
    class celery.events.Events(app=None)

    celery.events.Event(type, _fields=None, __dict__=<type ‘dict’>, __now__=<built-in function time>, \*fields*)[源代码]

    Create an event.

    An event is a dictionary, the only required field is type. A timestamp field will be set to the current time if not provided.

    class celery.events.EventDispatcher(connection=None, hostname=None, enabled=True, channel=None, buffer_while_offline=True, app=None, serializer=None, groups=None)

    Dispatches event messages.

    You need to close() this after use.

    • DISABLED_TRANSPORTS = set([‘sql’])

    • app = None

    • close()

    • disable()[源代码]

    • extend_buffer(other)

      Copies the outbound buffer of another instance.

    • flush()

      Flushes the outbound buffer.

    • on_disabled = None

    • on_enabled = None

    • publish(type, fields, producer, retry=False, retry_policy=None, blind=False, utcoffset=<function utcoffset at 0xb126374>, Event=<function Event at 0xc2348b4>)[源代码]

      Publish event using a custom instance.

    • publisher None

    • send(type, blind=False, \*fields*)[源代码]

      Send event.

    • warn_if_yajl()

    Capture events.

    handlers is a dict of event types and their handlers, the special handler “*” captures all events that doesn’t have a handler.

    • app = None

    • capture(limit=None, timeout=None, wakeup=True)

      Open up a consumer capturing events.

      This has to run in the main process, and it will never stop unless forced via KeyboardInterrupt or .

    • connection None

    • event_from_message(body, localize=True, now=<built-in function time>, tzfields=<operator.itemgetter object at 0xb9a19cc>, adjust_timestamp=<function adjust_timestamp at 0xb1263ac>, CLIENT_CLOCK_SKEW=-1)

    • get_consumers(Consumer, channel)

    • itercapture(limit=None, timeout=None, wakeup=True)[源代码]

    • on_consume_ready(connection, channel, consumers, wakeup=True, \*kwargs*)

    • process(type, event)

      Process the received event by dispatching it to the appropriate handler.