Vitals Overview

    • Use Kong Manager to view visualizations of Vitals data, including the Workspaces Overview Dashboard, Workspace Charts, Vitals tab, and Status Codes, and to generate CSV Reports.

    Vitals is enabled by default in Kong Enterprise and available upon the first login of a Super Admin.

    We don’t recommend using Cassandra with Kong Gateway, because support for Cassandra is deprecated and planned to be removed.

    You will need one of the following databases to use Vitals:

    • InfluxDB
    • PostgresSQL 9.5+

    Guidelines for viewing Vitals

    • Vitals is enabled by default and accessible the first time a Super Admin logs in.
    • Any authorized user can view Vitals for the entire Kong cluster or for a particular Workspace.
      • If a user does not have access to a Workspace, its Vitals are hidden from view.
      • If a user does not have access to Vitals data, charts will not display.

    Vitals API

    Vitals data is available via endpoints on Kong’s Admin API. Access to these endpoints may be controlled via Admin API RBAC. The Vitals API is described in the OAS (Open API Spec, formerly Swagger) file. See a sample here (downloadable file): vitals.yaml.

    View Vitals information in Kong Manager using any of the following:

    • Overview Dashboard, available from the Workspaces page for an overview of your Kong cluster, or an individual Workspace for an overview of the selected Workspace.
    • Vitals tab, which provides detailed information about your Kong cluster, including total requests, latency, and cache information.
    • Status Codes to view cluster-wide status code classes.

    Overview Dashboard

    When you log in to Kong Manager, the Workspaces page displays by default. The top of the page displays the Vitals Overview Dashboard summarizing your Kong cluster, including the health and performance of your APIs and Gateway, total requests, average error rate, total consumers, and total services. This Vitals Overview Dashboard makes it easy for an Admin to quickly identify any issues that need attention.

    Workspace charts

    On the Workspaces page, beneath the Overview Dashboard, the Workspaces section displays each Workspace with a chart showing Vitals for the most recently added services, consumers, and plugins for that Workspace. Hover over a coordinate to view the exact number of successes and errors at a given timestamp, or drilldown into the Workspace chart for more details.

    The Vitals tab, or Vitals view, displays metrics about the health and performance of Kong nodes and Kong-proxied APIs. The Vitals View displays total requests, latency, and cache information. You also can generate reports from the Vitals view.

    Options to populate the Vitals view, or areas in the chart, include:

    Status Codes

    Enable or disable Vitals

    Kong Enterprise ships with Vitals enabled by default. To enable or disable Vitals, edit the configuration file or environment variables.

    Using kong.conf

    Using environment variables

    1. Edit the configuration file to enable or disable Vitals:

    2. Restart Kong.

    3. Restart Kong.