Key Authentication

    Kong Gateway has a library of plugins that support the most widely used methods of API gateway authentication.

    Common authentication methods include:

    • Key Authentication
    • Basic Authentication
    • OAuth 2.0 Authentication
    • LDAP Authentication Advanced
    • OpenID Connect

    With Kong Gateway controlling authentication, requests won’t reach upstream services unless the client has successfully authenticated. This means upstream services process pre-authorized requests, freeing them from the cost of authentication, which is a savings in compute time and development effort.

    Kong Gateway has visibility into all authentication attempts, which provides the ability to build monitoring and alerting capabilities supporting service availability and compliance.

    For more information, see What is API Gateway Authentication?.

    The following tutorial walks through how to enable the Key Authentication plugin across various aspects in Kong Gateway.

    API key authentication is a popular method for enforcing API authentication. In key authentication, Kong Gateway is used to generate and associate an API key with a . That key is the authentication secret presented by the client when making subsequent requests. Kong Gateway approves or denies requests based on the validity of the presented key. This process can be applied globally or to individual services and .

    This chapter is part of the Get Started with Kong series. For the best experience, it is recommended that you follow the series from the beginning.

    Start with the introduction, , which includes tool prerequisites and instructions for running a local Kong Gateway.

    Step two of the guide, Services and Routes, includes instructions for installing a mock service used throughout this series.

    If you haven’t completed these steps already, complete them before proceeding.

    Key authentication in Kong Gateway works by using the consumer object. Keys are assigned to consumers, and client applications present the key within the requests they make.

    1. Create a new consumer

      For the purposes of this tutorial, create a new consumer with a username :

    2. Assign the consumer a key

      Once provisioned, call the Admin API to assign a key for the new consumer. For this tutorial, set the key value to top-secret-key:

      1. curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/consumers/luka/key-auth \

      You will receive a 201 response indicating the key was created.

      In this example, you have explicitly set the key contents to top-secret-key. If you do not provide the key field, Kong Gateway will generate the key value for you.

    Installing the plugin globally means every proxy request to Kong Gateway is protected by key authentication.

    1. Enable key authentication

      The Key Authentication plugin is installed by default on Kong Gateway and can be enabled by sending a POST request to the plugins object on the Admin API:

      1. curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/plugins/ \
      2. --data "name=key-auth" \
      3. --data "config.key_names=apikey"

      You will receive a 201 response indicating the plugin was installed.

      The key_names configuration field in the above request defines the name of the field that the plugin looks for to read the key when authenticating requests. The plugin looks for the field in headers, query string parameters, and the request body.

    2. Send an unauthenticated request

      Try to access the service without providing the key:

      1. curl -i http://localhost:8000/mock/request

      Since you enabled key authentication globally, you will receive an unauthorized response:

      1. ...
      2. {
      3. "message": "No API key found in request"
      4. }
    3. Send the wrong key

      You will receive an unauthorized response:

      1. HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
      2. ...
      3. {
      4. "message":"Invalid authentication credentials"
    4. Send a valid request

      Send a request with the valid key in the apikey header:

      1. curl -i http://localhost:8000/mock/request \
      2. -H 'apikey:top-secret-key'

      You will receive a 200 OK response.

    The Key Authentication plugin can be enabled for specific services. The request is the same as above, but the POST request is sent to the service URL:

    1. --data name=key-auth

    The Key Authentication plugin can be enabled for specific routes. The request is the same as above, but the POST request is sent to the route URL:

    1. curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/routes/example_route/plugins \
    2. --data name=key-auth

    If you are following this getting started guide section by section, you will need to use this API key in any requests going forward. If you don’t want to keep specifying the key, disable the plugin before moving on.

    1. Find the Key Authentication plugin ID

      You will receive a JSON response that contains the id field, similar to the following snippet:

      1. ...
      2. "id": "2512e48d9-7by0-674c-84b7-00606792f96b"
      3. ...
    2. Disable the plugin

      Use the plugin ID obtained above to PATCH the enabled field on the installed Key Authentication plugin. Your request will look similar to this, substituting the proper plugin ID:

      1. curl -X PATCH http://localhost:8001/plugins/2512e48d9-7by0-674c-84b7-00606792f96b \
      2. --data enabled=false
    3. Test disabled authentication

      Now you can make a request without providing an API key:

      1. curl -i http://localhost:8000/mock/request

      You should receive:

      Next Load Balancing