Release 0.262

    • Add support for elastic workers by implementing time-to-live based node scheduling for queries with execution time estimates. See #16409

    • Fix to allow as the result of input/combine functions, while also allowing only constant expressions and not NULL as the initial value.

    • Add default size limit (100MB) to build side of broadcast join.

    • Add support for elastic workers by implementing time-to-live based node scheduling for queries with execution time estimates. This can be enabled by setting either the resource_aware_scheduling_strategy session property or the experimental.resource-aware-scheduling-strategy configuration property to . See #16409.

    • Add support for custom node time-to-live (TTL) fetchers (to fetch TTLs of nodes) and cluster TTL providers (to compute the TTL of a cluster) through the NodeTtlFetcher and ClusterTtlProvider interfaces respectively. See .
    • Add session property hive.cache_enabled to allow turning on and off data cache per query.