Release 0.183

    • Fix planning failure for queries that contains a non-equi left join that is semantically equivalent to an inner join.

    • Fix query failure for CHAR functions trim(), , and substr() when the return value would have trailing spaces under VARCHAR semantics.

    • Fix formatting in EXPLAIN ANALYZE output.

    • Improve error message when a query contains an unsupported form of correlated subquery.

    • Add and map_entries() functions.

    • Change spilling for aggregations to only occur when the cluster runs out of memory.

    • Remove the experimental.operator-memory-limit-before-spill config property and the session property.

    • Allow configuring the amount of memory that can be used for merging spilled aggregation data from disk using the experimental.aggregation-operator-unspill-memory-limit config property or the aggregation_operator_unspill_memory_limit session property.

    Web UI Changes

    • Work around ORC-222 which results in invalid summary statistics in ORC or DWRF files when the input data contains invalid string data. Previously, this would usually cause the query to fail, but in rare cases it could cause wrong results by incorrectly skipping data based on the invalid statistics.

    • Improve error message for small ORC files that are completely corrupt or not actually ORC.

    • Add predicate pushdown for the hidden column "$path".

    TPCH Changes

    • Add column statistics for schemas tiny and sf1.
    • Add column statistics for schemas and sf1.

    SPI Changes

    • Map columns or values represented with ArrayBlock and InterleavedBlock are no longer supported. They must be represented as MapBlock or SingleMapBlock.

    • Extend column statistics with minimal and maximal value.