Manage secrets

    The reason behind this is to give you simplicity when you need to use secrets for your functions as well as to provide a layer of abstraction, as it will work for both Kubernetes and Docker Swarm.

    To create a secret from stdin, you can run:

    or use pipe instead:

    1. cat 04385e5c413c10ed68afb010ebe8c5dd706aa20a | faas-cli secret create secret-name

    If you want to pass a value then do:

    1. faas-cli secret create secret-name --from-literal="04385e5c413c10ed68afb010ebe8c5dd706aa20a"
    1. faas-cli secret create secret-name --from-file=~/Downloads/derek.pem

    You can pass —gateway flag if you'd like to create the secret for a specific OpenFaaS instance.

    From stdin:


    1. cat 04385e5c413c10ed68afb010ebe8c5dd706aa20a | faas-cli secret update secret-name
    2. cat ~/Downloads/derek.pem | faas-cli secret update secret-name

    From literal:

    1. faas-cli secret update secret-name --from-literal="04385e5c413c10ed68afb010ebe8c5dd706aa20a"

      To list secrets for an OpenFaaS instance use:


      1. faas-cli secret ls --gateway

      If you have set $OPENFAAS_URL you can use only

      1. faas-cli secret ls

      This will output:

      1. NAME
      2. secret-name1
      3. secret-name2


      1. faas-cli secret remove secret-name --gateway=