User guide for OpenFaaS Cloud

    We'll be creating a Node.js API or microservice using the . It does a HTTP redirect for a number of hard-coded routes and could be extended into a fully-functional url shortener in the future.

    You can use any of the official OpenFaaS templates, the incubator templates for Node.js and Golang, or even your own custom templates.

    If you have the language enabled, you can deploy an API or web application which can be packaged in a Docker image.

    First of all create a test repo in the GitHub UI, call it goto.

    This can be public or private.

    Install the GitHub App

    Now find your GitHub App URL. If you're using The Community Cluster, you will find that here.

    Otherwise, click Settings -> Developer Settings -> GitHub Apps. Find yours and click "Edit" and then "Install App"

    User Guide - 图1

    Pick the account you want to install it on, it should match the organisation or username where you created your repo.

    Install the GitHub App on a single repository, or if you have multiple, check each of them:

    Your GitHub repo will now send webhooks to OpenFaaS Cloud whenever:

    • there is a git push event
    • or whenever you delete a repo or remove the integration
    • Clone your repo
    1. faas-cli template store pull node10-express

    You can find other templates with faas-cli template store list

    • Create a new API
    • Rename its YAML file to stack.yml
    1. mv goto.yml stack.yml

    Now add some code to do a redirect into goto/handler.js.

    • If we hit / then we'll print an error
    • If we hit /home/ then we'll send the user to my homepage.
    1. git add .
    2. git commit -s -m "Initial commit"
    3. git push origin master

    Check the status of the build

    Now check the status of the build by viewing the Commits page.

    You will see your build queued up:

    User Guide - 图2

    Then in a few moments, you should see a pass or failure and a link you can click to find out more.

    The detailed view will provide any logs that are available from the build, this would include unit test failures or linting errors.

    User Guide - 图3

    Head over to your dashboard and prepare to log into GitHub with 2FA

    Go to:

    Replace with the OFC installation, i.e. for The Community Cluster, this will redirect you to your own personal dashboard for instance:

    If you're a member of a GitHub organisation with your visibility set to Public, then you can also view its dashboard with:

    • Enter your 2FA details if you have that enabled

    • Authorize the OAuth login User Guide - 图4

    • Checkout the overview page

    • Checkout the details page

    Click on one of the functions to view its details page.

    User Guide - 图5

    From here you can get metrics, find the latest diff, Docker image artifact and see how many replicas of the function are active.

    • View the build logs from the dashboard

    • You can also download a badge for your GitHub repo User Guide - 图6

    Now get the Endpoint for your API and then open it in a browser.

    The default behaviour with no short-path is to return an error, and the success behaviour is to redirect the browser to my homepage. So you can see after visiting these two URLs, we have a 50/50 split.

    • You can view runtime logs for your function using the "Invocation Logs" button

    Using of-watchdog (http) templates, or a plain Dockerfile, anything written to stdout will show up here.

    If you're using the classic watchdog or a legacy template, then you need to set the environment variable of combine_output: false and then to write to stderr.

    Delete your function

    There are three ways to delete your function:

    • Uninstall the GitHub App from your repository, go to the repo settings then Apps and uninstall OpenFaaS Cloud
    • Edit your stack.yml and comment out, or delete the entry for the function you no-longer require
    • Use faas-cli delete <function-name>

    The stack.yml file is filtered by the CI/CD pipeline using the and buildshiprun functions. They remove certain settings and replace them with those set for the whole cluster by the administrator.

    • Memory & CPU limits - set for the cluster
    • Secrets (these are limited to only those added by your account or organisation)
    • Read-only file-system - set for the cluster
    • Annotations - allowed are: topic, schedule,,
    • Labels - only allowed label is: com.openfaas.scale
    • Scaling - set for the cluster
    • Env-vars - not filtered
    • Registry - set for the cluster

    For more about the stack.yml file,

    It is likely that you will need to add a secret or some confidential data to your API or function.

    • Read the User Guide for Secrets for OpenFaaS Cloud. You may also have questions. There is a dedicated #openfaas-cloud channel for users on OpenFaaS Slack.