Get Kong

    This tutorial will help you get started with Kong Gateway by setting up a local installation and walking through some common API management tasks.

    This page will walk you through running Kong Gateway and verifying it with the Admin API. Once complete, the following tasks can be performed to complete the tutorial:

    • curl is used to send requests to Kong Gateway. is pre-installed on most systems
    • is used to process JSON responses on the command line. While useful, this tool is not necessary to complete the tasks of this tutorial. If you wish to proceed without jq, modify the commands to remove processing.

    Get Kong

    For the purposes of this tutorial, a quickstart script is provided to quickly run Kong Gateway and its supporting database. This script uses Docker to run Kong Gateway and a database as the backing database.

    1. This script runs Docker containers for Kong Gateway and the supporting PostgreSQL database. The script also creates a Docker network for those containers to communicate over. Finally, the database is initialized with the appropriate migration steps, and once the Kong Gateway is ready, you will see the following message:

    2. Evaluate the Kong Gateway configuration:

      The root route of the Admin API provides important information about the running Kong Gateway including networking, security, and plugin information. The full configuration is provided in the .configuration key of the returned JSON document.

      You should receive a large JSON response with Kong Gateway configuration information.
