Cluster Visibility and Authorization

    This guide demonstrates how to set cluster visibility.

    Set Cluster Visibility

    1. Log in to KubeSphere with a user that has the permission to create a workspace, such as .

    2. Click Platform in the upper-left corner and select Access Control. In Workspaces from the navigation bar, click Create.

    3. Provide the basic information for the workspace and click Next.

    After a workspace is created, you can allocate additional clusters to the workspace through authorization or unbind a cluster from the workspace. Follow the steps below to adjust the visibility of a cluster.

    1. Click Platform in the upper-left corner and select Cluster Management. Select a cluster from the list to view cluster information.

    2. In Cluster Settings from the navigation bar, select Cluster Visibility.

    3. You can see the list of authorized workspaces, which means the current cluster is available to resources in all these workspaces.

    4. Click Edit Visibility to set the cluster visibility. You can select new workspaces that will be able to use the cluster or unbind it from a workspace.