OpenShift OKD v4.13 Documentation
PodTemplate [undefined/v1]
来源 1
2023-05-22 21:55:40
API reference
API list
Editing kubelet log level verbosity and gathering logs
Authorization APIs
TokenRequest []
SelfSubjectRulesReview []
SubjectAccessReview []
About Authorization APIs
LocalResourceAccessReview []
SubjectAccessReview []
TokenReview []
LocalSubjectAccessReview []
SelfSubjectRulesReview []
LocalSubjectAccessReview []
ResourceAccessReview []
SelfSubjectAccessReview []
SubjectRulesReview []
Autoscale APIs
Scale [autoscaling/v1]
ClusterAutoscaler []
MachineAutoscaler []
About Autoscale APIs
HorizontalPodAutoscaler [autoscaling/v2]
Common object reference
Config APIs
Ingress []
ClusterOperator []
Project []
Build []
Node []
ImageContentPolicy []
OperatorHub []
Console []
FeatureGate []
Proxy []
ClusterVersion []
About Config APIs
DNS []
APIServer []
ProjectHelmChartRepository []
OAuth []
Image []
ImageTagMirrorSet []
Scheduler []
Network []
Authentication []
HelmChartRepository []
ImageDigestMirrorSet []
Infrastructure []
Console APIs
ConsolePlugin []
ConsoleExternalLogLink []
ConsoleNotification []
ConsoleLink []
ConsoleQuickStart []
ConsoleCLIDownload []
ConsoleYAMLSample []
About Console APIs
Extension APIs
ValidatingWebhookConfiguration []
About Extension APIs
CustomResourceDefinition []
MutatingWebhookConfiguration []
APIService []
Image APIs
SecretList []
ImageTag []
ImageSignature []
ImageStreamTag []
About Image APIs
ImageStream []
ImageStreamMapping []
ImageStreamImport []
ImageStreamLayers []
ImageStreamImage []
Image []
Machine APIs
ControlPlaneMachineSet []
MachineConfig []
ControllerConfig []
KubeletConfig []
ContainerRuntimeConfig []
MachineHealthCheck []
MachineSet []
MachineConfigPool []
Machine []
About Machine APIs
Metadata APIs
Event [undefined/v1]
Lease []
Event []
About Metadata APIs
ControllerRevision [apps/v1]
ComponentStatus [undefined/v1]
ConfigMap [undefined/v1]
APIRequestCount []
Namespace [undefined/v1]
Binding [undefined/v1]
Monitoring APIs
ThanosRuler []
ServiceMonitor []
PodMonitor []
Alertmanager []
PrometheusRule []
Probe []
AlertmanagerConfig []
Prometheus []
About Monitoring APIs
Network APIs
EgressQoS []
CloudPrivateIPConfig []
IPPool []
NetworkPolicy []
PodNetworkConnectivityCheck []
EgressRouter []
About Network APIs
EgressFirewall []
NetworkAttachmentDefinition []
OverlappingRangeIPReservation []
Ingress []
Service [undefined/v1]
Endpoints [undefined/v1]
Route []
EgressIP []
EndpointSlice []
IngressClass []
Node APIs
RuntimeClass []
Tuned []
Node [undefined/v1]
PerformanceProfile []
About Node APIs
Profile []
OAuth APIs
OAuthClient []
OAuthClientAuthorization []
OAuthAuthorizeToken []
About OAuth APIs
OAuthAccessToken []
UserOAuthAccessToken []
Operator APIs
KubeScheduler []
Config []
CSISnapshotController []
Network []
CloudCredential []
KubeControllerManager []
DNSRecord []
Config []
ImagePruner []
ImageContentSourcePolicy []
OpenShiftControllerManager []
ClusterCSIDriver []
Config []
OperatorPKI []
KubeAPIServer []
OpenShiftAPIServer []
Storage []
Authentication []
ServiceCA []
InsightsOperator []
Etcd []
IngressController []
Console []
KubeStorageVersionMigrator []
About Operator APIs
DNS []
OperatorHub APIs
CatalogSource []
InstallPlan []
Subscription []
PackageManifest []
OperatorCondition []
OperatorGroup []
OLMConfig []
Operator []
ClusterServiceVersion []
About OperatorHub APIs
Policy APIs
Eviction [policy/v1]
About Policy APIs
PodDisruptionBudget [policy/v1]
Project APIs
About Project APIs
Project []
ProjectRequest []
Provisioning APIs
Metal3Remediation []
HostFirmwareSettings []
BMCEventSubscription []
Metal3RemediationTemplate []
About Provisioning APIs
BareMetalHost []
PreprovisioningImage []
Provisioning []
FirmwareSchema []
HardwareData []
Role []
ClusterRoleBinding []
RoleBinding []
ClusterRole []
Role APIs
ClusterRole []
ClusterRoleBinding []
About Role APIs
RoleBindingRestriction []
RoleBinding []
Role []
Schedule and quota APIs
FlowSchema []
LimitRange [undefined/v1]
AppliedClusterResourceQuota []
PriorityClass []
ResourceQuota [undefined/v1]
PriorityLevelConfiguration []
ClusterResourceQuota []
About Schedule and quota APIs
Security APIs
CertificateSigningRequest []
PodSecurityPolicySelfSubjectReview []
SecurityContextConstraints []
CredentialsRequest []
About Security APIs
RangeAllocation []
PodSecurityPolicyReview []
Secret [undefined/v1]
ServiceAccount [undefined/v1]
PodSecurityPolicySubjectReview []
Storage APIs
CSIStorageCapacity []
VolumeSnapshotClass []
StorageState []
StorageClass []
CSIDriver []
About Storage APIs
VolumeAttachment []
VolumeSnapshotContent []
VolumeSnapshot []
PersistentVolume [undefined/v1]
CSINode []
StorageVersionMigration []
PersistentVolumeClaim [undefined/v1]
Template APIs
TemplateInstance []
Template []
PodTemplate [undefined/v1]
BrokerTemplateInstance []
About Template APIs
User and group APIs
About User and group APIs
User []
Group []
Identity []
UserIdentityMapping []
Workloads APIs
StatefulSet [apps/v1]
DeploymentLog []
BuildRequest []
Job [batch/v1]
Build []
DeploymentConfigRollback []
DeploymentConfig []
About Workloads APIs
ReplicaSet [apps/v1]
ReplicationController [undefined/v1]
DeploymentRequest []
CronJob [batch/v1]
Deployment [apps/v1]
DaemonSet [apps/v1]
Pod [undefined/v1]
BuildLog []
BuildConfig []
API compatibility guidelines
Understanding API tiers
Architecture overview
Fedora CoreOS
Control plane architecture
Understanding OKD development
Installation and update
Product architecture
Authentication and authorization
Syncing LDAP groups
Configuring OAuth clients
Understanding and creating service accounts
Using a service account as an OAuth client
Authentication and authorization overview
Using service accounts in applications
Removing the kubeadmin user
Configuring the internal OAuth server
Using RBAC to define and apply permissions
Managing user-owned OAuth access tokens
Using bound service account tokens
Understanding authentication
Managing security context constraints
Impersonating the system:admin user
Managing cloud provider credentials
Using passthrough mode
Using manual mode with GCP Workload Identity
About the Cloud Credential Operator
Using manual mode with AWS Security Token Service
Using mint mode
Using manual mode
Scoping tokens
Understanding and managing pod security admission
Understanding identity provider configuration
Configuring identity providers
Configuring an LDAP identity provider
Configuring a GitLab identity provider
Configuring an OpenID Connect identity provider
Configuring an htpasswd identity provider
Configuring a Google identity provider
Configuring a Keystone identity provider
Configuring a GitHub or GitHub Enterprise identity provider
Configuring a basic authentication identity provider
Configuring a request header identity provider
Backup and restore
Overview of backup and restore operations
Shutting down a cluster gracefully
Application backup and restore
OADP release notes
Advanced OADP features and functionalities
OADP features and plugins
Installing and configuring OADP
Installing and configuring OADP with AWS
Uninstalling OADP
Installing and configuring OADP with MCG
Installing and configuring OADP with ODF
Installing and configuring OADP with Azure
About installing OADP
Installing and configuring OADP with GCP
Backing up and restoring
Restoring applications
Backing up applications
Control plane backup and restore
Replacing an unhealthy etcd member
Backing up etcd data
Disaster recovery
Restoring to a previous cluster state
About disaster recovery
Recovering from expired control plane certificates
Restarting a cluster gracefully
Building applications
Deleting applications
Viewing application composition using the Topology view
Editing applications
Monitoring project and application metrics using the Developer perspective
Pruning objects to reclaim resources
Exporting applications
Monitoring application health
Building applications overview
Creating applications
Creating applications from installed Operators
Creating applications using the Developer perspective
Creating applications using the CLI
Understanding Deployments and DeploymentConfigs
Using deployment strategies
Managing deployment processes
Using route-based deployment strategies
Creating a project as another user
Configuring project creation
Working with projects
Resource quotas across multiple projects
Resource quotas per project
Working with Helm charts
Installing Helm
Understanding Helm
Configuring custom Helm chart repositories
Working with Helm releases
Idling applications
Using config maps with applications
Using the Red Hat Marketplace
Connecting applications to services
Exposing binding data from a service
Binding workloads using Service Binding Operator
Connecting an application to a service using the Developer perspective
Understanding Service Binding Operator
Getting started with service binding on IBM Power, IBM zSystems, and IBM LinuxONE
Getting started with service binding
Installing Service Binding Operator
Projecting binding data
Service Binding Operator release notes
Understanding image builds
Build configuration resources
Triggering and modifying builds
Using build strategies
Creating build inputs
Understanding build configurations
Managing build output
Performing advanced builds
Troubleshooting builds
Custom image builds with Buildah
Performing and configuring basic builds
Setting up additional trusted certificate authorities for builds
Securing builds by strategy
Using Red Hat subscriptions in builds
CI/CD overview
CLI tools
CLI tools overview
OpenShift CLI (oc)
Configuring the OpenShift CLI
Usage of oc and kubectl commands
Managing CLI plugins with Krew
Getting started with the OpenShift CLI
OpenShift CLI administrator command reference
Managing CLI profiles
Extending the OpenShift CLI with plugins
OpenShift CLI developer command reference
Operator SDK
Operator SDK CLI reference
Installing the Operator SDK CLI
opm CLI
Installing the opm CLI
opm CLI reference
Knative CLI (kn) for use with OpenShift Serverless
Developer CLI (odo)
Hosted control planes
Managing hosted control planes
Backup, restore, and disaster recovery for hosted control planes
Hosted control planes overview
Configuring hosted control planes
Using the Cluster Samples Operator with an alternate registry
Creating images
Image configuration resources
Configuring the Cluster Samples Operator
Using templates
Managing image streams
Triggering updates on image stream changes
Using Ruby on Rails
Using image streams with Kubernetes resources
Overview of images
Managing images
Image pull policy
Using image pull secrets
Managing images overview
Tagging images
Using images
Using images overview
Customizing source-to-image images
Installation overview
Cluster capabilities
Selecting an installation method and preparing a cluster
Validating an installation
Troubleshooting installation issues
Disconnected installation mirroring
Mirroring images for a disconnected installation
About disconnected installation mirroring
Mirroring images for a disconnected installation using the oc-mirror plugin
Creating a mirror registry with mirror registry for Red Hat OpenShift
Installation configuration
Configuring your firewall
Customizing nodes
Installing on Alibaba
Installing a cluster on Alibaba Cloud into an existing VPC
Installing a cluster on Alibaba Cloud with network customizations
Uninstalling a cluster on Alibaba Cloud
Creating the required Alibaba Cloud resources
Installing a cluster on Alibaba Cloud with customizations
Preparing to install on Alibaba Cloud
Installing a cluster quickly on Alibaba Cloud
Installing on any platform
Installing a cluster on any platform
Installing on AWS
Installing a cluster on AWS with remote workers on AWS Outposts
Installing a cluster on AWS into an existing VPC
Installing a cluster on AWS in a restricted network
Installing a cluster on AWS using CloudFormation templates
Installing a cluster on AWS with customizations
Installing a cluster on AWS with network customizations
Installing a cluster on AWS into a China region
Installing a cluster quickly on AWS
Manually creating IAM
Installing a three-node cluster on AWS
Installing a cluster using AWS Local Zones
Expanding a cluster with on-premise bare metal nodes
Uninstalling a cluster on AWS
Installing a private cluster on AWS
Preparing to install on AWS
Configuring an AWS account
Installing a cluster on AWS into a government region
Installing a cluster on AWS in a restricted network with user-provisioned infrastructure
Installing a cluster on AWS into a Secret or Top Secret Region
Installing on Azure
Installing a three-node cluster on Azure
Enabling user-managed encryption on Azure
Configuring an Azure account
Uninstalling a cluster on Azure
Preparing to install on Azure
Installing a cluster on Azure with customizations
Installing a cluster on Azure using ARM templates
Installing a cluster on Azure with network customizations
Installing a cluster on Azure into a government region
Installing a cluster on Azure into an existing VNet
Installing a private cluster on Azure
Manually creating IAM
Installing a cluster quickly on Azure
Installing on Azure Stack Hub
Installing a cluster on Azure Stack Hub using ARM templates
Uninstalling a cluster on Azure Stack Hub
Installing a cluster on Azure Stack Hub with an installer-provisioned infrastructure
Installing a cluster on Azure Stack Hub with network customizations
Configuring an Azure Stack Hub account
Preparing to install on Azure Stack Hub
Installing on bare metal
Installing a user-provisioned bare metal cluster with network customizations
Preparing to install on bare metal
Installing a user-provisioned bare metal cluster on a restricted network
Installing a user-provisioned cluster on bare metal
Scaling a user-provisioned installation with the bare metal operator
Installing on GCP
Uninstalling a cluster on GCP
Manually creating IAM
Preparing to install on GCP
Installing a cluster on GCP with network customizations
Installing a cluster on GCP into a shared VPC
Installing a cluster on GCP into an existing VPC
Installing a cluster on GCP in a restricted network
Installing a cluster on GCP in a restricted network with user-provisioned infrastructure
Installing a private cluster on GCP
Installing a cluster into a shared VPC on GCP using Deployment Manager templates
Installing a cluster on GCP with customizations
Installing a cluster quickly on GCP
Installing a three-node cluster on GCP
Configuring a GCP project
Installing a cluster on GCP using Deployment Manager templates
Installing on IBM Cloud VPC
Preparing to install on IBM Cloud VPC
Uninstalling a cluster on IBM Cloud VPC
Configuring an IBM Cloud account
Installing a private cluster on IBM Cloud VPC
Configuring IAM for IBM Cloud VPC
Installing a cluster on IBM Cloud VPC with network customizations
Installing a cluster on IBM Cloud VPC into an existing VPC
Installing a cluster on IBM Cloud VPC with customizations
Installing on Nutanix
Uninstalling a cluster on Nutanix
Installing a cluster on Nutanix in a restricted network
Preparing to install on Nutanix
Installing a cluster on Nutanix
Installing on OpenStack
Installing a cluster on OpenStack on your own infrastructure
Installing a cluster on OpenStack with customizations
Uninstalling a cluster on OpenStack from your own infrastructure
Installing a cluster on OpenStack with Kuryr on your own infrastructure
OpenStack Cloud Controller Manager reference guide
Installing a cluster on OpenStack with Kuryr
Preparing to install a cluster that uses SR-IOV or OVS-DPDK on OpenStack
Installing a cluster on OpenStack in a restricted network
Preparing to install on OpenStack
Uninstalling a cluster on OpenStack
Installing on oVirt
Installing a cluster on oVirt with user-provisioned infrastructure
Uninstalling a cluster on oVirt
Installing a cluster on oVirt with customizations
Installing a cluster quickly on oVirt
Preparing to install on RHV
Installing a cluster on RHV in a restricted network
Installing on VMC
Installing a cluster on VMC with user-provisioned infrastructure
Uninstalling a cluster on VMC
Installing a cluster on VMC with network customizations
Installing a cluster on VMC
Installing a cluster on VMC in a restricted network
Preparing to install on VMC
Installing a cluster on VMC in a restricted network with user-provisioned infrastructure
Installing a three-node cluster on VMC
Installing a cluster on VMC with customizations
Installing a cluster on VMC with user-provisioned infrastructure and network customizations
Installing on vSphere
Installing a cluster on vSphere with user-provisioned infrastructure
Configuring the vSphere connection settings after an installation
Installing a cluster on vSphere in a restricted network
Uninstalling a cluster on vSphere that uses installer-provisioned infrastructure
Installing a cluster on vSphere with user-provisioned infrastructure and network customizations
Installing a cluster on vSphere in a restricted network with user-provisioned infrastructure
Using the vSphere Problem Detector Operator
Installing a cluster on vSphere with customizations
Installing a three-node cluster on vSphere
Installing a cluster on vSphere
Preparing to install on vSphere
Installing a cluster on vSphere with network customizations
Installing bare metal clusters on IBM Cloud
Installation workflow
Deploying installer-provisioned clusters on bare metal
Post-installation configuration
Setting up the environment for an OpenShift installation
Expanding the cluster
Installing Logging
Uninstalling Logging
Viewing logs for a specific resource
About Logging
Logging with the LokiStack
Viewing cluster logs in Kibana
Updating Logging
Exported fields
Enabling JSON logging
Collecting and storing Kubernetes events
Release notes
Forwarding logs to third party systems
Viewing cluster dashboards
Configuring your Logging deployment
Configuring the log visualizer
Using tolerations to control Logging pod placement
Configuring the log store
About the Cluster Logging custom resource
Configuring CPU and memory limits for Logging components
Moving the Logging resources with node selectors
Configuring Logging storage
Configuring systemd-journald for Logging
Maintenance and support
Configuring the logging collector
Logging 5.5
Getting started with logging
Administering Logging
Understanding Logging
Logging 5.5 Release Notes
Logging 5.6
Getting started with logging
Logging Reference
Administering Logging
Understanding Logging
Configuring Logging
Logging 5.6 Release Notes
Logging 5.7
Administering Logging
Logging 5.7 Release Notes
Getting started with logging
Configuring Logging
Understanding Logging
Troubleshooting Logging
Understanding Logging alerts
Viewing Logging status
Viewing the status of the log store
Collecting logging data for Red Hat Support
Troubleshooting for Critical Alerts
Machine management
Managing user-provisioned infrastructure manually
Adding compute machines to vSphere manually
Adding compute machines to clusters with user-provisioned infrastructure manually
Adding compute machines to AWS using CloudFormation templates
Adding compute machines to a cluster on RHV
Adding compute machines to bare metal
Applying autoscaling to a cluster
Deleting a machine
Creating infrastructure machine sets
Overview of machine management
Deploying machine health checks
Modifying a compute machine set
Managing machines with the Cluster API
Manually scaling a compute machine set
Managing compute machines with the Machine API
Creating a compute machine set on AWS
Creating a compute machine set on Nutanix
Creating a compute machine set on OpenStack
Creating a compute machine set on bare metal
Creating a compute machine set on GCP
Creating a compute machine set on Azure Stack Hub
Creating a compute machine set on IBM Cloud
Creating a compute machine set on Azure
Creating a compute machine set on IBM Power Virtual Server
Creating a compute machine set on Alibaba Cloud
Creating a compute machine set on oVirt
Creating a compute machine set on vSphere
Managing control plane machines
About control plane machine sets
Control plane machine set configuration
Control plane resiliency and recovery
Disabling the control plane machine set
Using control plane machine sets
Troubleshooting the control plane machine set
Getting started with control plane machine sets
Migrating from version 3 to 4
Upgrading MTC
About MTC
Migrating your applications
Installing MTC in a restricted network environment
Migrating from version 3 to 4 overview
Differences between OKD 3 and 4
Premigration checklists
Network considerations
Advanced migration options
Installing MTC
About migrating from OKD 3 to 4
Migration Toolkit for Containers
Network considerations
Installing MTC in a restricted network environment
Migrating your applications
MTC release notes
Premigration checklists
About MTC
Advanced migration options
Installing MTC
Upgrading MTC
Troubleshooting monitoring issues
Accessing third-party monitoring APIs
Querying metrics
Enabling monitoring for user-defined projects
Monitoring bare-metal events
Managing alerts
The NVIDIA GPU administration dashboard
Configuring the monitoring stack
Managing metrics targets
Config map reference for the Cluster Monitoring Operator
Enabling alert routing for user-defined projects
Reviewing monitoring dashboards
Managing metrics
Monitoring overview
Configuring IP failover
Networking Operators overview
Accessing hosts
Developing PTP events consumer applications
Configuring the node port service range
Understanding networking
Ingress sharding
Verifying connectivity to an endpoint
Associating secondary interfaces metrics to network attachments
Configuring the cluster-wide proxy
Configuring a custom PKI
Using SCTP
Changing the cluster network MTU
Configuring the Ingress Controller endpoint publishing strategy
Understanding the Ingress Node Firewall Operator
Configuring the cluster network IP address range
Using PTP hardware
Configuring interface-level network sysctls
Understanding the DNS Operator
Configuring the Ingress Controller for manual DNS management
Load balancing on OpenStack
Understanding the Ingress Operator
About networking
Understanding the Cluster Network Operator
AWS Load Balancer Operator
Installing the AWS Load Balancer Operator on Security Token Service cluster
Creating an instance of the AWS Load Balancer Controller
Installing the AWS Load Balancer Operator
Configuring cluster-wide proxy on the AWS Load Balancer Operator
Serving Multiple Ingresses through a single AWS Load Balancer
Adding TLS termination on the AWS Load Balancer
AWS Load Balancer Operator release notes
Understanding the AWS Load Balancer Operator
Configuring ingress cluster traffic
Configuring ingress cluster traffic using a load balancer
Configuring ingress cluster traffic using load balancer allowed source ranges
Configuring ingress cluster traffic using an Ingress Controller
Configuring ingress cluster traffic using a NodePort
Configuring ingress cluster traffic on AWS
Configuring ingress cluster traffic using a service external IP
Configuring ExternalIPs for services
Configuring Routes
Secured routes
Route configuration
External DNS Operator
Creating DNS records on a public DNS zone for Infoblox
Creating DNS records on an public zone for Azure
External DNS Operator configuration parameters
Configuring the cluster-wide proxy on the External DNS Operator
Creating DNS records on an public hosted zone for AWS
Creating DNS records on an public managed zone for GCP
Understanding the External DNS Operator
Installing the External DNS Operator
Hardware networks
Configuring hardware offloading
About Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) hardware networks
Adding a pod to an SR-IOV network
Tuning sysctl settings on an SR-IOV network
Using pod-level bonding for secondary networks
Configuring an SR-IOV Ethernet network attachment
Uninstalling the SR-IOV Operator
Using DPDK and RDMA
Installing the SR-IOV Operator
Configuring an SR-IOV network device
Switching Bluefield-2 from NIC to DPU mode
Configuring an SR-IOV InfiniBand network attachment
Configuring the SR-IOV Operator
Using high performance multicast
Kubernetes NMState
Updating node network configuration
Troubleshooting node network configuration
About the Kubernetes NMState Operator
Observing node network state
Load balancing with MetalLB
Configuring MetalLB BFD profiles
Configuring MetalLB address pools
Upgrading the MetalLB Operator
MetalLB logging, troubleshooting, and support
Installing the MetalLB Operator
Advertising the IP address pools
Configuring MetalLB BGP peers
About MetalLB and the MetalLB Operator
Configuring services to use MetalLB
Advertising an IP address pool using the community alias
Multiple networks
Removing an additional network
Understanding multiple networks
Attaching a pod to an additional network
Assigning a secondary network to a VRF
Configuring an additional network
Editing an additional network
Removing a pod from an additional network
Configuring multi-network policy
About virtual routing and forwarding
Network Observability
Troubleshooting Network Observability
Understanding Network Observability Operator
Installing the Network Observability Operator
Monitoring the Network Observability Operator
API reference
JSON flows format reference
Observing the network traffic
Configuring the Network Observability Operator
Network Observability overview
Network Observability release notes
Network policy
Editing a network policy
Viewing a network policy
Creating a network policy
Deleting a network policy
Configuring multitenant isolation with network policy
About network policy
Defining a default network policy for projects
OpenShift SDN network plugin
Considerations for the use of an egress router pod
Configuring egress IPs for a project
Deploying an egress router pod in redirect mode
Configuring an egress firewall for a project
Enabling multicast for a project
Removing an egress firewall from a project
Deploying an egress router pod in HTTP proxy mode
Editing an egress firewall for a project
Deploying an egress router pod in DNS proxy mode
About the OpenShift SDN network plugin
Migrating to the OpenShift SDN network plugin
Configuring an egress router pod destination list from a config map
Viewing an egress firewall for a project
Rolling back to the OpenShift SDN network plugin
Disabling multicast for a project
Configuring kube-proxy
Configuring multitenant isolation
OVN-Kubernetes network plugin
Tracking network flows
Configuring an egress IP address
OVN-Kubernetes architecture
Enabling multicast for a project
Configuring hybrid networking
Converting to IPv4/IPv6 dual stack networking
Migrating from Kuryr
OVN-Kubernetes troubleshooting
OVN-Kubernetes traffic tracing
Logging for egress firewall and network policy rules
Assigning an egress IP address
About the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin
Configuring IPsec encryption
Viewing an egress firewall for a project
Editing an egress firewall for a project
Removing an egress firewall from a project
Migrating from the OpenShift SDN network plugin
Deploying an egress router pod in redirect mode
Disabling multicast for a project
Configuring an egress firewall for a project
Considerations for the use of an egress router pod
Rolling back to the OpenShift SDN network plugin
Controlling pod placement onto nodes (scheduling)
Placing pods relative to other pods using pod affinity and anti-affinity rules
Scheduling pods using a scheduler profile
Placing pods onto overcommited nodes
Controlling pod placement on nodes using node affinity rules
About pod placement using the scheduler
Evicting pods using the descheduler
Placing pods on specific nodes using node selectors
Controlling pod placement using pod topology spread constraints
Controlling pod placement using node taints
Overview of nodes
Using Jobs and DaemonSets
Running tasks in pods using jobs
Running background tasks on nodes automatically with daemonsets
Working with clusters
Configuring cluster memory to meet container memory and risk requirements
Configuring your cluster to place pods on overcommited nodes
Improving cluster stability in high latency environments using worker latency profiles
Setting limit ranges
Viewing system event information in a cluster
Analyzing cluster resource levels
Configuring the Linux cgroup version on your nodes
Enabling features using FeatureGates
Working with containers
Understanding containers
Allowing containers to consume API objects
Using volumes to persist container data
Using Init Containers to perform tasks before a pod is deployed
Copying files to or from a container
Using port forwarding to access applications in a container
Executing remote commands in a container
Mapping volumes using projected volumes
Using sysctls in containers
Working with nodes
Allocating resources for nodes
Allocating specific CPUs for nodes in a cluster
Remediating, fencing, and maintaining nodes
Managing the maximum number of pods per node
Working with nodes
Creating infrastructure nodes
Managing graceful node shutdown
Managing nodes
Configuring the TLS security profile for the kubelet
Freeing node resources using garbage collection
Using the Node Tuning Operator
Understanding node rebooting
Viewing and listing the nodes in your cluster
Machine Config Daemon metrics
Working with pods
Automatically scaling pods with the custom metrics autoscaler
Providing sensitive data to pods
Automatically adjust pod resource levels with the vertical pod autoscaler
Including pod priority in pod scheduling decisions
Placing pods on specific nodes using node selectors
Configuring a cluster for pods
Viewing pods
Automatically scaling pods with the horizontal pod autoscaler
Using Device Manager to make devices available to nodes
About pods
Creating and using config maps
Operators overview
Cluster Operators reference
Administrator tasks
Managing Operator conditions
Adding Operators to a cluster
Configuring OLM features
Managing platform Operators
Managing custom catalogs
Catalog source pod scheduling
Allowing non-cluster administrators to install Operators
Deleting Operators from a cluster
Using OLM on restricted networks
Configuring proxy support
Viewing Operator status
Updating installed Operators
Developing Operators
Configuring built-in monitoring with Prometheus
Defining cluster service versions (CSVs)
Installing the Operator SDK CLI
About the Operator SDK
Working with bundle images
High-availability or single-node cluster detection and support
Migrating package manifest projects to bundle format
Migrating to Operator SDK v0.1.0
Validating Operator bundles
Operator SDK CLI reference
Validating Operators using the scorecard
Complying with pod security admission
Configuring leader election
Helm-based Operators
Updating Helm-based projects
Helm support
Project layout
Hybrid Helm Operator
Getting started
Updating Hybrid Helm-based projects
Java-based Operators
Project layout
Getting started
Updating Java-based projects
Object pruning utility
Go-based Operators
Updating Go-based projects
Project layout
Getting started
Ansible-based Operators
Kubernetes Collection for Ansible
Ansible support
Custom resource status management
Project layout
Using Ansible inside an Operator
Getting started
Updating Ansible-based projects
Understanding Operators
Common terms
Operators in multitenant clusters
What are Operators?
Packaging format
Managing resources from CRDs
Extending the Kubernetes API with CRDs
Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)
Concepts and resources
Operator conditions
Dependency resolution
Operator groups
User tasks
Creating applications from installed Operators
Installing Operators in your namespace
Post-installation configuration
Preparing for users
Configuring alert notifications
Network configuration
Machine configuration tasks
Storage configuration
Configuring additional devices in an IBM zSystems or IBM LinuxONE environment
Fedora CoreOS (FCOS) image layering
Regions and zones for a VMware vCenter
Cluster tasks
Enabling encryption on a vSphere cluster
Configuring a private cluster
Bare metal configuration
Node tasks
Configuring multi-architecture compute machines on an OpenShift cluster
Converting a connected cluster to a disconnected cluster
Enabling cluster capabilities
Exposing the registry
Image Registry Operator in OKD
Registry overview
Accessing the registry
Setting up and configuring the registry
Configuring the registry for vSphere
Configuring the registry for GCP user-provisioned infrastructure
Configuring the registry for OpenStack
Configuring the registry for AWS user-provisioned infrastructure
Configuring the registry for OpenStack user-provisioned infrastructure
Configuring the registry for bare metal
Configuring the registry for Azure user-provisioned infrastructure
Configuring the registry for OpenShift Data Foundation
Scalability and performance
Using CPU Manager and Topology Manager
Improving cluster stability in high latency environments using worker latency profiles
Planning your environment according to object maximums
Low latency tuning
Workload partitioning
Requesting CRI-O and Kubelet profiling data by using the Node Observability Operator
Performing latency tests for platform verification
Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager for cluster updates
Creating a performance profile
Using the Node Tuning Operator
Managing bare metal hosts
Scheduling NUMA-aware workloads
What huge pages do and how they are consumed by apps
Recommended performance and scalability practices
Recommended infrastructure practices
Recommended etcd practices
Recommended control plane practices
Clusters at the network far edge
Challenges of the network far edge
Validating cluster tuning for vDU application workloads
Recommended single-node OpenShift cluster configuration for vDU application workloads
Updating managed clusters with the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager
Preparing the hub cluster for ZTP
Advanced managed cluster configuration with PolicyGenTemplate resources
Installing managed clusters with RHACM and SiteConfig resources
Updating GitOps ZTP
Advanced managed cluster configuration with SiteConfig resources
Manually installing a single-node OpenShift cluster with ZTP
Configuring managed clusters with policies and PolicyGenTemplate resources
Expanding single-node OpenShift clusters with GitOps ZTP
Pre-caching images for single-node OpenShift deployments
Scalability and performance optimization
Optimizing routing
Optimizing CPU usage
Optimizing storage
Optimizing networking
Security and compliance
Allowing JavaScript-based access to the API server from additional hosts
Security and compliance overview
Configuring the audit log policy
Configuring TLS security profiles
Viewing audit logs
Scanning pods for vulnerabilities
Configuring seccomp profiles
Network-Bound Disk Encryption (NBDE)
Tang server installation considerations
Disaster recovery considerations
Tang server encryption key management
About disk encryption technology
Encrypting etcd data
Compliance Operator
Understanding the Compliance Operator
Troubleshooting the Compliance Operator
Managing Compliance Operator remediation
Retrieving Compliance Operator raw results
Supported compliance profiles
Compliance Operator release notes
Tailoring the Compliance Operator
Performing advanced Compliance Operator tasks
Uninstalling the Compliance Operator
Understanding the Custom Resource Definitions
Compliance Operator scans
Updating the Compliance Operator
Using the oc-compliance plugin
Installing the Compliance Operator
Managing the Compliance Operator
Configuring certificates
Replacing the default ingress certificate
Adding API server certificates
Securing service traffic using service serving certificates
Updating the CA bundle
Container security
Securing the build process
Hardening Fedora CoreOS
Understanding container security
Container image signatures
Securing container content
Securing attached storage
Understanding compliance
Securing the container platform
Using container registries securely
Deploying containers
Understanding host and VM security
Securing networks
Monitoring cluster events and logs
File Integrity Operator
Understanding the File Integrity Operator
File Integrity Operator release notes
Updating the File Integrity Operator
Troubleshooting the File Integrity Operator
Configuring the File Integrity Operator
Performing advanced File Integrity Operator tasks
Installing the File Integrity Operator
Security Profiles Operator
Security Profiles Operator release notes
Managing seccomp profiles
Managing SELinux profiles
Uninstalling the Security Profiles Operator
Advanced Security Profiles Operator tasks
Security Profiles Operator overview
Understanding the Security Profiles Operator
Enabling the Security Profiles Operator
Troubleshooting the Security Profiles Operator
Certificate types and descriptions
etcd certificates
Monitoring and cluster logging Operator component certificates
OLM certificates
Proxy certificates
Control plane certificates
Node certificates
Service CA certificates
Aggregated API client certificates
Bootstrap certificates
User-provided certificates for the API server
User-provided certificates for default ingress
Machine Config Operator certificates
Ingress certificates
Specialized hardware and driver enablement
Node Feature Discovery Operator
Kernel Module Management Operator
Driver Toolkit
About specialized hardware and driver enablement
Storage overview
Dynamic provisioning
Understanding ephemeral storage
Understanding persistent storage
Expanding persistent volumes
Generic ephemeral volumes
Configuring persistent storage
Persistent storage using AWS Elastic Block Store
Persistent storage using Fibre Channel
Persistent storage using VMware vSphere
Persistent storage using Cinder
Persistent storage using GCE Persistent Disk
Persistent storage using FlexVolume
Persistent storage using Azure Disk
Persistent storage using NFS
Persistent storage using Azure File
Persistent storage using Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation
Persistent Storage using iSCSI
Persistent storage using local storage
Persistent storage using LVM Storage
Persistent storage using local volumes
Persistent storage using hostPath
Using Container Storage Interface (CSI)
Red Hat Virtualization CSI Driver Operator
OpenStack Cinder CSI Driver Operator
AWS Elastic Block Store CSI Driver Operator
VMware vSphere CSI Driver Operator
AliCloud Disk CSI Driver Operator
CSI volume snapshots
IBM VPC Block CSI Driver Operator
Azure File CSI Driver Operator
Azure Disk CSI Driver Operator
AWS Elastic File Service CSI Driver Operator
CSI inline ephemeral volumes
CSI automatic migration
GCP Filestore CSI Driver Operator
CSI volume cloning
GCP PD CSI Driver Operator
Shared Resource CSI Driver Operator
Azure Stack Hub CSI Driver Operator
IBM Power Virtual Server Block CSI Driver Operator
Configuring CSI volumes
OpenStack Manila CSI Driver Operator
Detach CSI volumes after non-graceful node shutdown
Managing the default storage class
Getting support
Gathering data about your cluster
Support overview
Managing your cluster resources
Summarizing cluster specifications
Remote health monitoring with connected clusters
Using Insights Operator
Using remote health reporting in a restricted network
Opting out of remote health reporting
Enabling remote health reporting
Showing data collected by remote health monitoring
About remote health monitoring
Using Insights to identify issues with your cluster
Importing simple content access entitlements with Insights Operator
Troubleshooting storage issues
Troubleshooting Windows container workload issues
Troubleshooting Operator issues
Troubleshooting CRI-O container runtime issues
Diagnosing OpenShift CLI (oc) issues
Troubleshooting installations
Troubleshooting operating system issues
Troubleshooting the Source-to-Image process
Investigating pod issues
Troubleshooting network issues
Investigating monitoring issues
Verifying node health
Updating clusters
Migrating to a cluster with multi-architecture compute machines
Preflight validation for Kernel Module Management (KMM) Modules
Updating a cluster using the web console
Updating hardware on nodes running on vSphere
Updating clusters overview
Preparing to update a cluster with manually maintained credentials
Understanding OpenShift update duration
Updating a cluster using the CLI
Preparing to update to OKD 4.13
Performing update using canary rollout strategy
Updating hosted control planes
Updating a cluster in a disconnected environment
Mirroring the OpenShift Container Platform image repository
Updating a cluster in a disconnected environment by using the CLI
About cluster updates in a disconnected environment
Using the CLI tools
About OKD Virtualization
Updating OKD Virtualization
Getting started with OKD Virtualization
Security policies
Backup and restore
Backing up virtual machines
Backing up and restoring virtual machines
Restoring virtual machines
Installing and configuring OADP
Uninstalling OKD Virtualization
Specifying nodes for OKD Virtualization components
Installing OKD Virtualization using the web console
Preparing your OKD cluster for OKD Virtualization
Installing the virtctl client
Installing OKD Virtualization using the CLI
Live migration
Live migration limits and timeouts
Virtual machine live migration
Migrating a virtual machine over a dedicated additional network
Configuring virtual machine eviction strategy
Cancelling the live migration of a virtual machine instance
Configuring live migration policies
Migrating a virtual machine instance to another node
Node maintenance
About node maintenance
Automatic renewal of TLS certificates
Managing node labeling for obsolete CPU models
Preventing node reconciliation
Support overview
Virtual machine custom metrics
Virtual machine health checks
Prometheus queries for virtual resources
Monitoring overview
OpenShift cluster checkup framework
Virtual machines
Editing virtual machines
Managing virtual machines with OpenShift Pipelines
Automating Windows installation with sysprep
Controlling virtual machine states
Viewing the QEMU guest agent information for virtual machines
Accessing virtual machine consoles
Using virtual Trusted Platform Module devices
Installing the QEMU guest agent and VirtIO drivers
Editing boot order
Creating virtual machines
Triggering virtual machine failover by resolving a failed node
Deleting virtual machines
Managing virtual machine instances
Exporting virtual machines
Advanced virtual machine management
UEFI mode for virtual machines
Automatic importing and updating of pre-defined boot sources
Specifying nodes for virtual machines
Configuring PCI passthrough
Scheduling virtual machines
Configuring certificate rotation
Using huge pages with virtual machines
Working with resource quotas for virtual machines
Configuring mediated devices
Enabling dedicated resources for a virtual machine
Configuring PXE booting for virtual machines
Enabling descheduler evictions on virtual machines
Configuring vGPU passthrough
Cloning virtual machines
Cloning a virtual machine by using a data volume template
Cloning a virtual machine disk into a new data volume
Cloning a virtual machine disk into a new block storage persistent volume claim
Enabling user permissions to clone data volumes across namespaces
Virtual machine disks
Configuring local storage for virtual machines
Uploading local disk images by using the virtctl tool
Expanding virtual storage by adding blank disk images
Re-using statically provisioned persistent volumes
Moving a local virtual machine disk to a different node
Managing data volume annotations
Uploading local disk images by using the web console
Uploading a local disk image to a block storage persistent volume claim
Cloning a data volume using smart-cloning
Hot plugging virtual disks
Reserving PVC space for file system overhead
Managing virtual machine snapshots
Using container disks with virtual machines
Expanding a virtual machine disk
Using preallocation for data volumes
Configuring CDI to work with namespaces that have a compute resource quota
Creating and using boot sources
Preparing CDI scratch space
Creating data volumes
Importing virtual machines
Importing virtual machine images with data volumes
TLS certificates for data volume imports
Virtual machine networking
Connecting a virtual machine to a service mesh
Configuring IP addresses for virtual machines
Connecting a virtual machine to an SR-IOV network
Connecting a virtual machine to a Linux bridge network
Viewing the IP address of NICs on a virtual machine
Configuring a virtual machine for the default pod network with OKD Virtualization
Accessing a virtual machine on a secondary network by using the cluster domain name
Creating a service to expose a virtual machine
Using a MAC address pool for virtual machines
Virtual machine templates
Editing virtual machine templates
Enabling dedicated resources for a virtual machine template
Creating virtual machine templates
Deleting a virtual machine template
Deploying a virtual machine template to a custom namespace
Web console
Web console overview
Adding user preferences
Accessing the web console
Creating quick start tutorials
Disabling the web console
Customizing the web console
Configuring the web console
Viewing cluster information
Dynamic plugins
Dynamic plugin example
Deploy your plugin on a cluster
Overview of dynamic plugins
Getting started with dynamic plugins
Dynamic plugin reference
What’s new?
New features and enhancements
Deprecated features
Windows Container Support for OpenShift
Understanding Windows container workloads
Windows node upgrades
Scheduling Windows container workloads
Red Hat OpenShift support for Windows Containers release notes
Using Bring-Your-Own-Host Windows instances as nodes
Removing Windows nodes
Enabling Windows container workloads
Disabling Windows container workloads
Red Hat OpenShift support for Windows Containers overview
Creating Windows MachineSet objects
Creating a Windows MachineSet object on GCP
Creating a Windows MachineSet object on Azure
Creating a Windows MachineSet object on vSphere
Creating a Windows MachineSet object on AWS