Enable the Dev Portal

    Dev Portals are tied to workspaces. Each workspace has a separate Dev Portal instance.

    Enabling the Dev Portal exposes the following URLs:

    • The workspace’s Dev Portal URL. For example, for the workspace, the URL is: http://localhost:8003/default.
    • Dev Portal files endpoint: http://localhost:8001/files
    • Public Dev Portal files API: http://localhost:8004/files

    To enable the Dev Portal, you must first .


    1. In your Docker container, set the Portal URL and set KONG_PORTAL to :

      Replace kong-container-name with your Kong Gateway container.

    2. To enable the Dev Portal, the following property must be set in the Kong configuration file (kong.conf):

        Restart Kong Gateway for this value to take effect:

      1. Enable Dev Portal for a workspace using one of the following methods:

        Kong Manager

        1. Navigate to a workspace in Kong Manager.
        2. In the Dev Portal menu section, click Overview.
        3. Click the button to Enable Developer Portal.