Set a CI Node for Dependency Caching

    This tutorial demonstrates how to set CI nodes so that KubeSphere schedules tasks of pipelines and S2I/B2I builds to these nodes.

    You need a user granted a role including the permission of Cluster Management. For example, you can log in to the console as directly or create a new role with the permission and assign it to a user.

    1. If you have enabled the multi-cluster feature with Member clusters imported, you can select a specific cluster to view its nodes. If you have not enabled the feature, refer to the next step directly.

    2. Select a node from the list to run CI tasks. Click the node name to go to its details page. Click More and select Edit Labels.

    1. Click More and select Edit Taints.

    2. Click Add Taint and enter a key without specifying a value. You can choose , Prevent scheduling if possible, or based on your needs.

    3. Click Save. KubeSphere will schedule tasks according to the taint you set. You can go back to work on your DevOps pipeline now.
