Load External TsFile Tool


    The user sends specified commands to the Apache IoTDB system through the Cli tool or JDBC to use the tool.

    The command to load tsfiles is .

    This command has two usages:

    1. Load a single tsfile by specifying a file path (absolute path).

    The second parameter indicates the path of the tsfile to be loaded and the name of the tsfile needs to conform to the tsfile naming convention, that is, {systemTime}-{versionNum}-{in_space_compaction_num}-{cross_space_compaction_num}.tsfile. This command has three options: autoregister, sglevel and verify.

    AUTOREGISTER option. If the metadata correspond to the timeseries in the tsfile to be loaded does not exist, you can choose whether to create the schema automatically. If this parameter is true, the schema is created automatically. If it is false, the schema will not be created. By default, the schema will be created.

    VERIFY option. If this parameter is true, All timeseries in this loading tsfile will be compared with the timeseries in IoTDB. If existing a measurement which has different datatype with the measurement in IoTDB, the loading process will be stopped and exit. If consistence can be promised, setting false for this parameter will be a better choice.

    If the .resource file corresponding to the file exists, it will be loaded into the data directory and engine of the Apache IoTDB. Otherwise, the corresponding .resource file will be regenerated from the tsfile file.


    • load '/Users/Desktop/data/1575028885956-101-0.tsfile'
    • load '/Users/Desktop/data/1575028885956-101-0.tsfile' autoregister=true
    • load '/Users/Desktop/data/1575028885956-101-0.tsfile' sglevel=1
    • load '/Users/Desktop/data/1575028885956-101-0.tsfile' autoregister=true,sglevel=1
    • load '/Users/Desktop/data/1575028885956-101-0.tsfile' verify=false,sglevel=1
    • load '/Users/Desktop/data/1575028885956-101-0.tsfile' autoregister=false,verify=true
    • load '/Users/Desktop/data/1575028885956-101-0.tsfile' autoregister=false,sglevel=1,verify=true

    The second parameter indicates the path of the tsfile to be loaded and the name of the tsfiles need to conform to the tsfile naming convention, that is, {systemTime}-{versionNum}-{in_space_compaction_num}-{cross_space_compaction_num}.tsfile. The options above also works for this command.


    • load '/Users/Desktop/data'
    • load '/Users/Desktop/data' autoregister=false
    • load '/Users/Desktop/data' autoregister=true
    • load '/Users/Desktop/data' autoregister=false,sglevel=1,verify=true

    This command deletes a tsfile by specifying the file path. The specific implementation is to delete the tsfile and its corresponding .resource and.modification files.


    • remove '/Users/Desktop/data/data/root.vehicle/0/0/1575028885956-101-0.tsfile'

    The command to unload a tsfile and move it to target directory is: unload '<path>' '<dir>'.

    This command unload a tsfile and move it to a target directory by specifying tsfile path and the target directory(absolute path). The specific implementation is to remove the tsfile from the engine and move the tsfile file and its corresponding .resource file to the target directory.


    • unload '/Users/Desktop/data/data/root.vehicle/0/0/1575028885956-101-0.tsfile' '/data/data/tmp'