class celery.app.amqp.AMQP(app)
Broker connection class used. Default is kombu.Connection.
Base Consumer class used. Default is .
All currently defined task queues. (A instance).
Queues(queues, create_missing=None, ha_policy=None, autoexchange=None)[源代码]
Create new instance, using queue defaults from the current configuration.
Router(queues=None, create_missing=None)[源代码]
Return the current task router.
TaskProducer None
You should use app.send_task instead.
default_queue None
default_exchange None[源代码]
publisher_pool None
router None
routes None[源代码]
class celery.app.amqp.Queues(queues=None, default_exchange=None, create_missing=True, ha_policy=None, autoexchange=None)
Queue name⇒ declaration mapping.
add(queue, \*kwargs*)[源代码]
Add new queue.
The first argument can either be a instance, or the name of a queue. If the former the rest of the keyword arguments are ignored, and options are simply taken from the queue instance.
add_compat(name, \*options*)[源代码]
consume_from None
Deselect queues so that they will not be consumed from.
format(indent=0, indent_first=True)[源代码]
Format routing table into string for log dumps.
Sets consume_from by selecting a subset of the currently defined queues.
select_add(queue, \*kwargs*)
Add new task queue that will be consumed from even when a subset has been selected using the -Q option.
Sets by selecting a subset of the currently defined queues.
class celery.app.amqp.TaskPublisher(channel=None, exchange=None, \args, **kwargs*)[源代码]
Deprecated version of TaskProducer.