Use Cases
Since Presto is being called a database by many members of the community, it makes sense to begin with a definition of what Presto is not.
Presto is a tool designed to efficiently query vast amounts of data using distributed queries. If you work with terabytes or petabytes of data, you are likely using tools that interact with Hadoop and HDFS. Presto was designed as an alternative to tools that query HDFS using pipelines of MapReduce jobs such as Hive or Pig, but Presto is not limited to accessing HDFS. Presto can be and has been extended to operate over different kinds of data sources including traditional relational databases and other data sources such as Cassandra.
Presto is an open source project that operates under the auspices of Facebook. It was invented at Facebook and the project continues to be developed by both Facebook internal developers and a number of third-party developers in the community.