

    See Preload Options and .


    Detach and run in the background as a daemon.

    -s, --schedule

    Path to the schedule database. Defaults to celerybeat-schedule. The extension ‘.db’ may be appended to the filename. Default is {default}.

    Scheduler class to use. Default is celery.beat.PersistentScheduler.


    Max seconds to sleep between schedule iterations.

    -f, --logfile

    Path to log file. If no logfile is specified, stderr is used.

    -l, --loglevel

    class celery.bin.beat.beat(app=None, get_app=None, no_color=False, stdout=None, stderr=None, quiet=False, on_error=None, on_usage_error=None)

    Start the beat periodic task scheduler.


    • doc = ‘Start the beat periodic task scheduler.\n\n Examples::\n\n celery beat -l info\n celery beat -s /var/run/celery/beat-schedule —detach\n celery beat -S djcelery.schedulers.DatabaseScheduler\n\n ‘

    • get_options()[源代码]

    • supports_args = False