Release Notes for 3.2.0
- Add support for setting the host cluster name in multi-cluster scenarios, which defaults to . (#4211, )
- Add support for setting the cluster name in single-cluster scenarios. (#4220, )
- Add support for initializing the default cluster name by using globals.config. (#2283, )
- Add support for scheduling Pod replicas across multiple clusters when creating a Deployment. (#2191, )
- Add support for changing cluster weights on the project details page. (#2192, )
Bug Fixes
- Fix an issue in the Create Deployment dialog box in Cluster Management, where a multiple-cluster project can be selected by directly entering the project name. (, @fuchunlan)
- Fix an error that occurs when workspace or cluster basic information is edited. (, @xuliwenwenwen)
- Remove information about deleted clusters on the Basic Information page of the host cluster. (, @fuchunlan)
- Add support for sorting Services and editing Service settings in multi-cluster projects. (, @harrisonliu5)
- Refactor the gateway feature of multi-cluster projects. (, @harrisonliu5)
- Fix an issue where multi-cluster projects cannot be deleted after the workspace is deleted. (, @wansir)
New Features
- Add support for HTTPS communication with Elasticsearch. (, @wanjunlei)
- Add support for validating notification settings. (, @wenchajun)
- Add support for importing Grafana dashboards by specifying a dashboard URL or by uploading a Grafana dashboard JSON file. KubeSphere automatically converts Grafana dashboards into KubeSphere cluster dashboards. (, @zhu733756)
- Add support for creating Grafana dashboards in Custom Monitoring. (, @harrisonliu5)
- Optimize the Notification Configuration feature. (, @xuliwenwenwen)
- Add support for setting a GPU limit in the Edit Default Container Quotas dialog box. (, @weili520)
- Add a default GPU monitoring dashboard.(, @harrisonliu5)
- Add the Leader tag to the etcd leader on the etcd monitoring page. (, @xuliwenwenwen)
Bug Fixes
- Fix the incorrect Pod information displayed on the Alerting Messages page and alerting policy details page. (#2215, )
Authentication & Authorization
New Features
- Add a built-in OAuth 2.0 server that supports OpenID Connect. (#3525, )
- Remove information confirmation required when an external identity provider is used. (#4238, )
- Fix incorrect source IP addresses in the login history. (#4331, )
New Features
- Change the parameters that determine whether volume clone, volume snapshot, and volume expansion are allowed. (, @weili520)
- Add support for setting the volume binding mode during storage class creation. (, @weili520)
- Add the volume instance management feature. (, @weili520)
- Add support for multiple snapshot classes. Users are allowed to select a snapshot type when creating a snapshot. (, @weili520)
Bug Fixes
- Change the volume access mode options on the Volume Settings tab page. (#2348, )
New Features
- Add the Route sorting, routing rule editing, and annotation editing features on the Route list page. (#2165, )
- Refactor the cluster gateway and project gateway features. (#2262, )
- Add the service name auto-completion feature in routing rule creation. (#2196, )
- DNS optimizations for ks-console:
- Use the name of the ks-apiserver Service directly instead of as the API URL.
- Add a DNS cache plugin (dnscache) for caching DNS results. (#2435, )
Bug Fixes
- Add a Cancel button in the Enable Gateway dialog box. (, @weili520)
Apps & App Store
- Add support for setting a synchronization interval during app repository creation and editing. (#2311, )
- Add a disclaimer in the App Store. (#2173, )
- Add support for dynamically loading community-developed Helm charts into the App Store. (#4250, )
Bug Fixes
- Fix an issue where the value of is always when is called. (, @Hanamichi)
New Features
- Set the system to hide the Branch column on the Run Records tab page when the current pipeline is not a multi-branch pipeline. (#2379, )
- Add the feature of automatically loading Jenkins configurations from ConfigMaps. (#75, )
- Add support for triggering pipelines by manipulating CRDs instead of calling Jenkins APIs. (#41, )
- Add support for containerd-based pipelines. (#171, )
- Add Jenkins job metadata into pipeline annotations. (#254, )
Bug Fixes
- Fix an issue where credential creation and update fails when the value length of a parameter is too long. (, @shihh)
- Fix an issue where ks-apiserver crashes when the Run Records tab page of a parallel pipeline is opened. (, @JohnNiang)
Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade the version of Configuration as Code to 1.53. (#42, )
- Add support for Kubernetes v1.21.5 and v1.22.1. (, @pixiake)
- Add support for automatically setting the container runtime. (, @pixiake)
- Add support for automatically updating Kubernetes certificates. (, @pixiake)
- Add support for installing Docker and conatinerd using a binary file. (, @pixiake)
- Add support for Flannel VxLAN and direct routing. (, @kinglong08)
- Add an internal load balancer for deploying a high availability system. (, @24sama)
Bug Fixes
- Fix a runtime.RawExtension serialization error. (#731, )
- Fix the nil pointer error during cluster upgrade. (#684, )
- Add support for updating certificates of Kubernetes v1.20.0 and later. (#690, )
- Fix a DNS address configuration error. (#637, )
- Fix a cluster creation error that occurs when no default gateway address exists. (#661, )
User Experience
- Fix language mistakes and optimize wording. (, @Felixnoo, )
- Fix incorrect function descriptions. (@Patrick-LuoYu, , @serenashe)
- Remove hard-coded and concatenated UI strings to better support UI localization and internationalization. (, @Felixnoo, )
- Add conditional statements to display correct English singular and plural forms. (@Patrick-LuoYu, , @serenashe)
- Optimize the Pod Scheduling Rules area in the Create Deployment dialog box. (, @qinyueshang)
- Fix an issue in the Edit Project Quotas dialog box, where the quota value changes to 0 when it is set to infinity. (, @fuchunlan)
- Fix an issue in the Create ConfigMap dialog box, where the position of the hammer icon is incorrect when the data entry is empty. (, @fuchunlan)
- Fix the incorrect default value of the time range drop-down list on the Overview page of projects. (, @fuchunlan)
- Fix an error that occurs during login redirection, where redirection fails if the referer URL contains an ampersand (&). (, @harrisonliu5)
- Change 1 hours to 1 hour on the custom monitoring dashboard creation page. (, @live77)
- Fix the incorrect Service types on the Service list page. (, @xuliwenwenwen)
- Fix the incorrect traffic data displayed in grayscale release job details. (, @harrisonliu5)
- Fix an issue in the Edit Project Quotas dialog box, where values with two decimal places and values greater than 8 cannot be set. (, @weili520)
- Allow the About dialog box to be closed by clicking other areas of the window. (, @fuchunlan)
- Optimize the project title so that the cursor is changed into a hand when hovering over the project title. (, @fuchunlan)
- Add support for creating ConfigMaps and Secrets in the Environment Variables area of the Create Deployment dialog box. (, @harrisonliu5)
- Add support for setting Pod annotations in the Create Deployment dialog box. (, @harrisonliu5)
- Allow domain names to start with an asterisk (*). (, @wengzhisong-hz)
- Add support for searching for Harbor images in the Create Deployment dialog box. (, @wengzhisong-hz)
- Add support for mounting volumes to init containers. (, @Sigboom)
- Remove the workload auto-restart feature in volume expansion. (, @wenhuwang)
- Deprecate router API version v1alpha2. (, @RolandMa1986)
- Upgrade the pipeline API version from v2 to v3. (, @harrisonliu5)
- Change the Secret verification API. (, @harrisonliu5)
- Client credential is required for OAuth2 Token endpoint.(,@wansir)
Component Changes
- kubefed: v0.7.0 -> v0.8.1
- prometheus-operator: v0.42.1 -> v0.43.2
- notification-manager: v1.0.0 -> v1.4.0
- fluent-bit: v1.6.9 -> v1.8.3
- kube-events: v0.1.0 -> v0.3.0
- kube-auditing: v0.1.2 -> v0.2.0
- istio: 1.6.10 -> 1.11.1
- jaeger: 1.17 -> 1.27
- kiali: v1.26.1 -> v1.38