Success. Denotes success | ERRCODESUCCESSFUL COMPLETION | RCOK = 0 |
Failure Unknown error has occurred. | ERRCODE_FDW_ERROR | RC_ERROR = 1 |
Unknown error has occurred. Denotes aborted operation. | ERRCODE_FDW_ERROR | RC_ABORT |
Column definition of %s is not supported. Column type %s is not supported yet. | ERRCODE_INVALID_COLUMN_DEFINITION | RC_UNSUPPORTED_COL_TYPE |
Column definition of %s is not supported. Column type Array of %s is not supported yet. | ERRCODE_INVALID_COLUMN_DEFINITION | RC_UNSUPPORTED_COL_TYPE_ARR |
Column size %d exceeds max tuple size %u. Column definition of %s is not supported. | ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED | RC_EXCEEDS_MAX_ROW_SIZE |
Column name %s exceeds max name size %u. | ERRCODE_INVALID_COLUMN_DEFINITION | RC_COL_NAME_EXCEEDS_MAX_SIZE |
Column size %d exceeds max size %u. Column definition of %s is not supported. | ERRCODE_INVALID_COLUMN_DEFINITION | RC_COL_SIZE_INVLALID |
Cannot create table. Cannot add column %s; as the number of declared columns exceeds the maximum declared columns. | ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT SUPPORTED | RCTABLE_EXCEEDS_MAX DECLAREDCOLS |
Cannot create index. Total column size is greater than maximum index size %u. | ERRCODE_FDW_KEY_SIZE EXCEEDSMAX_ALLOWED | RC_INDEX_EXCEEDS_MAX_SIZE |
Cannot create index. Total number of indexes for table %s is greater than the maximum number of indexes allowed %u. | ERRCODE_FDW_TOO_MANY INDEXES | RCTABLE_EXCEEDS_MAX_INDEXES |
Cannot execute statement. Maximum number of DDLs per transaction reached the maximum %u. | ERRCODE_FDW_TOO_MANY DDLCHANGES_IN TRANSACTIONNOT ALLOWED | RCTXN_EXCEEDS_MAX_DDLS |
Unique constraint violation Duplicate key value violates unique constraint \”%s\””. Key %s already exists. | ERRCODE_UNIQUE VIOLATION | RCUNIQUE_VIOLATION |
Table \”%s\” does not exist. | ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_TABLE | RC_TABLE_NOT_FOUND |
Index \”%s\” does not exist. | ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_TABLE | RC_INDEX_NOT_FOUND |
Unknown error has occurred. | ERRCODE_FDW_ERROR | RC_LOCAL_ROW_FOUND |
Unknown error has occurred. | ERRCODE_FDW_ERROR | RC_LOCAL_ROW_NOT_FOUND |
Unknown error has occurred. | ERRCODE_FDW_ERROR | RC_LOCAL_ROW_DELETED |
Unknown error has occurred. | ERRCODE_FDW_ERROR | RC_INSERT_ON_EXIST |
Unknown error has occurred. | ERRCODE_FDW_ERROR | RC_INDEX_RETRY_INSERT |
Unknown error has occurred. | ERRCODE_FDW_ERROR | RC_INDEX_DELETE |
Unknown error has occurred. | ERRCODE_FDW_ERROR | RC_LOCAL_ROW_NOT_VISIBLE |
Memory is temporarily unavailable. | ERRCODE_OUT_OF_LOGICAL_MEMORY | |
Unknown error has occurred. | ERRCODE_FDW_ERROR | RC_ILLEGAL_ROW_STATE |
Null constraint violated. NULL value cannot be inserted into non-null column %s at table %s. | ERRCODE_FDW_ERROR | RC_NULL_VIOLATION |
Critical error. Critical error: %s. | ERRCODE_FDW_ERROR | RC_PANIC |
A checkpoint is in progress – cannot truncate table. | ERRCODE_FDW_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED | RC_NA |
Unknown error has occurred. | ERRCODE_FDW_ERROR | RC_MAX_VALUE |
<recovery message> | - | ERRCODE_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR |
<recovery message> | - | ERRCODE_INVALID_TABLE DEFINITION |
Memory engine – Failed to perform commit prepared. | - | ERRCODEINVALID_TRANSACTION STATE |
Invalid option <option name> | - | ERRCODEFDW_INVALID_OPTION NAME |
Invalid memory allocation request size. | - | ERRCODEINVALID_PARAMETER VALUE |
Memory is temporarily unavailable. | - | ERRCODEOUT_OF_LOGICAL MEMORY |
Could not serialize access due to concurrent update. | - | ERRCODET_R_SERIALIZATION FAILURE |
Alter table operation is not supported for memory table. Cannot create MOT tables while incremental checkpoint is enabled. Re-index is not supported for memory tables. | - | ERRCODEFDW_OPERATION_NOT SUPPORTED |
Allocation of table metadata failed. | - | ERRCODEOUT_OF_MEMORY |
Database with OID %u does not exist. | - | ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_DATABASE |
Value exceeds maximum precision: %d. | - | ERRCODE_NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT OFRANGE |
You have reached a maximum logical capacity %lu of allowed %lu. | - | ERRCODE_OUT_OF_LOGICAL MEMORY |