their new name. Icinga is still compatible — so far — with Nagios configurations and plugins, but it also adds extra features.
The purpose of Munin is to monitor many machines; therefore, it quite naturally uses a client/server architecture. The central host — the grapher — collects data from all the monitored hosts, and generates historical graphs. 配置监控主机
The first step is to install the munin-node package. The daemon installed by this package listens on port 4949 and sends back the data collected by all the active plugins. Each plugin is a simple program returning a description of the collected data as well as the latest measured value. Plugins are stored in , but only those with a symbolic link in /etc/munin/plugins/
are really used.
When the package is installed, a set of active plugins is determined based on the available software and the current configuration of the host. However, this autoconfiguration depends on a feature that each plugin must provide, and it is usually a good idea to review and tweak the results by hand. Browsing the Plugin Gallery can be interesting even though not all plugins have comprehensive documentation. However, all plugins are scripts and most are rather simple and well-commented. Browsing /etc/munin/plugins/
is therefore a good way of getting an idea of what each plugin is about and determining which should be removed. Similarly, enabling an interesting plugin found in /usr/share/munin/plugins/
is a simple matter of setting up a symbolic link with ln -sf /usr/share/munin/plugins/*plugin* /etc/munin/plugins/
. Note that when a plugin name ends with an underscore “_”, the plugin requires a parameter. This parameter must be stored in the name of the symbolic link; for instance, the “if_” plugin must be enabled with a if_eth0
symbolic link, and it will monitor network traffic on the eth0 interface.
Once all plugins are correctly set up, the daemon configuration must be updated to describe access control for the collected data. This involves allow
directives in the /etc/munin/munin-node.conf
file. The default configuration is allow ^127\.0\.0\.1$
, and only allows access to the local host. An administrator will usually add a similar line containing the IP address of the grapher host, then restart the daemon with service munin-node restart
进阶阅读 创建本地插件
Munin does include detailed documentation on how plugins should behave, and how to develop new plugins.
A plugin is best tested when run in the same conditions as it would be when triggered by munin-node; this can be simulated by running munin-run *plugin*
as root. A potential second parameter given to this command (such as config
) is passed to the plugin as a parameter.
The various available fields are described by the “Plugin reference” available as part of the “Munin guide”.
When invoked without a parameter, the plugin simply returns the last measured values; for instance, executing sudo munin-run load
could return load.value 0.12
Finally, when a plugin is invoked with the autoconf
parameter, it should return “yes” (and a 0 exit status) or “no” (with a 1 exit status) according to whether the plugin should be enabled on this host. 配置 Grapher
The “grapher” is simply the computer that aggregates the data and generates the corresponding graphs. The required software is in the munin package. The standard configuration runs munin-cron
(once every 5 minutes), which gathers data from all the hosts listed in /etc/munin/munin.conf
(only the local host is listed by default), saves the historical data in RRD files (Round Robin Database, a file format designed to store data varying in time) stored under /var/lib/munin/
and generates an HTML page with the graphs in /var/cache/munin/www/
All monitored machines must therefore be listed in the /etc/munin/munin.conf
configuration file. Each machine is listed as a full section with a name matching the machine and at least an address
entry giving the corresponding IP address.
Sections can be more complex, and describe extra graphs that could be created by combining data coming from several machines. The samples provided in the configuration file are good starting points for customization.
The last step is to publish the generated pages; this involves configuring a web server so that the contents of /var/cache/munin/www/
are made available on a website. Access to this website will often be restricted, using either an authentication mechanism or IP-based access control. See 第 11.2 节 “Web Server (HTTP)” for the relevant details.
12.4.2. 搭建 Nagios
Unlike Munin, Nagios does not necessarily require installing anything on the monitored hosts; most of the time, Nagios is used to check the availability of network services. For instance, Nagios can connect to a web server and check that a given web page can be obtained within a given time. 安装
The first step in setting up Nagios is to install the nagios3, nagios-plugins and nagios3-doc packages. Installing the packages configures the web interface and creates a first nagiosadmin
user (for which it asks for a password). Adding other users is a simple matter of inserting them in the file with Apache’s htpasswd
command. If no Debconf question was displayed during installation, dpkg-reconfigure nagios3-cgi
can be used to define the nagiosadmin
Pointing a browser at http://*server*/nagios3/
displays the web interface; in particular, note that Nagios already monitors some parameters of the machine where it runs. However, some interactive features such as adding comments to a host do not work. These features are disabled in the default configuration for Nagios, which is very restrictive for security reasons.
As documented in /usr/share/doc/nagios3/README.Debian
, enabling some features involves editing /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg
and setting its check_external_commands
parameter to “1”. We also need to set up write permissions for the directory used by Nagios, with commands such as the following: 配置
The Nagios web interface is rather nice, but it does not allow configuration, nor can it be used to add monitored hosts and services. The whole configuration is managed via files referenced in the central configuration file, /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg
These files should not be dived into without some understanding of the Nagios concepts. The configuration lists objects of the following types:
a host is a machine to be monitored;
a service is a testable element related to a host or a host group. It will most often be a check for a network service, but it can also involve checking that some parameters are within an acceptable range (for instance, free disk space or processor load);
a contact is a person who can receive alerts;
a contactgroup is a set of such contacts;
a timeperiod is a range of time during which some services have to be checked;
a command is the command line invoked to check a given service.
According to its type, each object has a number of properties that can be customized. A full list would be too long to include, but the most important properties are the relations between the objects.
A service uses a command to check the state of a feature on a host (or a hostgroup) within a timeperiod. In case of a problem, Nagios sends an alert to all members of the contactgroup linked to the service. Each member is sent the alert according to the channel described in the matching contact object.
An inheritance system allows easy sharing of a set of properties across many objects without duplicating information. Moreover, the initial configuration includes a number of standard objects; in many cases, defining new hosts, services and contacts is a simple matter of deriving from the provided generic objects. The files in /etc/nagios3/conf.d/
are a good source of information on how they work.
The Falcot Corp administrators use the following configuration:
例 12.3. /etc/nagios3/conf.d/falcot.cfg
This configuration file describes two monitored hosts. The first one is the web server, and the checks are made on the HTTP (80) and secure-HTTP (443) ports. Nagios also checks that an SMTP server runs on port 25. The second host is the FTP server, and the check includes making sure that a reply comes within 20 seconds. Beyond this delay, a warning is emitted; beyond 30 seconds, the alert is deemed critical. The Nagios web interface also shows that the SSH service is monitored: this comes from the hosts belonging to the ssh-servers
hostgroup. The matching standard service is defined in .
Note the use of inheritance: an object is made to inherit from another object with the “use parent-name”. The parent object must be identifiable, which requires giving it a “name identifier” property. If the parent object is not meant to be a real object, but only to serve as a parent, giving it a “register 0” property tells Nagios not to consider it, and therefore to ignore the lack of some parameters that would otherwise be required.
DOCUMENTATION List of object properties
A more in-depth understanding of the various ways in which Nagios can be configured can be obtained from the documentation provided by the nagios3-doc package. This documentation is directly accessible from the web interface, with the “Documentation” link in the top left corner. It includes a list of all object types, with all the properties they can have. It also explains how to create new plugins.
Many Nagios plugins allow checking some parameters local to a host; if many machines need these checks while a central installation gathers them, the NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor) plugin needs to be deployed. The nagios-nrpe-plugin package needs to be installed on the Nagios server, and nagios-nrpe-server on the hosts where local tests need to run. The latter gets its configuration from /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
. This file should list the tests that can be started remotely, and the IP addresses of the machines allowed to trigger them. On the Nagios side, enabling these remote tests is a simple matter of adding matching services using the new check_nrpe command.