Configuring the Defaults ConfigMap

    This ConfigMap is located in the knative-serving namespace.

    You can view the current config-defaults ConfigMap by running the following command:

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. name: config-defaults
    5. namespace: knative-serving
    6. data:
    7. revision-timeout-seconds: "300"
    8. max-revision-timeout-seconds: "600"
    9. revision-cpu-request: "400m"
    10. revision-memory-request: "100M"
    11. revision-ephemeral-storage-request: "500M"
    12. revision-cpu-limit: "1000m"
    13. revision-memory-limit: "200M"
    14. revision-ephemeral-storage-limit: "750M"
    15. container-name-template: "user-container"
    16. container-concurrency: "0"
    17. container-concurrency-max-limit: "1000"
    18. allow-container-concurrency-zero: "true"
    19. enable-service-links: "false"

    See below for a description of each property.


    The revision timeout value determines the default number of seconds to use for the revision’s per-request timeout if none is specified.

    • Global key: revision-timeout-seconds
    • Per-revision spec key: timeoutSeconds
    • Possible values: integer
    • Default: "300" (5 minutes)


    Global (ConfigMap)Per Revision

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. name: config-defaults
    5. namespace: knative-serving
    6. data:
    7. revision-timeout-seconds: "300"
    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: Service
    3. metadata:
    4. name: helloworld-go
    5. namespace: default
    6. spec:
    7. template:
    8. spec:
    9. timeoutSeconds: 300
    10. containers:
    11. - image:

    Max revision timeout seconds

    The max-revision-timeout-seconds value determines the maximum number of seconds that can be used for revision-timeout-seconds. This value must be greater than or equal to revision-timeout-seconds. If omitted, the system default is used (600 seconds).

    If this value is increased, the activator’s terminationGraceTimeSeconds should also be increased to prevent in-flight requests from being disrupted.

    • Global key: max-revision-timeout-seconds
    • Per-revision annotation key: N/A
    • Possible values: integer
    • Default: "600" (10 minutes)


    Global (ConfigMap)

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. name: config-defaults
    5. namespace: knative-serving
    6. data:
    7. max-revision-timeout-seconds: "600"

    Revision CPU request

    The revision-cpu-request value determines the CPU allocation assigned to revisions by default. If this value is omitted, the system default is used. This key is not enabled by default for Knative.

    • Global key: revision-cpu-request
    • Per-revision annotation key: cpu
    • Possible values: integer
    • Default: "400m" (0.4 of a CPU, or 400 milli-CPU)


    Global (ConfigMap)Per Revision

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. name: config-defaults
    5. namespace: knative-serving
    6. data:
    7. revision-cpu-request: "400m"
    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: Service
    3. metadata:
    4. name: helloworld-go
    5. namespace: default
    6. spec:
    7. template:
    8. spec:
    9. - image:
    10. resources:
    11. requests:
    12. cpu: "400m"

    Revision memory request

    The revision-memory-request value determines the memory allocation assigned to revisions by default. If this value is omitted, the system default is used. This key is not enabled by default for Knative.

    • Global key: revision-memory-request
    • Per-revision annotation key: memory
    • Possible values: integer
    • Default: "100M" (100 megabytes of memory)


    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. namespace: knative-serving
    5. data:
    6. revision-memory-request: "100M"

    The revision-ephemeral-storage-request value determines the ephemeral storage allocation assigned to revisions by default. If this value is omitted, the system default is used. This key is not enabled by default for Knative.

    • Global key: revision-ephemeral-storage-request
    • Per-revision annotation key: ephemeral-storage
    • Possible values: integer
    • Default: "500M" (500 megabytes of storage)


    Global (ConfigMap)Per Revision

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. name: config-defaults
    5. namespace: knative-serving
    6. data:
    7. revision-ephemeral-storage-request: "500M"
    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: Service
    3. metadata:
    4. name: helloworld-go
    5. namespace: default
    6. spec:
    7. template:
    8. spec:
    9. containers:
    10. - image:
    11. resources:
    12. requests:
    13. ephemeral-storage: "500M"

    Revision CPU limit

    The revision-cpu-limit value determines the default CPU allocation limit for revisions. If this value is omitted, the system default is used. This key is not enabled by default for Knative.

    • Global key: revision-cpu-limit
    • Per-revision annotation key: cpu
    • Possible values: integer
    • Default: "1000m" (1 CPU, or 1000 milli-CPU)


    Global (ConfigMap)Per Revision

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. name: config-defaults
    5. namespace: knative-serving
    6. data:
    7. revision-cpu-limit: "1000m"
    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: Service
    3. metadata:
    4. name: helloworld-go
    5. namespace: default
    6. spec:
    7. template:
    8. spec:
    9. containers:
    10. - image:
    11. resources:
    12. requests:
    13. cpu: "1000m"

    Revision memory limit

    The revision-memory-limit value determines the default memory allocation limit for revisions. If this value is omitted, the system default is used. This key is not enabled by default for Knative.

    • Global key: revision-memory-limit
    • Per-revision annotation key: memory
    • Possible values: integer
    • Default: "200M" (200 megabytes of memory)


    Global (ConfigMap)Per Revision

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. name: config-defaults
    5. namespace: knative-serving
    6. data:
    7. revision-memory-limit: "200M"
    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: Service
    3. metadata:
    4. name: helloworld-go
    5. namespace: default
    6. spec:
    7. template:
    8. spec:
    9. containers:
    10. - image:
    11. resources:
    12. requests:

    Revision Ephemeral Storage Limit

    The revision-ephemeral-storage-limit value determines the default ephemeral storage limit allocated to revisions. If this value is omitted, the system default is used. This key is not enabled by default for Knative.

    • Global key: revision-ephemeral-storage-limit
    • Per-revision annotation key: ephemeral-storage
    • Possible values: integer
    • Default: "750M" (750 megabytes of storage)


    Global (ConfigMap)Per Revision

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. name: config-defaults
    5. namespace: knative-serving
    6. data:
    7. revision-ephemeral-storage-limit: "750M"

    The value provides a template for the default container name if no container name is specified. This field supports Go templating and is supplied by the ObjectMeta of the enclosing Service or Configuration, so values such as {{.Name}} are also valid.

    • Global key: container-name-template
    • Per-revision annotation key: name
    • Possible values: string
    • Default: "user-container"


    Global (ConfigMap)Per Revision

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. name: config-defaults
    5. namespace: knative-serving
    6. data:
    7. container-name-template: "user-container"
    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: Service
    3. metadata:
    4. name: helloworld-go
    5. namespace: default
    6. spec:
    7. template:
    8. spec:
    9. containers:
    10. - name: user-container
    11. image:

    Container concurrency

    • Global key: container-concurrency
    • Per-revision spec key: containerConcurrency
    • Possible values: integer
    • Default: "0"


    Global (ConfigMap)Per Revision

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. name: config-defaults
    5. namespace: knative-serving
    6. data:
    7. container-concurrency: "0"
    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: Service
    3. metadata:
    4. name: helloworld-go
    5. namespace: default
    6. spec:
    7. template:
    8. spec:
    9. containerConcurrency: 0

    Container concurrency max limit

    The container-concurrency-max-limit setting disables arbitrary large concurrency values, or autoscaling targets, for individual revisions. The container-concurrency default setting must be at or below this value. The value of the container-concurrency-max-limit setting must be greater than 1.


    Even with this set, a user can choose a containerConcurrency value of zero (unbounded), unless allow-container-concurrency-zero is set to "false".

    • Global key: container-concurrency-max-limit
    • Per-revision annotation key: N/A
    • Possible values: integer
    • Default: "1000"


    Global (ConfigMap)Global (Operator)

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. name: config-defaults
    5. namespace: knative-serving
    6. data:
    7. container-concurrency-max-limit: "1000"
    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: KnativeServing
    3. metadata:
    4. name: knative-serving
    5. namespace: knative-serving
    6. spec:
    7. config:
    8. defaults:
    9. container-concurrency-max-limit: "1000"

    Allow container concurrency zero

    The allow-container-concurrency-zero value determines whether users can specify 0 (unbounded) for containerConcurrency.

    • Global key: allow-container-concurrency-zero
    • Per-revision annotation key: N/A
    • Possible values: boolean
    • Default: "true"


    Global (ConfigMap)

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. name: config-defaults
    5. namespace: knative-serving
    6. data:
    7. allow-container-concurrency-zero: "true"

    The enable-service-links value specifies the default value used for the enableServiceLinks field of the PodSpec when it is omitted by the user. See .

    This is a tri-state flag with possible values of (true|false|default).

    In environments with large number of Services, it is suggested to set this value to false. See serving#8498.

    • Global key: enable-service-links
    • Per-revision annotation key: N/A
    • Default: "false"


    Global (ConfigMap)