Using IronMQ

    As well as an [ account]( Sign up for free at []().

    First, you’ll need to import the iron_celery library right after you import Celery, for example:

    1. import iron_celery
    2. app = Celery('mytasks', broker='ironmq://', backend='ironcache://')

    where the URL format is:

    you must remember to include the “@” at the end.

    The default cloud/region is AWS us-east-1. You can choose the IronMQ Rackspace (ORD) cloud by changing the URL to:

    1. ironmq://

    You can store results in IronCache with the same credentials, just set the results URL with the same syntax as the broker URL, but changing the start to ironcache:

      You can find more information in the [iron_celery README](