Release 0.174

    • Fix a bug that causes underestimation of the amount of memory used by max_by(), , max(), , and arbitrary() aggregations over varchar/varbinary columns.

    • Fix a memory leak in the coordinator that causes long-running queries in highly loaded clusters to consume unnecessary memory.

    • Improve parallelism of queries involving GROUPING SETS, CUBE or ROLLUP.

    • Improve parallelism of queries.

    • Add and information_schema.table_privileges table.

    • Change default value of and hive.metastore-refresh-interval to 0 to disable cross-transaction metadata caching.
    • Fix ES6 compatibility issue with older browsers.

    • Display buffered bytes for every stage in the live plan UI.

    • Rename SPI access control check from checkCanShowTables to checkCanShowTablesMetadata, which is used for both SHOW TABLES and .