Use Pipeline Templates

    When you have a pipeline created in your DevOps project on KubeSphere, you can click the pipeline to go to its details page, and then click Edit Pipeline to select a pipeline template based on your needs. This document illustrates the concept of these two pipeline templates.

    The CI pipeline template contains two stages. The clone code stage checks out code and the build & push stage builds an image and pushes it to Docker Hub. You need to create the credentials for your code repository and your Docker Hub registry in advance, and then set the URL of your repository and these credentials in corresponding steps. After you finish editing, the pipeline is ready to run.

    CI & CD Pipeline Template


    The CI & CD pipeline template contains six stages. For more information about each stage, refer to where you can find similar stages and the descriptions. You need to create credentials for your code repository, your Docker Hub registry, and the kubeconfig of your cluster in advance, and then set the URL of your repository and these credentials in corresponding steps. After you finish editing, the pipeline is ready to run.
