Each machine is, however, identified by a main (or “canonical”) name, stored in the file and communicated to the Linux kernel by initialization scripts through the hostname command. The current value is available in a virtual filesystem, and you can get it with the cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname command.

    BACK TO BASICS /proc/ and /sys/, virtual filesystems

    The /proc/ and /sys/ file trees are generated by “virtual” filesystems. This is a practical means of recovering information from the kernel (by listing virtual files) and communicating them to it (by writing to virtual files).

    /sys/ in particular is designed to provide access to internal kernel objects, especially those representing the various devices in the system. The kernel can, thus, share various pieces of information: the status of each device (for example, if it is in energy saving mode), whether it is a removable device, etc. Note that has only existed since kernel version 2.6.

    Surprisingly, the domain name is not managed in the same way, but comes from the complete name of the machine, acquired through name resolution. You can change it in the /etc/hosts file; simply write a complete name for the machine there at the beginning of the list of names associated with the address of the machine, as in the following example:

    说明 NSS 与 DNS

    专门用于查找 DNS 的命令(特别是 host),未使用标准的名称解析机制 (NSS)。也就是,完全未考虑 /etc/nsswitch.conf,也不使用 。 配置 DNS 服务器

    DNS (网域名称服务) 是映射名称至 IP 地址的分布式阶层服务,同时也反向映射。尤其是,把人可阅读的名称,如 www.eyrolles.com 映射至实际的 IP 地址

    必须先设置 DNS 服务器,才能用到 DNS 信息。Falcot 公司自设该服务器,但个人用户可能使用 ISP 提供的 DNS 服务器。

    DNS 服务器的用法在 /etc/resolv.conf 内,每个一列,在 IP 地址前有 nameserver 键词,如下:

    1. nameserver /etc/hosts 文件

    地区网络没有名称服务器时,仍可以在保留给地区网络的 /etc/hosts 文件内,创建 IP 地址与主机名称的小型对照表。此文件的语法极简单:每列一个固定 IP 地址,然后是相关的名称 (第一个是 “完全合格”,表示包括网域名称)。

    即使网络停摆或 DNS 服务器不通仍可近用此文件,但只适用于本地区网络所有机器重制的内容。即使是极微小的变动,都需要更新各地所有的文件。所以, /etc/hosts 通常只包括最重要的条目。

    这个文件对未连上互联网的小型网络是够用的,5 部以内的机器,建议安装一个 DNS 服务器较佳。

    秘诀 绕过 DNS

    某些应用程序先检查 文件才查找 DNS,与 DNS 送回数据不同的部分,可以先保存在这里,并略过 DNS 的名称解析。
