Capture Attribute Node

    Capture Attribute node.

    The Capture Attribute node stores the result of a field on a geometry, and outputs the data as a node socket so it can be used by other nodes.

    The result is stored on the geometry just like a regular attribute with a name, but instead of referencing it with a name, it is retrieved whenever the socket is connected to the input of a node. Later on when evaluating the node tree, the attribute will be removed automatically if it is no longer used.

    This node is essential because field input nodes like the Radius Node work in the context of the node they are connected to. Meaning that in order to pass data like to a geometry that doesn’t have radius, an explicit node link with the output of this node must be used.



    Standard geometry input.


    Float or Vector input to evaluate.


    Standard geometry output.


    The result of the evaluated field, stored on the geometry.

    Here, a noise texture is evaluated in along the path of the curve in one dimension and rendered with a shader. The capture node is required because the output of the does not have a “curve parameter”, since it is a mesh and not a curve. So, the Curve Parameter Node must be evaluated while the geometry is still a curve.