Configure Deployment resources

    You can view the current ConfigMap by running the following command:

    Configuring progress deadline settings allows you to specify the maximum time, either in seconds or minutes, that you will wait for your Deployment to progress before the system reports back that the Deployment has failed progressing for the Knative Revision.

    The default progress deadline is 600 seconds. This value is expressed as a Golang time.Duration string representation, and must be rounded to a second precision.

    You may want to configure this setting as a higher value if any of the following issues occur in your Knative deployment:

    • It takes a long time to pull the Service image, due to the size of the image.
    • The cluster is relies on cluster autoscaling to allocate resources for new pods.

    See the Kubernetes documentation for more information.

    The following example shows a snippet of an example Deployment Config Map that sets this value to 10 minutes:

    The following example shows how to disable tag resolution for

    You can configure queue-proxy to pause pods when not in use by enabling the container-freezer service. It calls a stand-alone service (via a user-specified endpoint) when a pod’s traffic drops to zero or scales up from zero. To enable it, set to a non-empty value. With this configuration, you can achieve some features like freezing running processes in pods or billing based on the time it takes to process the requests.

    Before you configure this, you need to implement the endpoint API. The official implementation is container-freezer. You can install it by following the installation instructions in the .