Kubernetes services

    1. Verify that you have the proper components in your cluster. To view the services installed in your cluster, use the command:

      This returns an output similar to the following:

    2. To view the deployments in your cluster, use the following command:

    These services and deployments are installed by the file during install. The next section describes their function.

    The activator is responsible for receiving & buffering requests for inactive revisions and reporting metrics to the autoscaler. It also retries requests to a revision after the autoscaler scales the revision based on the reported metrics.

    Service: autoscaler

    The autoscaler receives request metrics and adjusts the number of pods required to handle the load of traffic.

    Service: webhook

    The webhook intercepts all Kubernetes API calls as well as all CRD insertions and updates. It sets default values, rejects inconsitent and invalid objects, and validates and mutates Kubernetes API calls.

    The certmanager reconciles cluster ingresses into cert manager objects.

    Deployment: net-istio-controller

    The net-istio-controller deployment reconciles a cluster’s ingress into an Istio virtual service.

    • For a deeper look at the services and deployments involved in Knative Serving, see the specs repository.
    • For a high-level analysis of Knative Serving, see the .