Supported compliance profiles
The Compliance Operator provides the following compliance profiles:
Profile | Profile title | Application | Compliance Operator version | Industry compliance benchmark | Supported architectures |
ocp4-cis | CIS Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4 Benchmark | Platform | 0.1.39+ | [1] | |
ocp4-cis-node | CIS Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4 Benchmark | Node [2] | 0.1.39+ | CIS Benchmarks ™ [1] |
ocp4-e8 | Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Essential Eight | Platform | 0.1.39+ |
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ocp4-moderate | NIST 800-53 Moderate-Impact Baseline for Red Hat OpenShift - Platform level | Platform | 0.1.39+ | ||
rhcos4-e8 | Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Essential Eight | Node | 0.1.39+ | ||
rhcos4-moderate | NIST 800-53 Moderate-Impact Baseline for Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS | Node | 0.1.39+ |
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ocp4-moderate-node | NIST 800-53 Moderate-Impact Baseline for Red Hat OpenShift - Node level | Node [2] | 0.1.44+ |
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ocp4-nerc-cip | North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) cybersecurity standards profile for the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform - Platform level | Platform | 0.1.44+ |
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ocp4-nerc-cip-node | North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) cybersecurity standards profile for the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform - Node level | Node [2] | 0.1.44+ |
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rhcos4-nerc-cip | North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) cybersecurity standards profile for Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS | Node | 0.1.44+ |
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ocp4-pci-dss | Platform | 0.1.47+ | | ||
ocp4-pci-dss-node | PCI-DSS v3.2.1 Control Baseline for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4 | Node [2] | 0.1.47+ |
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ocp4-high | NIST 800-53 High-Impact Baseline for Red Hat OpenShift - Platform level | Platform | 0.1.52+ |
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ocp4-high-node | NIST 800-53 High-Impact Baseline for Red Hat OpenShift - Node level | Node [2] | 0.1.52+ |
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rhcos4-high | NIST 800-53 High-Impact Baseline for Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS | Node | 0.1.52+ |
To locate the CIS OKD v4 Benchmark, go to CIS Benchmarks and type in the search box. Click on Kubernetes and then Download Latest CIS Benchmark, where you can then register to download the benchmark.