System Requirements

    Install IoTDB: Reference to IoTDB Quick Start. Suppose IoTDB is placed at $IoTDB_HOME.

    Install Zeppelin:

    Suppose Zeppelin is placed at $Zeppelin_HOME.

    Build Interpreter

    The interpreter will be in the folder:

    Install Interpreter

    Running Zeppelin and IoTDB

    Go to $Zeppelin_HOME and start Zeppelin by running:

    1. ./bin/ start

    or in Windows:

    Go to $IoTDB_HOME and start IoTDB server:

    1. # Unix/OS X
    2. > nohup sbin/ >/dev/null 2>&1 &
    3. # Windows
    4. > sbin\start-server.bat -c <conf_path> -rpc_port <rpc_port>

    Wait for Zeppelin server to start, then visit

    In the interpreter page:

    1. Click the Create new node button
    2. Set the note name
    3. Configure your interpreter

    Now you are ready to use your interpreter.


    The screenshot is as follows:

    You can also design more fantasy documents referring to and others.

    The above demo notebook can be found at .

    You can configure the connection parameters in :

    The parameters you can configure are as follows:

    iotdb.host127.0.0.1IoTDB server host to connect to
    iotdb.port6667IoTDB server port to connect to
    iotdb.usernamerootUsername for authentication
    iotdb.passwordrootPassword for authentication
    iotdb.fetchSize10000Query fetch size
    iotdb.zoneIdZone Id
    iotdb.enable.rpc.compressionFALSEWhether enable rpc compression
    iotdb.time.display.typedefaultThe time format to display