
    class celery.bin.amqp.AMQPAdmin(\args, **kwargs*)[源代码]

    The celery celery amqp utility.

    class celery.bin.amqp.AMQShell(\args, **kwargs*)

    AMQP API Shell.

    • amqp

      Mapping of AMQP API commands and their Spec.

    • amqp = {u’queue.declare’: <celery.bin.amqp.Spec object at 0xd0da14c>, u’queue.purge’: <celery.bin.amqp.Spec object at 0xd0daccc>, u’exchange.delete’: <celery.bin.amqp.Spec object at 0xd0da22c>, u’basic.publish’: <celery.bin.amqp.Spec object at 0xd0da80c>, u’basic.ack’: <celery.bin.amqp.Spec object at 0xd0dafac>, u’exchange.declare’: <celery.bin.amqp.Spec object at 0xd0da7ac>, u’queue.delete’: <celery.bin.amqp.Spec object at 0xd0da70c>, u’queue.bind’: <celery.bin.amqp.Spec object at 0xd0da6cc>, u’basic.get’: <celery.bin.amqp.Spec object at 0xd0daf6c>}

    • builtins = {u’exit’: u’do_exit’, u’EOF’: u’do_exit’, u’help’: u’do_help’}

    • chan = None

    • completenames(text, \ignored*)

      Return all commands starting with text, for tab-completion.

    • conn = None

    • counter = 1

    • default(line)[源代码]

    • display_command_help(cmd, short=False)

    • do_exit(\args*)[源代码]

      The ‘exit’ command.

    • do_help(\args*)

    • get_amqp_api_command(cmd, arglist)[源代码]

      With a command name and a list of arguments, convert the arguments to Python values and find the corresponding method on the AMQP channel object.

    • get_names()

    • identchars = u’.’

    • inc_counter = count(2)

    • needs_reconnect = False

    • note(m)[源代码]

      Say something to the user. Disabled if silent.

    • onecmd(line)

      Parse line and execute command.

    • parseline(line)[源代码]

      Parse input line.

    • prompt None

    • respond(retval)[源代码]

      What to do with the return value of a command.

    class celery.bin.amqp.Spec(\args, **kwargs*)

    AMQP Command specification.

    Used to convert arguments to Python values and display various help and tooltips.

    • coerce(index, value)[源代码]

      Coerce value for argument at index.

    • format_arg(name, type, default_value=None)

    • format_response(response)[源代码]

      Format the return value of this command in a human-friendly way.

    • format_signature()

    • str_args_to_python(arglist)[源代码]

      Process list of string arguments to values according to spec.


    class celery.bin.amqp.amqp(app=None, get_app=None, no_color=False, stdout=None, stderr=None, quiet=False, on_error=None, on_usage_error=None)

    AMQP Administration Shell.

    Also works for non-amqp transports (but not ones that store declarations in memory).


    1. start shell mode
    2. show list of commands
    3. celery amqp exchange.delete name